Copan, putting Covid-19 challenges behind and setting up for the post-pandemic scenario

Copan Italia SpA



BRESCIA, Italy, April 10, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


With an email to the main distributors, Copan group's CEO describes how the

ramp-up of Covid-19-related products has been concluded, and how the company is

now reorganizing to face post-pandemic challenges.


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Last Tuesday, Copan partners received an email signed by Copan's CEO Stefania

Triva herself. Certainly, it was not the first email they received from the

leader in preanalytics last year. Still, this time the communication tried to

put a full stop to pandemic-related struggles, informing about the

accomplishment of 2020 common goals and reorganizing the company and its

network for the years to come.


"We worked non-stop to expand our production," said Stefania Triva, describing

the global actions taken by the company and already explained in a video [ ] published in January. "Thanks to these efforts,

I am very proud to announce that the goal of reaching one billion of each

flocked and classic swabs produced per year has now been accomplished.

Likewise, the target of half a billion of transport media manufactured per year

is going to be reached soon." As written in the email, this represents a

pivotal role for Copan, as there's now the chance to restore product lines that

were on standby to prioritize Covid-19 related products.


Anyway, other challenges are just around the corner, as Covid-19 has been the

access point to preanalytics for new players worldwide. While the competition

in the field increased dramatically, "Preanalytics and sample quality

importance became public knowledge," she continues. The value of screening and

prevention programs has been permanently recognized, and a maintained demand

for biological collection and transport products for the following years is

foreseeable. "We believed and invested in preanalytics way earlier than

everybody else; behind our quality products, there are 40 years of expertise,

investments, scientific reliability, and a solid network of healthcare

professionals and partners to collaborate with," states Copan's CEO. This

approach has been adopted even during last year, with the release of innovative

products as UniVerse(TM), the automation that helped healthcare professionals

in processing Covid-19 samples.


Concluding, Stefania Triva is confident for the future of Copan: "We'll be able

to pick up where we left off, driving preanalytics development to cope with the

challenges of the years ahead."


Surely, across the horizon new challenges appeared, and we shall see what Copan

has in store for the future. Contact us for more details.


About Copan


Copan is dedicated to developing high-quality sample collection products for

infectious diseases, human genomics, environmental and forensic applications,

along with automated workflow solutions.


Our ideas drove 40 years of progress in the field of preanalytics, resulting in

the development of meaningful products tailored to fit any need. Among them,

our patented FLOQSwabs(R) reinvented sample collection and transport, while the

WASPLab(R) automation ecosystem revolutionized laboratory workflow.


Today, Copan is still eager to continue this innovation, providing quality

products, customized services, and prime solutions to improve patients' health.



SOURCE  Copan Italia SpA


CONTACT: Marco Barbariga, +39 3351336617,





