◎アブダビで教育変革サミット開催 5月7-9日
◎アブダビで教育変革サミット開催 5月7-9日
AsiaNet 49015
☆共JBN 外0515(産業、教育)(12・4・17)
【アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)17日PRN=共同JBN】アブダビ教育審議会(Abu Dhabi Education Council、ADEC)は17日、2012年5月7日から同9日まで最初の「教育変革サミット(Transforming Education Summit、TES)」を開催すると発表した。このサミットは、アブダビ皇太子でUAE軍副最高司令官のムハンマド・ビン・ザイド・アル・ナヒヤーンADEC議長の下で開催され、世界の政府、ビジネス、学界、市民社会から多数の著名人が集まり、急速に変わりつつある社会で若者に効果的な関連教育を教育する方法について知識を共有するプラットフォームを提供する。
同総裁はさらに次のように述べた。「アブダビは、アブダビに関する経済ビジョン2030に沿ったナレッジ経済を構築するため、教育転換に利害関係を持っている。湾岸協力理事会(GCC)のパートナーと同様、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)は、教育上の変革が正しく実施されるなら、人口の65%が25歳以下という『人口上の配当(demographic dividend)』を摘み取ろうとしている。ADECは、アブダビの若者の持つ潜在力を最高に高める使命を持っており、社会の素晴らしい成長の一端を担う使命を持っている」
連絡先:Gregg Fray , greggfray@sevenmedia.ae, +971-50-8129566
Transforming Education Summit 2012: Abu Dhabi Education Council Hosts World Leaders From Government, Business, Education and Third Sector
ABU DHABI, U.A.E, Apr. 17, 2012/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
- Keynote Address by Gordon Brown to Inaugurate Education Summit May 7-9,
Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) announced it will host the first
Transforming Education Summit (TES) from May 7th to 9th 2012. Under the
patronage of His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown
Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and
Chairman of ADEC, the conference will attract prominent government, business,
academic, and civil society leaders from around the world, and offer them a
platform to share lessons learned on how to deliver relevant education to young
people more effectively in a rapidly changing global society.
The summit, to be held at the Emirates Palace, will feature an outstanding
line-up of keynote speakers, including former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown,
Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen, Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Education Muhyiddin Yassin, Former Irish Minister of Education Mary
Hanafin, CEO of Mubadala Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, and leading scholar of
educational change Andy Hargreaves. The event will be moderated by Tim
Sebastian, the renowned facilitator of the Doha Debates and former BBC
reporter, and will count with more than 30 other speakers from around the
world, including ministers and former ministers, CEOs, leading academics and
civil society leaders.
Delegates will cover topics such as defining society's needs for education,
the leader's role in managing the transformation journey, efficiency and
funding of education, and engaging key stakeholders (government entities,
educators, students, parents, and the private and philanthropy sectors).
TES uniquely focuses more on the 'how' than on the 'what' of education
reform, since research shows that most transformation efforts fail due to
challenges in the process of change itself.
Sessions will encourage discussions and knowledge sharing, and will rely on
strong interactive elements, combining keynote speeches and panel presentations
with Think Tank discussions (brainstorming sessions where the audience will be
split by stakeholder group), and country case studies followed by Q&As.
Examples presented will include either highly developed education systems, or
those in a stage of intense transformation.
H.E. Dr. Mugheer Khamis Al Khaili, ADEC's Director General, outlined the
importance of the event for Abu Dhabi: "The aim of TES is to address how
educational change can be implemented across sectors in societies around the
world. The conference delegates are all 'transformation leaders': people who
are in a position to lead change in their respective areas, from government to
the private sector. Over the two and a half days of the summit, these leaders
will share knowledge and strategies, collaborating and offering their
experiences of best practice in their own education systems for the benefit of
He continued: "In building a knowledge economy in line with Abu Dhabi's
Economic Vision 2030, Abu Dhabi has a vested interest in education
transformation. The UAE, like its partners in the GCC, seeks to reap a
'demographic dividend' if transformations in education are properly
implemented: given that 65 per cent of the population is under 25 years of age,
ADEC has a mandate to maximize the potential of young people in Abu Dhabi and
empower them to be part of their society's remarkable growth."
TES is hosted by ADEC in partnership with the Directorate of Education of
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), leading
global management consulting firm Booz & Company, and the Advanced Technology
Investment Company (ATIC), the technology investment arm of Mubadala.
"The OECD is committed to supporting an integrated approach to education
which helps economies improve the quality, equity, efficiency and effectiveness
of their education systems," said Ian Whitman, Head of Non-Member States,
Directorate of Education at the OECD. "The Transforming Education Summit is
very timely. The OECD welcomes and supports its aim to focus the global
attention on the visionary changes needed for better skills and better policies
for the 21st century, and on the shared responsibility of all stakeholders for
the success of these changes," he continued.
"The most urgent question that education leaders face is to reform
educational systems so that they are relevant to rapidly changing economic and
labor market needs," said Richard Shediac, Senior Vice President of Booz &
Company. "Education leaders need to develop capabilities that will allow them
to implement transformation, think ahead for education needs, deliver change
within their organizations, and lead across all the stakeholders in society.
The Transforming Education Summit is dedicated to addressing these
transformational issues, and Booz & Company is honored to join forces with the
Abu Dhabi Education Council as knowledge partner of the Summit," he added.
Booz & Company is developing an entry report around the theme of The Need
for Transformational Leadership in Education: Three Key Capabilities for
Lasting Change. Following the summit, Booz & Company will compile a
post-conference report in partnership with ADEC containing the learning and
recommendations from the summit's discussions, to be used by participants to
help effect change in their home countries.
"The Transforming Education Summit is a unique opportunity to learn from
some of the world's most respected leaders in education and in particular
education reform," said Ibrahim Ajami, CEO of the Advanced Technology
Investment Company (ATIC), ADEC's technology partner at the summit. "At ATIC a
key area of focus is on educating the next generation of Emiratis as technology
experts and we are pleased to partner with ADEC on this event."
ATIC will provide participants with a technology platform for 21st Century
knowledge sharing and networking that has been uniquely designed for this
event. Agenda items, bios and discussion content for the sessions will be
readily available through tablets, while dynamic messaging and networking
features will enable participants to pose questions to panelists as well as
exchange messages with other leaders at the event.
One of the case studies presented at TES will be on Abu Dhabi's
transformation. In order to better support the evolving economic, social and
human capital needs of the UAE, ADEC has embarked on a comprehensive overhaul
of the Abu Dhabi education system, launching ambitious P-12 initiatives to
improve school infrastructure, raise standards of teaching and research,
improve both teacher monitoring and student assessment, thus aiming to better
prepare students for post-secondary education and the workforce. ADEC's New
School Model (NSM) has reformed education across the emirate's 268 public
schools, from teacher training and licensing to curriculum, infrastructure and
the use of technology in education. Additionally, extensive collaboration
between the Higher Education sector and semi-government entities (like Mubadala
and ATIC) is underway to join efforts in the development of the human capital
needed to address current and future societal needs.
TES aims to deliver tangible outcomes with lasting impact in educational
systems locally and internationally. In addition to capturing and disseminating
the experiences shared at the summit through a report, working groups will be
launched to continue the analysis of lessons learned from reform efforts around
the world.
A local forum will be organized in Abu Dhabi later this year to share the
TES insights with members of the UAE education system, including principals,
teachers, parents and students.
For more information, please consult the conference website:
CONTACT: Gregg Fray , greggfray@sevenmedia.ae, +971-50-8129566
SOURCE: Abu Dhabi Education Council