Alfasigma: It's Vein Week from 5th to 11th of April




BOLOGNA, Italy, April 1, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- v-WIN Foundation and Alfasigma together to fight one of the leading causes of

preventable death: venous thrombosis


- Italy as the hub of an international public awareness project on venous and

lymphatic health of the legs to be presented in DUBAI during the EXPO


- An innovative geo-localization software has being launched to increase

knowledge & awareness about the disease



Venous-lymphatic World International Network foundation (v-WIN), a no profit

global organization dedicated to research and education in the venous &

lymphatic field has developed a public and health professional awareness

not-for-profit project called VEIN WEEK, entirely dedicated to vein & lymphatic

management advancement.


Logo -  


The project, connecting experts, patients & public from all around the world,

will run during the Health Week, planned from April 5th to April 11th, which

will include April 7th World Health Day. Among the supporters of the

not-for-profit educational initiative, also the Italian company Alfasigma.


A dedicated open access software has been made available for all the health

professionals and public wishing to add their own initiatives aimed at

increasing venous-lymphatic awareness. More than 200 activities have been

already added from all around the world.


These activities will follow a common calendar in which every day is dedicated

to a specific task: Monday for specialists, Tuesday for patients, Wednesday for

media, Thursday for clinical work, Friday for multi-specialty involvement,

Saturday and Sunday for social and sport initiatives promoting venous health.


The initiative has been designed and developed by a group of international top

experts representing all continents.


Among many others organizations and institutions endorsement, the initiative is

under the auspices also of the Italian Board of Physicians (FNOMCEO).


The initiative is of paramount importance considering it is dealing with

venous-lymphatic disease: a condition affecting more than half of the

population, related to venous-thromboembolism which is a leading cause of

preventable death, to lymphedema which is considered a "hidden epidemic," to

pelvic venous disorders which are considered a "not to be forgotten" condition.

All details are available on the foundation website



"Venous-thromboembolism is one of the leading causes of preventable death,

lymphedema is considered a hidden epidemic, pelvic pain potentially associated

with venous reflux is more frequent than asthma and back pain," says dr. Sergio

Gianesini, as President of Venous-lymphatic World International Network

Foundation (v-WIN Foundation), focusing on the relevance of vein & lymphatic

management advancement in particular during COVID pandemic, when these kind of

complications represent one of the most common challenges.


Geolocalization pages will remain also after the Vein Week

(  in order to share events, initiatives,

projects in this therapeutic area.


Pier Vincenzo Colli, CEO of Alfasigma declares: "Alfasigma is proud to support

Vein Week project, giving visibility to local educational and scientific

initiatives on a global level. A great number of events has already been

uploaded autonomously from all parts of the world and each of these can be

customized with videos, interviews and other presentation content."


This effort is part of the digital transformation project of Alfasigma, that

aims to develop more sustainable and digital connection all around the world.  


"The objective of Vein Week 2021 is to raise awareness of venous and lymphatic

disorders throughout the global medical community with particular focus on

regions traditionally lack healthcare resources - due to paucity of economic

parity and ongoing conflicts." affirms dr. Yung Wei Chi founder and member of

v-WIN Foundation Board who concludes "Venous and lymphatic disorder is one of

the most common healthcare conditions worldwide irrespective of the pandemic.

However the pandemic have overshadowed many other disease entities and

associated campaigns. To put it in perspective, venous and lymphatic disorder

is closely linked to the complications of COVID-19 i.e. venous thrombosis. A

dedicated campaign focusing on raising the awareness of venous and lymphatic

disorder in addition to its association with COVID complication in time of this

global pandemic is paramount to the care of those who suffered from the



v-WIN Foundation

The vWIN has been created by an idea of Sergio Gianesini, Oscar Bottini and

Yung-Wei Chi, three vein specialists working in three different universities of

three different continents, with the idea of adhering the medical and public

world together for health and science promotion. World renowned physicians and

scientists are part of the scientific committee. Venous-lymphatic World

International Network foundation (v-WIN) is a worldwide non-profit organization

dedicated to improving the management of venous and lymphatic pathology. The

foundation operates in 3 main areas of action:


- scientific research and educational activity

- humanitarian medical missions

- social and sports activities promoting venous and lymphatic health awareness;


More info on the website:



Privately owned, Alfasigma is one of the leading Italian pharmaceutical

companies, present in over 90 countries, through distributors and subsidiaries

and has a workforce of around 3,000 people, R&D laboratories, and 5 production



In Italy, Alfasigma is a leader in the market for prescription products where,

in addition to the strong focus on gastrointestinal and vascular areas, it is

present in many primary care therapeutic areas. Alfasigma also produces and

markets self-medication products, nutraceuticals and food supplements.


More information is available at the corporate website    


SOURCE  Alfasigma




