◎犯罪者DNAデータベース法通過を称賛 DNASaves創立者
◎犯罪者DNAデータベース法通過を称賛 DNASaves創立者
AsiaNet 49483
共同JBN 0720 (2012.5.30)
◎犯罪者DNAデータベース法通過を称賛 DNASaves創立者
【カールズバッド(米ニューメキシコ州)2012年5月30日PRN=共同JBN】DNASaves(http://www.dnasaves.org)の創立者で、娘のカティーさんが殺人事件の犠牲になったジャナン・セピシュ(Jayann Sepich)さんは、有罪判決を受けた犯罪者にDNA提供を求め、ブラジル国家DNAデータベースに含める法案を成立させたジルマ・ルセフ大統領とブラジル議会を賞賛した。セピシュ夫人は数が増えているこの法案を通過させた国にブラジルが加わったことを歓迎している。DNAデータベースはDNAを未解決の暴力犯罪の証拠と照合する。同様の計画を持っている国は犯罪の解決、予防件数が急増している。ジルマ・ルセフ大統領は2012年5月28日にこの歴史的な法律に署名した。
Jayann Sepich,
Brazil's President Signs Historic DNA Database Legislation Designed to Solve and Prevent Violent Crime
CARLSBAD, N.M., May 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
- New law will make Brazil safer and save lives
Jayann Sepich, founder of DNASaves (http://www.dnasaves.org) and mother of
murder victim Katie Sepich, praised President Dilma Rousseff and the Brazilian
Congress for passing a law to require DNA from convicted criminals for
inclusion in the national Brazilian DNA database. Ms. Sepich welcomes Brazil to
a growing number of countries that have passed the law. The DNA database will
match these profiles to evidence from unsolved violent crimes. Countries with
similar programs have seen extraordinary increases in the amount of crimes both
solved and prevented. President Dilma Rousseff signed this historic legislation
on 28 May, 2012.
"Brazil's citizens deserve protection using the most accurate law
enforcement identification tool available. With a DNA database program, Brazil
will solve crimes faster, prevent future crimes and save lives," said Ms.
The legislative sponsor is Senator Ciro Nogueira, who became impassioned to
pass the law upon learning of its power to prevent violent crime throughout
Brazil. In August of 2011, Senator Nogueira brought the surviving family
members of serial murderer Marco Trigueiro to visit with congressional
leadership in Brasilia and promote the law. Trigueiro terrorized Belo Horizonte
in 2009 by brutally murdering five women. "Most of the Belo Horizante murders
could have been prevented if this law had been in place. I am proud of these
families for their courage to come to Brasilia to tell their story, and I am
proud of my fellow members of Congress who voted to pass this law and make
Brazil a safer place," said Senator Nogueira.
Brazil becomes the 56th country to pass DNA database legislation, and the
third in South America (Chile 2007; Uruguay 2010). "With a population of nearly
200 million, and a strong DNA crime lab foundation, Brazil is positioned to
become the largest DNA database in Latin America and one of the largest in
world," said Tim Schellberg, President of Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental
Affairs, a firm that consults globally on DNA law and policy. Schellberg
expects Brazil's new law to create a wave of similar legislation throughout
Latin America. "Brazil has great influence throughout Latin America. Other
Latin American countries have been waiting to see what Brazil would do."
CONTACT: Jayann Sepich, +1-575-361-1931, jsepich@dnasaves.org