KDD 2021 Data Science Conference Will Convene Aug. 14 - 18, 2021




SINGAPORE, Apr. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


--Nominations Now Open for ACM SIGKDD 2021 Innovation, Service and Rising Star



--Largest International Data Science Conference Will Showcase the Latest in

Knowledge Discover and Data Mining  


The Association for Computing Machinery (


) (ACM) Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD)

today announced KDD 2021 (


), the group's flagship conference, will take place virtually Aug. 14-18. The

premier interdisciplinary data science conference, KDD 2021 will bring together

researchers and practitioners from data science, machine learning, big data and

artificial intelligence to fuel the innovation of tomorrow. Nominations for the

annual ACM SIGKDD awards, which will be announced at the conference, are being

accepted now through May 1. Based out of Singapore this year, conference

organizers are focusing on equity across time zones -- offering key content

twice, on eight-hour intervals, to cover a multitude of attendee locations.


Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/890716/KDD_Logo.jpg


"The SIGKDD executive committee is honored to have some Singapore's finest

computer science minds leading this year's virtual event," said Michael Zeller,

secretary and treasurer of the executive committee of SIGKDD. "Our volunteer

organizing committee continues to deliver an excellent conference year after

year, overcoming challenges to create an opportunity for our community to

gather and learn from each other to inform the future of research and industry

applications for data mining."


Each year, outstanding data science practitioners are honored during the

conference with SIGKDD Innovation, Service and Rising Star Awards. The

Innovation and Service Awards recognize an individual or group of collaborators

whose technical innovations in the field of knowledge discovery and data mining

have had a lasting impact, and an individual or group whose professional

services contributions to the field are remarkable. Launched in 2020, the

Rising Star Award aims to promote current SIGKDD researchers as the build their

careers, and the honoree is selected based on their whole body of work in the

first five years following completion of the Ph.D. Nominations (


) are being accepted now through May 1.


The largest and longest running data mining conference, KDD is managed by a

team of volunteers who serve as chairs for the various committees. 2021 general

co-chairs are Feida Zhu, associate professor at Singapore Management

University; Beng Chin Ooi, distinguished professor in the department of

computer science, School of Computing at National University of Singapore; and

Miao Chun Yan, chair and professor of the School of Computer Science and

Engineering at Nanyang Technology University. Zhu is a founding director of two

major data analytics joint labs with industrial giants at the School of

Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University. His

research in data mining, machine learning, blockchain and data asset, with

emphasis on their application to business, financial and consumer innovation

lends itself well to his leadership role on the KDD 2021 organizing committee.


"KDD is one of the only academic conferences of this caliber to also focus on

the applications for big data and data science," said Zhu. "I'm excited to

apply the lessons we learned at KDD 2020, our first fully virtual conference,

to this year's digital gathering as we seek to increase accessibility and

engagement for all participants. In particular, this year's KDD will allow

registered participants to access accepted papers together with their

presentation slides and videos one month before the actual conference, and

interact with authors on KDD 2021 virtual platforms.  Besides a list of

world-renowned keynote speakers and invited industrial talks, KDD 2021 will

also feature a variety of theme days, over 40 workshops, tutorials and "Equity,

Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)" events."


The renowned KDD Cup is now open to competitors and includes a multi-dataset

time series anomaly detection (


) contest, OGB large-scale graph ML (


) challenge, and the city brain challenge (


). The winner will be announced June 15.


For more information about KDD 2021, visit https://www.kdd.org/kdd2021/.



ACM is the premier global professional organization for researchers and

professionals dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of

knowledge discovery and data mining. SIG is ACM's Special Interest Group on

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. The annual KDD International Conference on

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining is the premier interdisciplinary conference

for data mining, data science and analytics.  


For more information on KDD 2021, please visit: https://www.kdd.org/kdd2021/


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CONTACT: Havas Formula for KDD 2021






