◎創業150年の記録を公開  ラム酒の老舗バカルディ


◎創業150年の記録を公開  ラム酒の老舗バカルディ

AsiaNet 49648

共同JBN 0793 (2012.6.12)

◎創業150年の記録を公開  ラム酒の老舗バカルディ

【ハミルトン(バミューダ)2012年6月12日PRN=共同JBN】バカルディ社(Bacardi Limited)は創業150年祝賀行事の一つとして、「バカルディ・アーカイブ(The Bacardi Archive)」が保管してきた特有な遺産を垣間見る特別の機会を分け与えることにした。そこには150年を超える会社、一族、アイコニックブランドの貴重な文書、本物の歴史的資産、ときに気まぐれな工芸品が含まれている。類まれな展示会では、ラムブランド「バカルディ(BACARDI、登録商標)」の驚くべき創造、150以上の国際市場拡大により世界で好まれ、最高の500近いメダルを授与されたこと、さらに、逆境を乗り越えて生き残り世界最大の株式非公開スピリッツ・メーカーになるという大きな成功を収めた豊かな社史を見ることができる。



(Photo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/MM18390








英語、スペイン語、フランス語、オランダ語、ドイツ語で書かれた600冊近い稀覯文献、カクテルブックのコレクションが書棚を埋めている。カクテル作りが上手なバーテン、ミクソロジストは1862年に出版された「米ミクソロジーの父」ジェリー・トーマスの「How to Mix Drinks or The Bon Vivant's Companion」など古典に言及することが多い。この年はバカルディ・ラムが誕生した年でもあり、ラ・レイ・モハダのモヒート・カクテルにバカルディ・ラムが使われたことを示す最古級レシピの記録でもある。

「カクテル作りの芸術に関する珍しくて面白い本はバカルディ・アーカイブで見つかる。これら歴史本の多くは、バカルディ・ラムを特定するレシピを扱っている。1920年代にカクテル作りの水準を上げ、ハバナで最も尊敬されたバーテンダーのカクテルレシピ本「Manual del Cantineros(バーテンダーガイド)」などで、バカルディ・ラムのレシピだけの章もある。バカルディが今日まで、われわれがたしなむクラシック飲料の多くに影響を与えたからだ」とバカルディ・ラムのブレンドマスター、デービッド・シド氏は述べた。さらに「私はインスピレーションを得て学習するためにアーカイブにやって来る。とりわけ、創造的な若返り、新世代に紹介するクラシック・カクテルレシピを探す本を引用するために。バカルディ・ラムが、いかに消費者が愛してやまないおいしいカクテルの中心にいるのかバーテンダーたちに話し、品質の革新、責任の豊かな遺産を示すためだ」と付け加えた。


1890年代にさかのぼるバカルディ・コウモリの知られている初期の絵画版はキューバからの皮に描かれた油絵である。バカルディ・ラムのキャッチフレーズ「El Ron del Murcielago(コウモリのラム)」からアイデアを得たものだ。創業者夫人は1862年のサンティアゴデクーバの初期蒸留所のたるきにオオコウモリの一群を発見したため、覚えやすいシンボルとしてコウモリを選んだ。スペインのシッチェスにある郷里では長年、コウモリが健康、幸運、家族団結の象徴とみなされ、キューバ先住民も同じようにみていた。コウモリは間もなく、ラムの真正と最高品質のシンボルになった。現在、バカルディ・コウモリは世界でも認知度が最大級のロゴになっている。














▽バカルディ(Bacardi Limited)について

バカルディは世界最大手の非上場スピリッツ・メーカーであり、国際的に知られたスピリッツとワインを製造、販売している。バカルディのブランド・ポートフォリオは、200のブランドとラベルで構成され、世界で好まれよく知られた製品をそろえている。その中には世界で最も好まれ多数の受賞歴を持つバカルディ(BACARDI、登録商標)ラム、最高級ウオツカの世界リーダーであるグレイグース(GREY GOOSE、登録商標)、米国で最も売れ筋のブレンド・スコッチウィスキーであるデュワーズ(DEWAR’S、登録商標)、世界でトップ評価を受け急速に伸びている最高級ジンのボンベイ・サファイア(BOMBAY SAPPHIRE、登録商標)、ベルモットの世界リーダーであるベルモットとスパークリングワインのマルティーニ(MARTINI、登録商標)、メキシコ最高級の100%ブルーアガヴェのテキーラで、米国で最も売れているテキーラのカサドレス(CAZADORES、登録商標)、世界で急速に伸びているウオツカであるエリストフ(ERISTOFF、登録商標)ウオツカ、その他有力で伸び盛りのブランドが含まれている。バカルディは1862年2月4日にキューバのサンティアゴデクーバで設立され、過去7世代にわたり家族が所有している。バカルディは6000人近くを雇用し、4大陸の16市場にある27施設でブランドを製造し、世界150カ国以上で販売している。バカルディはバカルディ・インターナショナル(Bacardi International Limited)を含むバカルディ企業グループ。http://www.BacardiLimited.comを参照。

ソース:Bacardi Limited


Patricia M. Neal


Amy Federman



150 Years Of The Bacardi Archive Revealed


HAMILTON, Bermuda, June 12, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Bacardi shares rare look into archive to showcase 150-year rise of iconic

             rum brand from beginnings in Cuba to world's favorite rum -

As part of its 150th anniversary celebration, Bacardi Limited shares an

extraordinary glimpse into the unique heritage safeguarded in The Bacardi

Archive of more than 150 years of precious documents, authentic historical

assets and sometimes quirky artifacts about the Company, family and iconic

brand. This rare look showcases the BACARDI(R) rum brand's remarkable creation

and international expansion to more than 150 markets to become the world's

favorite and most awarded rum with nearly 500 medals, as well as the rich

history of the Company's survival through adversities and critical success to

become the world's largest privately-held spirits company.

To view the multimedia content associated with this release, please click:


(Photo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120612/MM18390)

"The Bacardi Archive started with a shoe box of slides in 1998. The task to

reconstruct our history was monumental because 98 years of assets were

destroyed, scattered around the world with family members, or left when the

Company's Cuban assets were confiscated in 1960 by revolutionary forces," says

Bacardi Archivist Patty Suau. "In a little more than a decade, we have been

able to re-acquire some of the most interesting pieces of our past. We have a

remarkable heritage highlighted with creative marketing campaigns during the

U.S. Prohibition era, a starring role in the 'golden age of cocktails,' and

international growth while in exile after the Cuban Revolution - all under

seven generations of family ownership."

Fourteen years later and hundreds of thousands of hours of meticulous

documentation, The Bacardi Archive houses more than 30,000 catalogued assets

that date back as far as the 1850s - original documents from the founding of

the Company, replicas of the original distillery and first Alembic still, early

representations of the Bacardi bat logo, medals awarded since the 1870s for

taste and quality, more than a century of newspaper articles, bat-themed

jewelry from cuff links to necklaces, decades of broadcast and print ads,

one-of-a-kind promotional items including pins and coasters, Prohibition-era

branded glassware, antique BACARDI rum bottles, a collection of limited-edition

blends for special occasions such as the turn of the millennium, and an

extensive Latin American art collection, among other precious items.

"We have an amazing heritage that tells the story of a pioneering spirit that

not only defines, but helped create a cocktail culture that began with my

great-great grandfather in 1862 in Santiago de Cuba," says Facundo L. Bacardi,

Chairman of Bacardi Limited and a fifth generation Bacardi family member. "The

Bacardi Archive captures our heritage and offers a connection to the resilient

spirit of the Bacardi family, the Company, and the world-favorite BACARDI rum."

The Bacardi story has its humble beginnings in Cuba where founder Don Facundo

Bacardi Masso pioneered techniques such as the use of superior quality

sugarcane molasses and the isolation of a strain of yeast for controlled

fermentation and flavor consistency. He purposefully filtered, mellowed and

blended rums to deliver specific flavors, aromas and smoothness - resulting in

rum as we know it today. As a light-bodied, mixable rum, BACARDI inspired many

of the world's favorite cocktail recipes including the Cuba Libre, the

Daiquiri, the Mojito and the Pina Colada.

"From our founding in Cuba to now being the third-largest international spirits

company in the world, Bacardi has an incredible history and authenticity that

connects directly with consumers around the world," says Ed Shirley, President

and CEO of Bacardi Limited. "We remain committed to our heritage as for the

past 150 years Bacardi has fostered a dynamic culture of passion, excellence

and an entrepreneurial spirit with the goal to create great-tasting cocktails.

When a consumer asks for BACARDI rum, they know they are getting a quality

drink with a great story backed by a family name and unwavering commitment to

innovation, excellence and authenticity."

The Bacardi Archive provides snapshots in time of the growth and perseverance

of both the Company and its namesake brand. Some of the artifacts in The

Bacardi Archive include:

Antiquarian Cocktail Book Collection

Nearly 600 rare antique reference and cocktail books written in English,

Spanish, French, Dutch and German fill its shelves. Visiting mixologists often

refer to such classics as How to Mix Drinks or The Bon Vivant's Companion by

"the father of American mixology" Jerry Thomas, published in 1862, the year

BACARDI rum was created, as well as one of the earliest known recorded recipes

to specify the use of BACARDI rum for the Mojito cocktail in La Ley Mojada (The

Wet Law).

"Some of the rarest and most interesting books on the fine art of

cocktail-making can be found in The Bacardi Archive. Many of these historic

books feature recipes that call specifically for BACARDI rum, such as in the

coveted Manual del Cantineros (Bartenders Guide), a cocktail recipe book

created by the most respected barmen in Havana to raise the standards of

cocktail-making in the 1920s. It has an entire section of BACARDI rum recipes

as BACARDI inspired many of the classics we drink to this day," adds Brand

Master for BACARDI rum David Cid. "I come to the archive for inspiration, to

learn, and above all, for creative rejuvenation as I refer to these books often

to seek classic cocktail recipes to introduce to a new generation, as well as

when I speak with bartenders to show the rich legacy of innovation, commitment

to quality and how BACARDI rum is at the heart of the great-tasting cocktails

consumers love."

Earliest Known BACARDI Bat

Dating back to the 1890s, a painted version of one of the earliest known

versions of the BACARDI Bat is from a Cuban, oil-on-leather painting, inspired

by the commonly used term for BACARDI rum "El Ron del Murcielago" (The Rum of

the Bat). The founder's wife chose the bat as a memorable symbol after finding

a colony of fruit bats in the rafters of the original distillery in Santiago de

Cuba in 1862. In their hometown near Sitges, Spain, the bat had long been

regarded as a symbol of health, good fortune and family unity, a belief also

shared by indigenous people of Cuba. The bat soon became a symbol of

authenticity and the highest quality of rum. Today, the BACARDI Bat is one of

the most recognizable logos in the world.  

BACARDI Rum Bottle Collection

A collection of more than 1,000 BACARDI rum bottles as far back as the 1900s

filled with BACARDI dark and white rums showcase some of our oldest bottles

ever produced. When the Company was established in 1862, BACARDI rum was not

sold in bottles, but rather straight from the barrel into various containers

brought by customers, as glass was not readily available in Cuba during this

time. One of the most interesting bottles was donated by Chairman Facundo L.

Bacardi. The 1930s bottle contains the original wrapping which served as

protection to endure the transit and as a unique form of advertising. The

multilingual ad describes BACARDI as Cuba's favorite rum and notes its superior


Another treasure is a pre-Cuban Revolution BACARDI Superior bottle donated by

the owner of Mai-Kai Restaurant, a landmark establishment in South Florida

known for its variety of rum-based cocktails. The then-bar owner stocked up on

BACARDI rum cases in the late 1950s as he feared the precious rum would not be

available after the Cuban Revolution. Fifty years later, a pre-1960 bottle was

found and donated to The Bacardi Archive by his son after it was discovered in

a warehouse with written instructions "never to touch." Many items in The

Bacardi Archive arrive by way of donation after people come across these

historic finds as they remodel homes or clean out attics as many people stashed

BACARDI away for safe keeping.

Original Gold Medals & Spain Royal Warrant

Awarded for its superior taste, quality and innovative distillation techniques,

the BACARDI rum portfolio received the world's most prestigious medals of honor

within its first 52 years, including in 1888 being appointed "Purveyor to the

Royal Spanish Household" by the Regent Queen Christina Maria, mother of the

King of Spain Alfonso XIII. If you look on any BACARDI Superior bottle you will

see the first eight medals and the Spanish Coat of Arms Royal Warrant. Since

then, BACARDI rum has won close to 500 awards.

1880s: The Start of Innovative Advertisements

An extensive collection of nearly 3,000 vintage BACARDI rum print

advertisements includes the first known advertising for BACARDI rum, which were

actually postcards. These date back to the late 1890s when large numbers of

U.S. Servicemen were stationed in Cuba. As there was no standard bottle at the

time, Bacardi launched a postcard campaign featuring the scenic beauty of its

hometown of Santiago de Cuba for Americans to mail to the U.S. This was the

first time American consumers were exposed to the BACARDI brand name, and the

first sign of the brand's global potential. Another innovative marketing

campaign was in the 1920s U.S. Prohibition era. Ads for spirits were illegal in

the U.S. from 1919-1933, so BACARDI created a memorable postcard to depict the

classic American symbol of Uncle Sam holding a cocktail, flying away from the

"dry" U.S. to a "wet" Cuba on the wings of a bat. It was given away to American

tourists visiting Cuba who in turn mailed the postcard to family and friends in

the U.S.

Cuban Revolution

October 14, 1960 marks the day of illegal confiscation without compensation of

Bacardi company assets in Cuba. Among items from this date, the archive houses

the front page of the Cuban daily newspaper which declares the taking of

Bacardi, company letterhead featuring the words 'nacionalizada' and the bat

logo turned sideways, to denote it was seized, as well as the forced

confiscation order of Bacardi - after 98 years of operation in Cuba. Despite

the horrific loss of its Cuban assets and homeland in 1960, the act of the

illegal confiscation triggered the Bacardi family, company and brand to regroup

and accelerated expansion to more international markets as it was already

operating distilleries outside of Cuba in Mexico and Puerto Rico. Twenty years

later, BACARDI rum became the world's top-selling premium spirit brand.

The Bacardi Archive Continues to Grow

With ongoing donations by Bacardi family members and consumers alike, coupled

with acquisitions by the Company, The Bacardi Archive continues everyday to

build the amazing 150-year legacy of its founding, determination, innovation,

growth and iconic brands. To learn more about Bacardi heritage including why a

signature graces every bottle of BACARDI, visit

http://www.BacardiLimited.com/150. Media are also invited to access multimedia

assets at http://www.BacardiMediaCentre.com.

About Bacardi Limited

Bacardi Limited, the largest privately-held spirits company in the world,

produces and markets internationally-recognized spirits and wines. Its brand

portfolio comprises more than 200 brands and labels, including BACARDI(R) rum,

the world's best-selling and most-awarded rum; GREY GOOSE(R) vodka, the world's

leading super-premium vodka; DEWAR'S(R) Blended Scotch whisky, the top-selling

blended Scotch whisky in the U.S.; BOMBAY SAPPHIRE(R) gin, the top-valued and

fastest-growing premium gin in the world; MARTINI(R) vermouth and sparkling

wines, the world's leading vermouth; CAZADORES(R) 100% blue agave tequila, the

number-one premium tequila in Mexico and a top-selling premium tequila in the

United States; ERISTOFF(R) vodka, one of the fastest-growing vodka brands in

the world; and other leading and emerging brands. Founded in Santiago de Cuba

on February 4, 1862, and family-owned for the past seven generations, Bacardi

now employs nearly 6,000 people, manufactures its brands at 27 facilities in 16

markets on four continents, and sells in more than 150 countries. Bacardi

Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi

International Limited.  http://www.BacardiLimited.com

SOURCE  Bacardi Limited

CONTACT:  Patricia M. Neal, +1-441-294-1110, Amy Federman, +1-441-294-1110,





