AGC Establishes Marketing Base in Myanmar


TOKYO, Apr. 6, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

AGC Asahi Glass

AGC Establishes Marketing Base in Myanmar

AGC Asahi Glass (hereinafter AGC) has opened a branch of AGC Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., which oversees the Southeast Asian region, in Yangon City, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (hereinafter referred to as "Myanmar"). Going forward, the AGC Group will strengthen its marketing activities in Myanmar.

Myanmar has continued high economic growth since the government reforms of 2011, and it is expected to continue sustainable growth in the future. In addition to the advantage of being geographically adjacent to other ASEAN countries as well as China and India, with a population of over 50 million Myanmar has high potential as a consumer market. Through AGC Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., the AGC Group is strengthening marketing activities in economically growing Asian countries. In line with such activities, the group has established the branch office in Myanmar where growth is excellent.

Under its management policy, “AGC plus”, the AGC Group aims to improve business performance and sustain growth by adding value for all stakeholders. By opening the branch office in Myanmar, the AGC Group will explore business opportunities and contribute to the development of the country.

Overview of AGC Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (Myanmar Branch)

- Representative: Shusuke Ikuta

- Location: Dagon Township, Yangon City, Republic of the Union of Myanmar

- Business: Market research, marketing

Overview of AGC Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

- Location: Singapore

- Establishment: July, 2013

- Representative: Kimikazu Ichikawa

- Business Content:

AGC Group Southeast Asia Regional Headquarters, and sales and marketing of flat glass products, chemical products, and electronic material products

About the AGC Group

AGC Asahi Glass (or also called AGC, registered company name: Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., Headquarters: Tokyo, President & CEO: Takuya Shimamura) is the parent company of the AGC Group, a world-leading glass solution provider and supplier of flat, automotive and display glass, chemicals, ceramics and other high-tech materials and components. Based on more than a century of technical innovation, the AGC Group has developed a wide range of cutting-edge products. The AGC Group employs some 50,000 people worldwide and generates annual sales of approximately 1.5 trillion Japanese yen through business in about 30 countries. For more information, please visit .






  • 名称 AGC株式会社
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 ガラス・土石製品
  • URL
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