Multilingual Information Platform "Japan Finder" Launches Full-fledged Services

Japan Finder

TOKYO, May 17, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --


Multilingual Information Platform "Japan Finder" Launches Full-fledged Services

- Introduces Japan's Attractions to World, Supports Business Internationalization -

AJIS LLC based in Tokyo announced on May 16 the full-fledged launch of "Japan Finder" (, a multilingual, comprehensive information distribution platform that introduces Japan's attractions in tourism, cuisine, entertainment, business and other fields to the world in English, Chinese and Korean.

Established in 2015, AJIS will also launch "Oishii Japan" (, a multilingual shopping website that offers a variety of Japanese delicacies and exquisite products internationally. The online store, available in English and Chinese, will begin with sales to customers in neighboring Asian countries as well as foreigners living in Japan, and gradually expand to other regions overseas. It also plans to develop a system for purchases by visitors in Japan, and hopes to attract repeated patronage.

Furthermore, in collaboration with "TRAVEL JAPAN Wi-Fi," a free wireless broadband service for tourists operated by Wire and Wireless Co. of Tokyo, AJIS provides a unique tour planner function to enhance user convenience for travelers to Japan.

AJIS is also set to roll out a variety of other services, including an interpretation call service to facilitate communication between foreign tourists and shop or restaurant staff, as well as a blog and Q&A corners with information provided by foreign residents in Japan. It will also work with local governments and regional businesses to develop and offer packaged tours and other travel-related services.


In addition to the aforementioned information platform business, AJIS (acronym standing for All Japan Internationalization Solutions) is also focused on providing Japanese companies and local governments with business solutions on internationalization.

By offering solutions to facilitate services for foreigners, such as the introduction of multilingual translation, production and intermediary interpretation services as well as public relations solutions in collaboration with the media, the company is devoted to attracting tourists and other foreign customers to Japan.

At the same time, the company is also committed to fulfilling its mission to "facilitate regional revitalization and nurture ventures as well as small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)." Catering to the needs and demands of local governments and other clients, AJIS strives to contribute to internationalization across Japan by helping to create a favorable environment to attract foreign visitors to local regions, as well as supporting regional companies, ventures and other SMEs in expanding their businesses overseas.







  • 名称 株式会社Japan Finder
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 情報サービス・コンテンツ
  • URL
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