Far More Than Walmart China -- How VeChain Leads Blockchain Adoption in the Food Industry Around the Globe




SHANGHAI, June 28, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


The rippling impact from COVID-19 continues to add new daily challenges to the

food & beverage industry, including trust issues from the consumers' end and

the disruption of global supply chains. The pandemic highlighted the failings

of the current, highly inefficient traceability systems we depend on as a

global society.


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Blockchain technology represents a paradigm shift in the world of supply chain

and is quickly showing itself to be the most effective method available to

solve the aforementioned problems, as well as delivering new, unique

capabilities for enterprises and consumers.


VeChain has been accumulating use cases in this area since 2019. From powering

big names in the industry to helping countless farmers and suppliers streamline

their management systems.


Below, we summarize Top 10 real commercial examples of public blockchain use

cases in the food industry, the first of their kind, but certainly not the last.


Case 1: Walmart China takes on food safety with VeChain

The Walmart China Blockchain Traceability Platform, built on the VeChainThor

Blockchain, was announced at the 2019 'China Products Safety Publicity Week

Traceability System Construction Seminar'. Read more (




Case 2: Walmart China brings together Sam's Club and VeChain to take one step

further towards food safety traceability platform

Sam's Club China, a membership-only premium shopping chain owned by Walmart

China deployed the Sam's Club Blockchain Traceability Platform. Read more (




Case 3: VeChain, DNV and Norway in a Box announced partnership

VeChain, DNV and Norway in a Box worked together to build a new service on My

Story(TM), a trust platform built to empower customers and businesses alike.  

Read more (




Case 4: VeChain, ASI Group and DNV, announced FoodGates on the 2nd CIIE

FoodGates is the world's first intercontinental food solution built fully

powered by a public blockchain with verified and certified information of the

full lifecycle of products being tracked. Read more (




Case 5: VeChain became the sole public blockchain protocol of the APAC

Provenance Council

The APAC Provenance Council was established to integrate blockchain technology

into food supply chain finance for Australia-China trades. The core founding

members included VeChain. Read more (




Case 6: VeChain enables Producers Market to trace agriculture products

Powered by VeChain, the StoryBird application allows agricultural producers,

processors, packers, distributors, brands and other added-value stakeholders

and access global markets. Read more (




Case 7: VeChain powers Producers Market to onboard KnowSeafood

U.S. Seafood Import Platform KnowSeafood announced its implementation of

Producers Market's powerful transparency application, StoryBird. Read more (




Case 8: VeChain powers the lifecycle management of Australia premium beef

producer Latitude 28

A branded premium meat supplier in Western Australia named L28 joined hands

with VeChain to develop a meat traceability solution. Read more (




Case 9: VeChain joined the China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance

CAFA is a government-backed organization directly under the Chinese National

Agricultural Science Technology Innovation Alliance and was initiated by the

Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. Read more (




Case 10: VeChain enables Bright Foods to take A Monumental Step On Their

Objective To Digitise Their Entire Inventory And Supply Chain

The "Cupids Farm" milk brand, produced by Bright Food, became the first of many

food and beverage products to go live on the BrightCode platform. VeChain makes

it possible for companies to monitor the entire lifecycle of their products and

collect data in real-time with all data collected verified. Read more (




About VeChain

Launched in 2015, VeChain Technology is a global leading enterprise-friendly

blockchain company which aims to connect blockchain technology to the real

world by providing enterprises with blockchain-enabled solutions suited to

their business needs. It offers VeChain ToolChain(TM), a low-code

blockchain-based SaaS platform that allows enterprise clients to rapidly build

and drive digital transformation on a global scale, enabling the evolution of a

trust-free and a distributed ecosystem.


VeChain is a pioneer of real-world blockchain applications, with international

offices in China, Singapore, Luxembourg, Japan, France, Italy and the United

States. With strong independent development capabilities, combined with the

professional compliance guidance of our strategic partners, PwC and DNV,

VeChain has established partnerships with many leading enterprises in various

industries, including Walmart China, Bayer China, BMW Group, BYD Auto, PICC,

Shanghai Gas, LVMH, D.I.G, ASI Group etc. Website: www.vechain.com  


SOURCE:  VeChain


CONTACT: News contact: press@vechain.com

         Business contact: bd@vechain.com




