Dataiku Introduces Integration With Snowflake to Enable Support for Advanced Data Functions




NEW YORK, June 10, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Dataiku also announces participation in Snowpark, a new developer experience

from Snowflake


Dataiku( ), the world's most advanced Enterprise AI

platform, today announced an integration with Snowflake's( ) Snowpark and Java user defined functions (UDFs), a

new developer experience for Snowflake, following the announcement of both at

Snowflake Summit. By adding support for Java user defined functions (UDFs) now

supported by Snowflake, Dataiku continues to lead in push down computation;

with Snowpark, Snowflake and Dataiku will enable data engineers, data

scientists, and developers who prefer other languages to take advantage of

Snowflake's powerful platform capabilities and the benefits of Snowflake's Data



With the Java UDF integration, Dataiku users can now take better advantage of

Snowflake for more operations –– visual data preparation users can now push

down the computation of more visual recipes to the Snowflake engine, and

scoring can also take place directly in Snowflake. Both areas can then take

advantage of the elastic scale of Snowflake, so organizations can operate on

larger datasets, work faster, and only pay for what they need. Pushdown also

minimizes data movement so data stays in Snowflake, which enhances data

security and relieves compliance concerns. With Snowpark, users will also see

an increase in functionality and more access for developers — so that more

developers in the enterprise can build services to interact with Snowflake

services, while making the most of Dataiku's platform for advanced analytics at



"Dataiku was designed to natively leverage the compute power of data platforms.

The release of Snowflake's Snowpark & Java UDFs allows us to expand our

existing pushdown support from SQL to more advanced functions in both data

preparation and predictive scoring directly in Snowflake. This gives our users

the ability to optimize the processing of their AI applications in Snowflake,"

said JC Raveneau, Senior Director, Product Management at Dataiku.


"Snowflake is known for its performance, scalability, and concurrency. Before

Snowpark and Java UDFs, interaction with Snowflake was mostly through SQL,"

said Isaac Kunen, Senior Product Manager at Snowflake. "These features enable

customers to create and manage more workflows entirely within Snowflake's Data

Cloud, without the need for additional processing systems — advancing

Snowflake's mission to mobilize the world's data, and giving more users the

ability to achieve powerful data insights with Snowflake's Data Cloud.

Partnering with Dataiku, a company that shares this vision to democratize data

insights, will benefit joint customers with accessible and integrated analytics



Snowpark and Java UDF are in preview for Snowflake customers and will be

available for public preview very soon.


About Dataiku


Dataiku( ) is the world's leading AI and machine

learning platform, supporting agility in organizations' data efforts via

collaborative, elastic, and responsible AI, all at enterprise scale. Hundreds

of companies use Dataiku to underpin their essential business operations and

ensure they stay relevant in a changing world, including models driving fraud

detection, customer churn prevention, predictive maintenance, supply chain

optimization, and much more. Dataiku is built for companies looking to

democratize AI across their organization, bringing agility and preparedness to

the business through the use of data by everyone from analysts to data



SOURCE  Dataiku




