Xinhua Silk Road: International New Materials Industry Conference kicks off in Bengbu in E. China's Anhui

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, July 19, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The International New Materials Industry Conference, sponsored by Anhui

Provincial People's Government and the International Commission on Glass (ICG),

kicked off on Friday in Bengbu, east China's Anhui Province.


Themed on "New materials, New energy, New life", the conference attracted more

than 1,700 delegates including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, persons in charge of new material

industry-related associations, executives from the leading enterprises in the

field of new material and financial investment institutions.


In recent years, Anhui Province has accelerated the development of the new

material industry, said Wang Qingxian, Governor of Anhui Province in his speech

during the opening ceremony of the conference, adding that during the 14th

Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025, the development of the new material

industry is expected to embrace profound changes, and the new material

technology is accelerating towards intelligent development.


Huang Xiaowu, secretary of the CPC Bengbu Municipal Committee, gave a detailed

introduction to Bengbu's new material industry from the aspects of industrial

foundation, R&D platform, and innovative achievements, and pointed out that

holding the International New Materials Industry Conference is an important

opportunity for attracting both investments and talents. The conference will

become an important platform to enhance the visibility and reputation of the



At the opening ceremony, new material industry projects of 14 cities in Anhui

Province were signed.


It is learned that three industrial cooperation docking activities and one

technology and financial element docking activity will be held after the

opening ceremony, and an exhibition activity will be held during the

conference, showing the cutting-edge technological achievements in the

development of the new material industry.


Bengbu will give full play to the driving role of this high-standard

international platform, accelerate the development of new material industry,

and build a high-end communication platform, result release platform and

industrial capital trading docking platform for the new material industry.


See the original link:


SOURCE: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo shows the project signing ceremony held during the International New

Materials Industry Conference in Bengbu, east China's Anhui Province, July 16,





