MGI COVID-19 Container Lab Put to Test, Safeguarding the World Figure Skating Championships

MGI Tech Co., Ltd.



STOCKHOLM, April 1, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The weeklong ISU World Figure Skating Championships (the Championships), an

Olympic qualification event, were held in Stockholm, Sweden in late March. The

world's top figure skaters from around the world had travelled to Sweden to

compete for the title of world champions. The event was the largest sporting

event in the country since COVID-19 pandemic.


The stakes remained high for such an international sporting event as the

trajectory of rapidly rising cases and deaths continued in many regions in the

country. The national authority took extra measures to manage the largest crowd

since pandemic. MGI's innovative COVID-19 Container Lab, a mobile COVID-testing

solution specifically designed for fast mass testing, was put to "test",

providing COVID-19 testing for all the participants attending the

Championships. All travellers, including athletes and their staff members,

needed to present a negative COVID-19 result no more than 48 hours prior to

travelling to Stockholm and a further test upon arrival. Three positive cases

were identified to date during a round of testing within the competition bubble.


According to Medical, the official appointed testing service provider, ten (10)

people were working around the clock on site to perform the tests. It was

estimated that approximately 2,500 tests would be performed during the



The mobile laboratory, built in a 12-meter shipping container, consists of

three main cabins including reagent storage, sample preparation, and testing.

The state-of-the-art Biosafety Level 2 laboratory is capable of processing

3,000 patient samples per day. The automation system, including sample

scanning, transfer and viral RNA extraction, eliminates the risk for the

laboratory technicians getting infected during the process. The easy-to-use

system only requires three technicians to manage the entire workflow, whilst a

traditional pathology laboratory would need a dozen technicians to process the

same number of samples.


The modular laboratory solution is particularly useful for the mass testing

applications, such as the airports, ports, and train stations where high

volumes of travellers need to get tested for COVID-19. Christian Lund,

Medical's project coordinator said, "it usually takes about 48 hours to get the

results but thanks to this system we can promise to our customers to deliver

results in 4.5 hours."


The fast turn-around makes it possible for the health authority to manage the

crowds safely and efficiently. The Sweden Container Lab system, supplied by MGI

Latvia, MGI's European research and development base, was delivered to

Stockholm in late January.


MGI, a member of BGI Group, is committed to enabling effective and affordable

healthcare solutions for all. Based on its proprietary technology, MGI produces

sequencing devices, equipment, consumables and reagents to support life science

research, medicine and healthcare. MGI's multi-omics platforms include

reagents, medical imaging, laboratory automation and genetic sequencing. MGI's

mission is to develop and promote advanced life science tools for future

healthcare. For more information please visit MGI website or connect us on

Twitter or Linkedin.


SOURCE  MGI Tech Co., Ltd.





