◎和平提案10周年で風船放出  ワンボイス・パレスチナ


◎和平提案10周年で風船放出  ワンボイス・パレスチナ

AsiaNet 49172

☆共JBN 外0587(産業、中東和平)(12・5・1)


◎和平提案10周年で風船放出  ワンボイス・パレスチナ

【ニューヨーク29日PRN=共同JBN】ワンボイス・パレスチナ(OneVoice Palestine)の青年活動家と住民たちが28日、1967年国境にあるジェニン近郊の村からイスラエルに向けてアラブ和平提案文書を運ぶヘリウム風船数百個を飛ばした。歴史的な節目の日に注意を喚起するためだ。

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873-a

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873LOGO-b











Ivan Karakashian

Communications Director

PeaceWorks Foundation

OneVoice Movement

+1-212-897-3985 x 124

Fax: +1-212-897-3986


OneVoice's Palestinian activists urge Israeli response to Arab Peace Initiative


NEW YORK, Apr. 29, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     From a village near Jenin that borders on the 1967 line, OneVoice

Palestine youth activists and locals released into Israel hundreds of helium

balloons carrying the text of the Arab Peace Initiative on Saturday, drawing

attention toward this historic opportunity.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873-a )

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120428/DC96873LOGO-b )

     Hundreds of locals, wearing flag caps of countries supporting the regional

peace plan, participated in the activity, which was co-sponsored by Jenin's

governor and the municipality, to mark the document's tenth anniversary. They

called on all Israelis to pressure their politicians into accepting the

initiative as a framework for serious regional negotiations to achieve the

two-state solution and end the Arab-Israeli conflict. Jenin Deputy Governor

Ahmad al-Qassam, Minister of Prisoner Affairs Ashraf al-Ajrami, Fatah spokesman

Mahmoud Labadi, and other municipal officials also attended the

headline-grabbing event.

     "We're urging the Israeli public to demand from their government a real  

response to the Arab Peace Initiative," said Samer Makhlouf

[http://twitter.com/samermakh ], executive director of OneVoice Palestine. "The

document has never been withdrawn or rejected by any Arab state, but despite

its apparent resilience, we cannot expect it stay on the table forever."

     Exactly 10 years ago, the 22 Arab League member states came together in

Beirut to propose a peace plan to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab Peace

Initiative [http://www.onevoicemovement.com/#!arab-peace-initiative ] offered a

comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the

normalization of relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors. It

represented an abrupt about-face, from the League's refusal to engage with

Israel to the potential for a new era of regional stability and cooperation.

While not an end-point for negotiations, the document sets a positive new

starting point.

     Unfortunately, Israel never accepted the Arab Peace Initiative as a basis

for peace discussions. Among Ariel Sharon's 14 reservations to the 2003 Road

Map, reservation #10 explicitly rejected the Arab Peace Initiative. Since then,

it has lain dormant.

     "Accepting the Arab Peace Initiative as a framework for serious regional

negotiations is a far better approach than outright rejection wrapped in

unsupportable assertions that Israel has done everything it can for peace over

the past 64 years and the Palestinians have only been obstructionist," said

OneVoice CEO Howard Sumka [http://twitter.com/howardsumka ].

     The event is part of OneVoice Palestine's campaign, launched in February,

demanding the Israeli government to halt its settlement policy and return to

negotiations on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative. From tree plantings


] in Hebron and Bethlehem and distribution of flyers and bumper stickers


] across the West Bank, to an online campaign with banners on top local news

sites - OneVoice Palestine is creating momentum for the peace plan.

     Separately, OneVoice Israel is complementing the effort though parallel

action, igniting conversations


about the Arab Peace Initiative across their eight university chapters, from

Haifa to Sderot. Next month, they will mobilize people in the heart of Tel

Aviv, bringing prominent public figures to make soap-box speeches while a giant

ice cube containing the Arab Peace Initiative text slowly melts away. Working

with the growing Two-State Solution Caucus, they will then deliver their

message loudly in the Knesset.

     OneVoice [http://www.onevoicemovement.org/ ] is an international

grassroots movement that aims to amplify the voice of Israeli and Palestinian

moderates, empowering them to demand a two-state solution. The movement

educates and trains Israeli and Palestinian youth in leadership skills,

non-violent activism, and democratic principles.

    SOURCE: The OneVoice Movement

   CONTACT: Ivan Karakashian

            Communications Director

            PeaceWorks Foundation

            OneVoice Movement

            +1-212-897-3985 x 124

            Fax: +1-212-897-3986





