IFRC presidential election nears -Head of world's largest humanitarian network to be elected-


Japanese Red Cross Society

IFRC presidential election nears -Head of world's largest humanitarian network to be elected-

Members of the global Red Cross family, the largest humanitarian network in the world, will hold their annual meeting in Sydney, Australia, Nov. 12-18.

Representatives of Red Cross National Societies from 189 countries, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will gather for one week in the southern hemisphere for a series of events, the highlight being the election of the President and the governing body of the IFRC.

That will occur during the 19th IFRC General Assembly when current President, Tadateru Konoe will seek re-election under the banner "Uniting the power of Humanity." Konoe is the President of the Japanese Red Cross and the first IFRC president from Asia.

He has promised to reinforce the capacity of National Societies and the IFRC, enhance unity among Red Cross stakeholders and strengthen humanitarian diplomacy in his second term. His opponent is Dr. Mario Villarroel Lander, current President of the Venezuelan Red Cross Society and former IFRC president who has served 2 terms from 1987.

Each member society has one vote, the result of which will be announced on 13 November.

The election will be followed by discussions of today's key humanitarian issues including the response to the vulnerabilities posed by disasters, climate change, migration, etc., and reaction to the post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The General Assembly will be followed by a meeting of the Council of Delegates, which brings together the ICRC, IFRC and National Societies, to adopt new policies and strategies on major humanitarian issues. Council decisions will help reinforce the commitment of the entire International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to work together to assist and protect people around the world. Discussion will focus on plan of actions towards the elimination of nuclear weapons, response to newly developed weapons and the interpretation of international humanitarian law.


General Assembly-- 12 November to 15 November, 2013

Council of Delegate-- 17 November to 18 November, 2013

Place: Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia

Voting:  13 November 2013

Events open to media: Please see the attached file.

For further information or to arrange interviews with the JRCS Delegation, please contact:

Asuka Suzuki, Communication Officer,

Midori Tasaka, Communication Officer

Japanese Red Cross Society

Tel: 03-3437-7071 Email: koho@jrc.or.jp




General Assembly 2009 held in Nairobi, Kenya

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