China's Heze issues initiative to promote construction of peony gardens overseas

The News Office of the People's Government of Heze



Heze, China, April 12, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On April 9, the Heze Peony International Communication Forum was held at the

Huimengtai Convention Center of Heze, east China's Shandong Province. The forum

was hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee

and China International Communications Group (CICG), according to the News

Office of the People's Government of Heze. At the forum, experts and scholars

suggested that China should deepen cooperation with other countries using peony

flowers as the medium and co-build comprehensive peony botanical gardens for

scientific research. The forum also issued the "Initiative of Peony Garden

Construction Overseas."


The initiative is as follows.


Peony is a flower with dignified and graceful beauty, implying happiness, peace

and prosperity. It is an essential carrier for strengthening international

cultural communication and cooperation. The beloved flower highlights the

concept of the human community with a shared future where "every nation

respects its own culture and the culture of others for the unity and prosperity

of human civilization". To enhance the inclusive coexistence, exchange and

mutual learning among different civilizations, carry on the shared values of

humanity and deepen the tie and friendship between the people of China and

other countries, we wish to actively boost contacts and connections with other

countries, co-build peony gardens, promote the economy and trade and share the

developmental fruits based on respecting each nation's sovereignty, cultural

differences and actual conditions and under the principles of consultation,

co-building and sharing.


Here, we launch the following initiative for the construction of peony gardens

overseas to the world:


First, strengthen communication and connection and reach a consensus on

cooperation. We should actively enhance regional cooperation, promote the

relationship of our development plans and policies, and deepen our pragmatic

cooperation in our joint efforts to promote the construction of peony gardens

overseas and build a new platform for communication and collaboration.


Second, promote inter-connectivity and share cooperation opportunities. We

should establish policy dialogues and information exchange mechanisms and

platforms, timely release information such as the construction plans of peony

gardens, related policies, project demands and participation channels, and

mobilize all parties and participants to achieve mutual benefits and win-win



Third, maintain close cultural exchanges and solidify the foundation of public

opinion. Adhering to a spirit of friendly cooperation, we should unleash the

role of "peony diplomacy", widely launch communication and collaboration in

various fields, and build the peony gardens overseas into an essential platform

for cultural and people-to-people exchange between China and the rest of the



Source: The News Office of the People's Government of Heze


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   Caption: China's Heze issues initiative to promote construction of peony gardens







