Xinhua Silk Road: SE. China's Quanzhou to build significant gateway city of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

Xinhua Silk Road

AsiaNet 90442


BEIJING, July 2, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Based on advantages in history, location, industry and humanities, the city of

Quanzhou in southeast China's Fujian Province, vows to build itself into a

significant gateway city of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road( ), according to the city's 14th Five-Year Plan

(2021-2025) for Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives

Through the Year 2035 released recently.


The city plans to build an important hub for interconnection, an important

platform for economic and trade( )

cooperation and an important link for cultural exchanges, promoting reform,

development and innovation through opening-up, and creating new advantages in

international cooperation and competition.


In terms of developing a new channel for Maritime Silk Road( ) connectivity, Quanzhou will build a comprehensive

international logistic hub that integrates highway, railway, and sea

transportation, connecting the city with central and western regions in China

and the Belt and Road( ) (B&R) countries.


Meanwhile, by strengthening cooperation with ASEAN, the Middle East, Africa and

other countries and regions, replicating and promoting the reform experience of

pilot free trade( ) zones,

accelerating the integration of cross-customs clearance, and fully implementing

the pre-establishment national treatment and negative list management system

for foreign investment( ),

Quanzhou plans to comprehensively improve the level of opening-up.


The promotion of people-to-people bond also takes a part in Quanzhou's

development outline. The city vows to support overseas Chinese businessmen and

local private enterprises to jointly hold B&R related international exchange

activities, and promote the construction of overseas Chinese investment( ) projects.


In addition, the city also calls for expanding cultural exchanges and

cooperation with the countries and regions in Europe, Arab and Southeast Asia,

and continues to expand the city's circle of global friends.


It is noted that Quanzhou's GDP reached 1.015 trillion yuan in 2020, ranking

first in Fujian Province for 22 consecutive years, and it is expected to

achieve 1.5 trillion yuan in GDP by 2025.


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SOURCE  Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo shows foreign merchants visiting Chinese porcelain products in Dehua

county, Quanzhou city in southeast China's Fujian Province.








