


AsiaNet 50495

共同JBN 1114 (2012.9.3)


【サニーベール(米カリフォルニア州)2012年8月31日PRN=共同JBN】Trimble(NASDAQ: TRMB)とファロー(FARO、NASDAQ: FARO)は8月31日、3Dレーザースキャナーに関するOEMおよび流通の契約に署名したと発表した。ファローはこの契約によって、TrimbleにFARO Laser Scanner Focus3DプラットフォームをベースにしたOEM用の差別化された製品を提供することになる。Trimbleは、測量士、コントラクター、エンジニア、地理空間専門家の需要に応えて、同社の世界的調査・ビル建設供給ネットワークを通じこのOEM製品を提供する。今回の戦略的提携関係の一環として、ファローはTrimbleにFARO Laser Scanner Focus3Dプラットフォームの今後のバージョンも提供していく。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110415/MM84316LOGO

ファローのジェイ・フリーランド社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「ファローの革命的なLaser Scanner Focus3Dは、30年以上にわたる3D測定空間における破壊的プロダクト・イノベーションを活用している。3Dレーザースキャナー・プラットフォームを市場のさらに広い分野にまで拡大するためTrimbleと提携できて大変喜んでいる」と語った。

Trimble 3D Scanningのゼネラルマネジャーであるデービッド・フィッツパトリック氏は「ファローは3Dスキャニング市場に、汎用性のあるコンパクトで競争力ある価格の製品を投入して成功している。当社の強力な世界的供給ネットワークを通じ、Trimbleのポートフォリオの一部としてこのソリューションを提供できて大変うれしい」と述べている。




全世界で約1万5000社の顧客が、3万台以上のファローのシステムを導入し、使用している。フロリダ州レイクメリー にグローバル本社を置き、欧州本社はドイツ・シュツットガルトに、アジア太平洋本社はシンガポールにある。ファローはブラジル、メキシコ、ドイツ、英国、フランス、スペイン、イタリア、ポーランド、オランダ、トルコ、インド、中国、シンガポール、マレーシア、ベトナム、タイ、日本に支社を置いている。







Greg Richards - Supervisor, Public Relations & Events,

+1-407-562-5036, +1-407-562-5222 fax, greg.richards@faro.com

Trimble and FARO Sign OEM and Distribution Agreement for 3D Laser Scanners


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Aug. 31, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) and FARO (NASDAQ: FARO) announced today that they have

signed an OEM and distribution agreement for 3D laser scanners. Under the

agreement, FARO will provide Trimble with an OEM differentiated product based

upon its successful FARO Laser Scanner Focus3D platform. Trimble will offer the

OEM product throughout its worldwide survey and building construction

distribution networks, serving the needs of surveyors, contractors, engineers

and geospatial professionals. As part of the strategic relationship, future

versions of the FARO Laser Scanner Focus3D platform will also be made available

to Trimble.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110415/MM84316LOGO )

"FARO's revolutionary Laser Scanner Focus3D leverages more than 30 years of

disruptive product innovation in the 3D measurement space. We are very pleased

to partner with Trimble to further expand the 3D laser scanner platform across

a broader range of markets," said Jay Freeland, president & chief executive

officer of FARO.

"FARO has successfully challenged the 3D scanning market with a product that is

versatile, compact and competitively priced," said David Fitzpatrick, general

manager of Trimble 3D Scanning. "We are excited to offer this solution as part

of Trimble's portfolio through our strong worldwide distribution network."

The Trimble OEM product is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of


About FARO

FARO is the world's most trusted source for 3D measurement technology. The

Company develops and markets computer-aided measurement and imaging devices and

software. Technology from FARO permits high-precision 3D measurement, imaging

and comparison of parts and complex structures within production and quality

assurance processes. The devices are used for inspecting components and

assemblies, production planning, documenting large volume spaces or structures

in 3D, surveying and construction, as well as for investigation and

reconstruction of accident sites or crime scenes.

Worldwide, approximately 15,000 customers are operating more than 30,000

installations of FARO's systems. The Company's global headquarters is located

in Lake Mary, Fla., its European head office in Stuttgart, Germany and its

Asia/Pacific head office in Singapore. FARO has branches in Brazil, Mexico,

Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Turkey,

India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea and Japan.

For more information, visit FARO's Web site at: http://www.faro.com.

About Trimble

Trimble applies technology to make field and mobile workers in businesses and

government significantly more productive. Solutions are focused on applications

requiring position or location - including surveying, construction, agriculture,

fleet and asset management, public safety and mapping. In addition to utilizing

positioning technologies, such as GPS, lasers and optics, Trimble solutions may

include software content specific to the needs of the user. Wireless

technologies are utilized to deliver the solution to the user and to ensure a

tight coupling of the field and the back office. Founded in 1978, Trimble is

headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.

For more information, visit Trimble's Web site at: http://www.trimble.com.


CONTACT: Greg Richards - Supervisor, Public Relations & Events,

+1-407-562-5036, +1-407-562-5222 fax, greg.richards@faro.com




