The Discovery of the Tomb of Khonsuemheb

WASEDA University


Information & Public Relations,Waseda University

The Discovery of the Tomb of Khonsuemheb

A Japanese mission from Waseda University's Institute of Egyptology, under the

direction of Prof. Jiro Kondo, discovered a new private tomb in the el-Khokha

area of the Theban necropolis, across the Nile from Luxor. The tomb, which is

beautifully decorated and very well preserved, probably dates to the Ramesside

period, judging from stylistic elements. The owner of the tomb is Khonsuemheb

(xnsw-m-Hb), who was called Chief of the Workshop for Mut (Hry Sna n mwt)

and Chief Brewer of the Temple of Mut (Hry atxw n pr-mwt). His wife was

Mutemheb (mwt-m-Hb) and had the title Singer of Mut (Smayt nt mwt).

Their daughter was Isetkha (Ast-xa), also called Singer of Mut (Smayt nt mwt).

The tomb was discovered while the Japanese team was cleaning the forecourt of

the tomb of Userhat (wsr-HAt, TT 47), overseer of the king's private apartment

(imy-r ipt-nswt) under Amenhotep III. The tomb of Khonsuemheb is connected

to an unfinished tomb hewn in the southern wall of the forecourt of Userhat's

tomb, and has a T-shaped plan. Most of the walls and ceiling of the transverse

hall are decorated. On the side wall of the northern part of the transverse hall,

the tomb owner Khonsuemheb, his wife Mutemheb, and his daughter Isetkha

are represented as statues. Several different motifs representing Khonsuemheb

and his family are painted on the walls of the transverse hall. Noteworthy is the

scene of the funeral procession for the burial of Khonsuemheb, which also depicts

the ritual to the mummy of Khonsuemheb by his son in front of his tomb. The

tomb is crowned with a pyramid. In the center of the ceiling are the solar boat,

the text of the Hymn to the Sun God, and two figures of Khonsuemheb making

adoration.It is hoped that future exploration of this tomb will reveal more details

about the tomb decoration and the burial of Khonsuemheb.



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