◎英国の真髄を堪能する夏  セルフリッジ(Selfridges)が大展開

セルフリッジ(Selfridges & Co)

◎英国の真髄を堪能する夏  セルフリッジ(Selfridges)が大展開

AsiaNet 49500

共同JBN 0728(2012.5.31)

◎英国の真髄を堪能する夏  セルフリッジ(Selfridges)が大展開

【ロンドン2012年5月30日PRN=共同JBN】この夏、世界が英国に注目するが、その中核がセルフリッジ(Selfridges)の屋根の下で脈打っている。5月末から9月初めまで、名高い「世界最高のデパート」が英国史上最も刺激的な文化とスポーツの夏を祝う。セルフリッジは女王の戴冠60年と夏のスポーツ祭典への想像力に富んだオマージュとして、このイベントを「ビッグ・ブリティッシュ・バン(Big British Bang)」と呼ぶ。セルフリッジはショッピングとともに、陽気で何も恐れないセルフリッジ流ひねりを織り込んだ「英国人気質」を楽しむために、今夏訪れるべき風変わりな場所になる。ビッグ・ブリティッシュ・バンは独自の商品やイベント、特別な取り組みとともに、エチケット、ユーモア、慣習、ファッション、アート、スポーツ、料理、そしてイーストエキスのペースト「マーマイト(marmite)」など、類を見ない英国のすべてを称える。




セルフリッジの有名なウインドーは、パール製ボタンの黒衣をまとった「パーリーキング、パーリークイーン(Pearly Kings and Queens)」から記憶に残るひねりを利かせた衛兵交代まで、異様な改造を施された英国の典型的シーンを展示する。セルフリッジ全店では夏いっぱい、工夫を凝らした展覧会、興味深いパフォーマンス、際立つ英国ブランド・商品のコレクションを展開、特に手を加えられた店舗ではアイコニックな英国人必携品をテーマにする。







女王が支配している! エリザベス女王即位60周年の年、英国民の80%は君主制継続を支持した。

ビッグ・ブリティッシュ・バンは、昨年のロイヤルウエディングの記憶も生々しい王室関連のあらゆる妄想を満たしている。歴史的な王室戴冠用の王室御用達デンツ社(Dents)製グローブの特別コレクション(http://style.selfridges.com/whats-in/historic-dents-glove-exhibition-showcases-queen-elizabeth-i-coronation-glove-selfridges-lon)が一般公開されるのは今回が初めて。セルフリッジのコンセプトストア「ワンダールーム(Wonder Room)」に展示されている呼び物は、エリザベス1世が1559年1月15日、ウェストミンスター寺院の戴冠式で着用した左手の長手袋である。386年前、物議を醸したチャールズ1世が身に着けた予備の両手袋もある。コレクションにはビクトリア女王の葬儀用グローブやいくつかの記念行事用遺品もある。入場者は金メダルや真珠を連ね絹に刺繍を施した精密な手袋も見逃せない。



セルフリッジではこの夏「ビッグ・ブリティッシュ・ショップ(Big British Shop)」(http://www.selfridges.com/en/Features-Gifts/Features/Big-British-Bang/Big-British-Shop)が才気煥発で先端を行く世界最高級の幅広い英国製品を並べる。独特で精妙なティアラがショパール(Chopard)、ティファニー(Tiffany & Co.)、シャネル(Chanel)、ブルガリ(Bvlgari)、クロムハーツ(Chrome Hearts)など有名宝石店から提供されている。




セルフリッジの「ビッグ・イエロー・ショップ(Big Yellow Shop)」(http://www.selfridges.com/en/Features-Gifts/Features/Big-British-Bang/Big-Yellow-Shop)は創業100周年を祝った2009年以来の再登場。独自の限定商品をいち早く手に入れる大きなチャンスである。セルフリッジの銘入りパントン109(Pantone 109)からレイバン(Ray-Ban)、イラマスカ(Illamasqua)まで、収集価値がある素晴らしい土産物がそろう。

*カパティー(Cuppa Tea)


セルフリッジはビッグ・ブリティッシュ・バンのため屋上の野外スペースを再開「ビッグ・ルーフトップ・ティー&ゴルフ・パーティー(Big Rooftop Tea & Golf Party)」(http://style.selfridges.com/whats-in/coming-soon-big-rooftop-tea-golf-party)を開設した。デイルズフォード社(Daylesford)の100%オーガニック・ティーショップではダイナーがオクスフォード通り「最高の紅茶」を楽しめる。欧州随一の繁華街の喧騒から6階上のファッショナブルな新天地で寛げるということだ。ティーショップの隣には9ホール、2530平方フィートの変なゴルフコースがある。有名な英国のジャムオタク、サム・ボンパス、ハリー・パー両氏がデザインした英国秘蔵のデザート類に触発されたものだ。



5月から6月初めにかけて、英国内のセルフリッジ全4店で「ビッグ・ビューティー・バン(Big Beauty Bang)」(http://style.selfridges.com/whats-on/big-beauty-bang-selfridges-london/?cm_re=spotlightRow-_-CTALink-_-bigBeautyBang)が行われている。顧客は「ビューティーホール(Beauty Hall)」でパーリーキング、パーリークイーン、王座、ワンマンバンドの登場とともに英国文化が現実となり、王族のようにもてなされる。買い物客は化粧カウンターで高級品を使ったスペシャルトリートメントを受け、英国伝統のゲーム、シーサイド・グラバー(Grabber)の腕前を披露するチャンスもある。そこでツキに恵まれればビューティー賞を手に入れることができる。



Gabrielle Shaw Communications

Jeannette Whiting


Email: Jeannette@gabrielleshaw.com

Allison Lawrence


Email Allison@gabrielleshaw.com

ソース:Selfridges & Co

Selfridges Kicks off Summer 2012 with a Big British Bang


LONDON, May 30, 2012 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

        Famed London store becomes top destination for all things

                        delightfully British

    The world's eyes are on Britain this summer, and the heart of the nation is

beating under the roof at Selfridges. From late May through early September,

the famed 'Best Department Store in the World' celebrates the most exciting

cultural and sporting summer in Great Britain's history. Selfridges calls its

tribute the Big British Bang, a fanciful homage to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

and this summer's sporting events. Selfridges is a fantastic place to visit

this summer, for shopping and for a mash up of 'Britishness' with an amusing

and irreverent Selfridges twist. The Big British Bang collides exclusive

products, events and special initiatives together to celebrate all that Great

Britain does like no other nation on earth including etiquette, humour,

customs, fashion, art, sports, food - even marmite!

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    A British icon


] in its own right, Selfridges has been transformed into a creative playground

for all that is GREAT in Britain. The store's legendary rooftop has been

re-opened for the summer, and everyone is welcome. In the 1930s, the store

turned its grass-covered roof into a proper pleasure spot that was especially

popular with London's ladies. The roof featured gardens, cafes, fashion shows

and even an all-girl gun club. This summer, Selfridges roof features a

nine-hole crazy golf course. Clad in fondant and piped icing with cake stand

bunkers and sugary waterfalls, the course is designed to look like a giant

display of cakes and jellies modelled after famous London landmarks such as Big

Ben, St Paul's Cathedral, and Tower Bridge. The rooftop at Selfridges will

offer summer visitors a playful take on London's finest sights, with plenty of

great shopping below.

    The store's famous windows present zany reinventions of typically British

scenes - from Pearly Kings and Queens to an unforgettable twist on the changing

of the guard. All summer long, Selfridges will unveil curated exhibitions,

amusing performances, and a jolly good collection of British brands and

products through all departments, and in a specially edited shop devoted to

iconic British must-haves.

    For over a century [http://www.selfridges.com/en/StaticPage/Our+Heritage ],

Selfridges led the way in redefining the shopping experience and is credited

with coining the famous phrase, 'The customer is always right' in 1909.

Selfridges was the first retailer to put the fun into shopping by cleverly

arranging products so that customers could touch them. Early on, Selfridges was

also known for creating extraordinary experiences in the store. The current

roof installation is a nod to the past, when well-dressed shoppers could nip up

for a spot of tea and mini-golf against the London skyline.

    Great Britain is known around the world as much for royals as for rebels -

it's a nation of extremes. Here are a few examples of the British persona, and

how Selfridges goes all out to celebrate the wonderfully wacky English culture

through The Big British Bang:

    Fashion: From dapper dandies to mods and punks, Britain has always been at

the forefront of fashion. Brits dress to please themselves and have little time

for concern about what others think.

    Selfridges relives the essence of style from the time of the Queen's

coronation with 'Britannica 1951-1953',

[http://style.selfridges.com/self-expression/rule-britannica ]', a specially

created exhibition by esteemed fashion curator Judith Clark. The recreated

fashion pieces include a collection of 50s fashion-forward looks including

cinched waists, Capri pants, corset-free structured tops, sophisticated skirts

and dazzling dresses. The historical and surreal looks are complemented by a

hat collection created by famed British milliner Stephen Jones, referencing the

en vogue colour of the 1952 coronation season - Champagne Pink. The exhibition

takes place in Selfridges Ultralounge, continuing through 24 June.

    Royalty: She rules! In her Diamond Jubilee year the Queen has 80% of

Britons wanting the country to remain a monarchy.

    The Big British Bang feeds the obsession for all things royal, hot on the

heels of last year's Royal Wedding. A special collection


] of historic royal coronation gloves created by Dents, the recognised glove

makers of the monarchy, is on public display for the first time ever. Presented

in the Wonder Room, Selfridges concept store, the exhibition's highlights

include the left-hand gauntlet glove of Queen Elizabeth I worn at her

coronation ceremony on 15 January 1559 at Westminster Abbey. Also featured is a

pair of 386 year-old occasional gloves worn by the controversial Charles I. The

collection includes additional relics such as Queen Victoria's mourning gloves

and several Jubilee celebration gloves. Visitors will not want to miss the

intricate detailed gloves adorned with hand embroidered fine silk and gold

medal threads and pearls.

    Jewels: The Crown Jewels have been guarded in the Tower of London since the

early 14th century and have never been successfully stolen. Britain has an

incredible history and holds its beloved past close.

    At Selfridges this summer, The Big British Shop


] boasts an amazing range of witty, edgy, and world-class British products.

Exclusive and exquisite tiaras are on offer from famed jewellers including

Chopard, Tiffany & Co., Chanel, Bvlgari and Chrome Hearts in a dedicated tiara

shop where those looking to emulate the Queen herself can browse jewelled

headpieces to meet every price point.

    Civilised shopping: Brits first invented the idea of the fixed price to

avoid the embarrassment of haggling. Forming orderly queues, saying 'please',

'thank you' and 'sorry' are de rigueur for most transactions.

    At Selfridges, The Big Yellow Shop


w-Shop ] will reappear for the first time since the store's centenary

celebrations in 2009. This is a great moment to snap up limited-edition

exclusive products from an extended range created in Selfridges signature hue

Pantone 109, from Ray-Ban to Illamasqua, for collectable souvenirs with serious

cool factor.

    Cuppa Tea: Brits love their small pleasures, such as the restorative

pleasures of tea and scones. This leaves room for big eccentricities, which are

equally cherished in UK culture.

    For The Big British Bang, Selfridges reopens the outdoor space atop the

store to introduce The Big Rooftop Tea & Golf Party

http://style.selfridges.com/whats-in/coming-soon-big-rooftop-tea-golf-party ].

This 100% organic tea shop from Daylesford invites diners to enjoy 'the highest

tea' on Oxford Street and relax in a fun and fashionable new haven six floors

above the hustle and bustle of Europe's busiest shopping street. Neighbouring

the teashop is a 9-hole, 2,530 square foot crazy golf course inspired by

treasured English desserts and sweets designed by celebrated British

jellymongers Sam Bompas and Harry Parr of Bompas & Parr.

    British Beauties: From Twiggy, to Princess Diana, to Kate Moss, many of the

world's most photographed women have been British.

    Through May and early June, the Big Beauty Bang


] will be popping up at all four Selfridges locations in the UK. Customers will

be treated like royalty in the Beauty Halls as British culture comes to life

around them through the appearances of Pearly Kings and Queens, royal thrones

and a one-man band. The make-up counters will feature exclusive products and

specialty treatments and shoppers will have the opportunity to show off their

skills at a traditional English seaside 'Grabber' game where with a bit of luck

too, beauty prizes can be won.

    To learn more about experiencing Selfridges in the summer of 2012, please  

    visit: http://www.selfridges.com/bigbritishbang.


    For further information and images, please contact:

    Gabrielle Shaw Communications

    Jeannette Whiting, +44(0)2077318811

    Email: Jeannette@gabrielleshaw.com

    Gabrielle Shaw Communications

    Allison Lawrence, +44(0)2077318811

    Email Allison@gabrielleshaw.com

    SOURCE: Selfridges & Co




