◎廬山で「祝福のツアー」を開催  廬山観光開発会社


◎廬山で「祝福のツアー」を開催  廬山観光開発会社

AsiaNet 49075

☆共JBN 外0539(産業、観光)(12・4・23)


◎廬山で「祝福のツアー」を開催  廬山観光開発会社

【廬山(中国)20日PRN=共同JBN】廬山観光開発会社(Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.)が主催した主要な宗教行事「人道主義を持って聖なる山の巡礼-祝福のツアー」は4月14日から15日にかけて行われた。歓迎式典は廬山のリゾートである廬山北山公園で行われ、その後の記者会見には江蘇省、湖南省、湖北省、安徽省、江西省の30の報道機関が出席した。祈りの式典が廬山5教祈福園で行われ、宗教的な重要性を持つ地域の指導者が歓迎のスピーチをした。翌朝、歓迎式典が秀峰で行われた。

 (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/19/20120419213945673317.jpg

 (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/19/20120419214040584446.jpg



5教祈福園での祝福のツアーと「人生自由の池」(Life Free Pond)の開所式は大きな意味がある。祝福の象徴的な式典では、人を励ます演説、テープカット・セレモニー、祈りの時間に加え、捕らえられた魚や鳥が放たれ、数珠を受け取り、祝福の鐘をならした。


Lei Chen




Mt. Lushan: Pilgrims' Journey on the Great Mountain with Significance for Man


LUSHAN, China, Apr. 20, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/

     A major religious event "Pilgrims' Journey on the Great Mountain with

Significance for Man - A Blessing Tour", hosted by Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd. was

held on Lushan Mountain April 14 - April 15, 2012. A warm welcome ceremony was

held at the mountain resort's Beishan Gate, and a press conference with more

than thirty media agencies from across five provinces (Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei,

Anhui and Jiangxi). Then, a prayer ceremony was held at Lushan Five Religions

Blessing Cultural Park, and leaders from several areas with religious

significance gave welcome speeches. The next morning, another welcome event was

held in Xiufeng Peak.

     (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/19/20120419213945673317.jpg )

     (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/19/20120419214040584446.jpg )

     Mt. Lushan is known as a place of harmony and gathering point for five of

the world's great religions. The Journey thoroughly embodies the spirit of the

religious experience and rich expression of Chinese culture. The Lushan Tourism

enthusiastically organized activities bringing together natural, religious,

historical and cultural references. The tour included an intensive look at the

history of the religions, tracing to the original sages and wise men and paying

homage to holy sites while praying for good health and safety.

     More than 3,000 guests registered via a participating travel agency. They

explored the great temples and the holy sites that tell the development of the

Chinese version of Buddhism, and the home of Pure Land Buddhism, China's most

popular form of the religion. They then visited Xiufeng Peak for the most

exquisite natural scenery in the region known as a favorite gathering place of

ancient and contemporary Chinese poets, artists and scholars. The pilgrims took

a moment to appreciate the unique time in history when Chinese and western

cultures collided and profited from the exchanges. Lastly they experienced

beauty and harmony in Five Religions Park. Lushan Tourism hopes that every

guest was able to have a real opportunity to express their thanks for the

beauty of life as they bring their blessings bring back to their hometowns.

     Of special significance was the blessing tour and the Life Free Pond

inauguration ceremony, held at the Five Religions Park with inspiring speeches,

a ribbon cutting ceremony, a period of prayer, the symbolic blessing event

where captive fish and birds are set free, receiving of prayer knots, and

ringing the bell for blessings.

     CONTACT: Lei Chen



     SOURCE:  Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.




