
The People's Government of Fujian Province


AsiaNet 80424(1680)

【アモイ(中国)2019年9月9日新華社=共同通信JBN】福建省人民政府が主催するSilk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum(SRMF、シルクロード海事国際協力フォーラム)が9月7日、アモイで始まった。「sharing prosperity through cooperation and connectivity(協力とコネクティビティーを通じて繁栄を共有)」のテーマの下、同フォーラムは中国、エジプト、日本、フィリピン、シンガポール、セルビアなどを含む数カ国から数百人の参加者を集めた。

2日間のフォーラムは、21st Century Maritime Silk Road(21世紀海のシルクロード)に沿って海上輸送のコネクティビティーを促進することを目的としている。また、21世紀海のシルクロードに関連する港湾および海運業界の交流と協力を強化し、投資と貿易の自由化および円滑化を向上させることも狙っている。

フォーラムでは、政府当局者やさまざまな国際機関の代表が21st Century Silk Road Maritime(21世紀シルクロード海事)の開発経験を積極的に紹介した。




フォーラムの重要な成果として、シルクロード海事の建設に関する国際協力に焦点を当てたBlue Paper on the Construction of Silk Road Maritime (2019)(シルクロード海事の建設に関するブルーペーパー)がフォーラム中にChina Economic Information Service(中国経済情報サービス)により発行された。

Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum (SRMF) は、9月7-8日に福建省人民政府が主催し、中華人民共和国外務省、中華人民共和国交通運輸省、中華人民共和国税関総署の共同助言を受け、中華人民共和国国家発展改革委員会(NDRC)、China Waterborne Transport Research Institute(中国水運科学研究所)、China Cosco Shipping Corporation Limited、China Ports & Harbors Association、International Association of Ports and Harbors(IAPH)、Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Associationの共同支援を受けた。

ソース:The People's Government of Fujian Province

Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum held in Xiamen to boost information exchange


XIAMEN, China, Sept. 9, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

The Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum (SRMF), hosted by the

People's Government of Fujian Province, kicked off on September 7 in Xiamen.

Under the theme of "sharing prosperity through cooperation and connectivity",

the forum brought together hundreds of participants from several countries

including China, Egypt, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Serbia and so on.

The two-day forum aims to promote the connectivity of maritime transport along

the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It also aims to enhance the exchange and

cooperation within the port and shipping industries related to the 21st Century

Maritime Silk Road and to improve the liberalization and facilitation of investment and trade.

During the forum, government officials and representatives of various international

organizations actively introduced their experience of developing 21st Century Silk Road Maritime.

The forum focused on achieving shared prosperity through enhancing cooperation

and promoting connectivity. Experts from different organizations believed that

the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road could bring opportunities to all countries

and districts along the Belt and Road.

Data showed that the Silk Road Maritime transport alliance is supported by more

than 100 logistics enterprises of ports and airlines. By the end of August 2019,

50 Silk Road Maritime transport routes have been operated 1,092 times.

Meanwhile, experts called upon more countries and social efforts' participation and

deeper commitment in terms of policy exchanges, dialogues and complementary cooperation.

As an important outcome of the forum, Blue Paper on the Construction of Silk

Road Maritime (2019), focusing on international cooperation on building silk

road maritime, was issued by China Economic Information Service during the forum.

The Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum (SRMF) was hosted by the

People's Government of Fujian Province from September 7 to September 8,

co-advised by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China,

Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China, General Administration

of Customs of the People's Republic of China, and co-supported by International

Cooperation Center of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the

People's Republic of China, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute,

China Cosco Shipping Corporation Limited, China Ports & Harbors Association,

International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), Hong Kong Container

Terminal Operators Association.

Source: The People's Government of Fujian Province




