◎NFC対応モバイル財布を開始  デジセル社


◎NFC対応モバイル財布を開始  デジセル社

AsiaNet 49310

☆共JBN 外0641(産業、携帯)(12・5・14)


◎NFC対応モバイル財布を開始  デジセル社

【ヌクアロファ(トンガ)14日PRN=共同JBN】デジセル・グループの事業会社で太平洋地域におけるモバイル・ネットワークを運営するデジセル・パシフィック社(Digicel Pacific Limited)はこのほど、同社の顧客基盤のすべてに向け、同社の「モバイル・マネー(Mobile Money)」決済を推進する最新の距離無線通信規格(NFC)技術を提供するため、ベリフォーン社のmWallet(VeriFone mWallet)サービスならびに近距離無線通信規格(NFC)に対応した支払システムの展開を開始した。




新サービスはデジセル社が昨年末に導入した「モバイル・ウォレット(Mobile Wallets)」に直接入金する「インターナショナル・マネー・トランスファー(International Money Transfers、国際送金)」サービスに続くもの。ニュージーランドから太平洋地域に居住する家族が所有するデジセル加入携帯電話にオンラインで直接、迅速に送金することが可能になり、費用も銀行、従来の送金業者などの既存事業に比べて相当程度低くなっている。





デジセル社は、このソリューションを最初にトンガの首都ヌクアロファの商業地域で開始した。今後数か月に、もう何百かのベリフォーン社の非接触支払システムがこの地域で設置される予定。デジセル社はさらに「インターナショナル・ビル・ペイメント(International Bill Payments)」やその他の新サービスを同社独自の支払システムに加えて導入することを計画している。



デジセル・モバイル・マネー(Digicel Mobile Money 、DMM)はデジセル・パシフィック社が提供するサービス。加入者の携帯電話を財布(ウォレット)代わりにし、互いに送金することを可能にし、各種料金の支払い、通話料のチャージも行えるようにするもの。

デジセル・グループ社(Digicel Group Limited)は創業10年で、カリブ海、中米、太平洋地域の31市場で1150万人の顧客を持っている。同社はベスト・バリュ-、ベスト・サービス、ベスト・ネットワークを提供するとの定評を持つ。




Annie Smith,

Head of Mobile Financial Services at Digicel Pacific,

+679 701 5736;


Emma Jackson,

JML Communications,

Mobile +64 21 985655;


Digicel Launches World's First Fully Inclusive NFC Capable Mobile Wallet Payments Service with VeriFone


NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga, May 14, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

The mobile company has developed the world's first integrated NFC capable

Wallet service that doesn't require a bank account, credit card, or smart phone

Digicel Pacific Limited, a mobile network operator across the Pacific and a

division of the Digicel Group, has deployed VeriFone mWallet services and

NFC-enabled payment systems to offer its entire customer base access to the

latest NFC technology to facilitate Mobile Money transactions. Launching in the

Kingdom of Tonga this week Digicel says the new service is truly inclusive

because customers do not need a bank account, credit card or a smart phone.

The innovative NFC-enabled merchant payment solution uses NFC tags from Digicel

linked to mobile numbers and VeriFone's contactless payment acceptance systems.

Digicel Tonga subscribers are now able to pay for goods and services with a tap

of their phone at 50 merchants in the capital of Nuku'alofa and both companies

say that they plan to extend the new service to the entire Pacific Island


Many Tongans are unbanked and credit card penetration is extremely low. In

addition, an NFC capable smart phone is a luxury item for people in a country

where many families have a dependence on International Remittances from New

Zealand, Australia and the USA.  

The new service follows the introduction of International Money Transfers

directly to Mobile Wallets by Digicel late last year. Families in New Zealand

can instantly send money online directly to Digicel subscribers' mobiles in the

Pacific for much lower cost than established operators, such as banks and

traditional Money Transfer operators.  According to a 2011 World Bank report,

remittance payments constitute more than 30% of the Tongan GDP, placing it the

2nd in the world for dependence on remittances.  

Darren McLean, Commercial Director of Digicel Pacific, said, "International

remittances play a vital role in the economies of the Pacific. We believe the

level of convenience, lower cost and easy authentication provided by Digicel

and VeriFone can transform the way our customers receive, manage and spend

their money in this region. Combining our existing Mobile Money product with

VeriFone mWallet services and NFC acceptance systems helps us offer our

subscribers an easy, convenient and integrated mobile money experience. We

think this will open the way to making Mobile Money the everyday means of

payment in our Pacific markets -- from groceries, airtime top-up and utility

bills, through to wages and government payments."

The Minister of Finance for the Kingdom of Tonga, the honourable Sunia Fili

noted that Digicel's Mobile Money service helps to increase financial inclusion

in Tonga.  "Many Tongans rely on money transfers from within the Kingdom or

from relatives in New Zealand and Australia.  Digicel's electronic payment

network creates an integrated financial system to connect these money transfers

with local sellers.  It is easy to use, and being the first country to offer an

all-inclusive payment system like this places Tonga in front of the most

advanced economies in the world."

VeriFone mWallet ( http://www.verifonemwallet.com/ ) is a complete mobile money

wallet solution designed to meet the needs of mobile operators for Telco-based

money transfer and payment services in emerging markets. The VeriFone mWallet

services deployed with Digicel enable convenient mobile money wallet

transactions at the point-of-sale using VeriFone's biometric and contactless

payment acceptance systems.

Digicel has launched the new solution initially to the business district in

Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa. In the coming months, hundreds more contactless

VeriFone payment systems will be installed in the region. And Digicel plans to

introduce International Bill Payments and other new services to its unique

payments system over the coming weeks.

The next generation NFC payments solution is the result of a partnership

between Digicel, VeriFone, and New Zealand based currency exchange company,

KlickEx ( http://www.klickex.com/ ).

About Digicel ( www.digicelpacific.com )

Digicel Mobile Money (DMM) is a Digicel Pacific Limited (Digicel) service that

turns their subscriber's mobile phones into a wallet, enabling them to send

money to each other, pay bills and top-up airtime.

After ten years of operation, Digicel Group Limited has 11.5 million customers

across its 31 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and the Pacific. The

company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.

Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports

teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel

sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the title sponsor of the

Digicel Caribbean. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several

national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.

For further information please contact:

Annie Smith, Head of Mobile Financial Services at Digicel Pacific, +679 701

5736; annie.smith@digicelgroup.com

Emma Jackson, JML Communications, Mobile +64 21 985655;


SOURCE  Digicel




