◎「企業の社会的責任」認証初のIT製品  TCO Development

TCO Development

◎「企業の社会的責任」認証初のIT製品  TCO Development

AsiaNet 49619

共同JBN 0779(2012.6.12)

◎「企業の社会的責任」認証初のIT製品  TCO Development

【ストックホルム(スウェーデン)2012年6月11日PRN=共同JBN】持続可能なITを目指す国際組織のTCO Developmentは11日、新しい世代のTCO認証(TCO Certified)による持続可能性認証を達成した最初のIT製品を発表した(http://www.tcodevelopment.com)。TCO認証は環境、社会、経済における責任に焦点を合わせ、IT製品の生産施設での「企業の社会的責任」(CSR)に関する要件を含めた環境保証を強化する、この種では最初のプログラムである。新たな要件が今年3月に発表されて以来、ITブランドはCSRコミットメントを向上させるために努力を重ね、最初の製品がこの新要件を満たした。この全リストはウェブサイトhttp://www.tcodevelopment.comで閲覧可能。



 Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120611/537442



世界のプロフェッショナル購入者は、持続可能なIT目標の達成を支援するツールとしてTCO認証を信頼している。オーストリア・ウィーン市Electrical Office Equipment Groupのドミニク・シュライバー氏は、CSRへの重点を強化したことを歓迎し、「TCO認証に採用されている広範囲な基準はIT機器を購入するうえで貴重な手助けとなる。われわれは信頼できる検証手順だけでなく、このプログラムに社会的な側面を大幅に含めた努力を評価する」と語った。

TCO Developmentのソーレン・エンホルム最高経営責任者(CEO)は次のように語った。


▽TCO Developmentについて

TCO DevelopmentはIT製品の持続可能性に対する第三者認証であるTCO認証を行う企業であり、20年にわたり持続可能なITの分野の国際的推進者である。世界のプロフェッショナルなIT購入者はその持続可能なIT戦略の一環として、TCO認証製品を選択している。TCO認証を取得した製品はさまざまな基準に対応しており、製造、使用、リサイクルが環境、社会的および経済的責任に配慮して実行されることを保証する。該当製品はノートブック、デスクトップ、オールインワンPC、タブレット、プロジェクター、ディスプレー、携帯電話機などを含む。TCO Developmentはスウェーデンのストックホルムにあり、北米、アジアに地域拠点を保有している。



Anna Pramborg


Phone: +46-70-667 6404


Clare Hobby


Phone: +1-310-801 8769

ソース:TCO Development

TCO Development Announces First IT Products to Meet new Social Responsibility Requirements in TCO Certified



- Enhanced focus on social and environmental responsibility offers additional

reassurance for buyers

TCO Development, the international organization for Sustainable IT, today

announced the first IT products to achieve the new generation TCO Certified

sustainability certification [http://www.tcodevelopment.com ]. . Focusing on

environmental, social and economic responsibility, TCO Certified is the first

program of it's kind to enhance its environmental certification with

requirements for corporate social responsibility - CSR - in production

facilities for IT products. Since the announcement of the new requirements in

March of this year, several IT brands have been working to improve their CSR

commitment, resulting in the first products to meet the new requirements. A

complete listing can be found on http://www.tcodevelopment.com

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120611/537442 )

As concern for working conditions in IT manufacturing facilities grows, TCO

Certified will now require manufacturers to demonstrate their commitment to the

ILO core conventions for social responsible working conditions, as well as

comply with all environmental, ergonomic, energy and other requirements in TCO

Certified. Production facilities will need to show progress towards meeting the

ILO conventions through independent social audits as well as commitments to

programs such as EICC or SA8000.

Criteria in TCO Certified [http://www.tcodevelopment.com ] are designed to

ensure that the manufacture, use and recycling of IT products is carried out

with regard to environmental, social and economic considerations. The program

is a useful tool for professional buyers in making sustainable IT purchasing

easier, and as all product models are verified in an independent test facility,

buyers can be confident that the products they select live up to expectations.

Professional purchasers around the world trust TCO Certified as a tool to help

them reach their sustainable IT goals. Dominik Schreiber from the Electrical

Office Equipment Group with the City of Vienna, Austria, welcomes the enhanced

CSR focus: "The wide range of criteria used in TCO Certified gives valuable

support in purchasing IT equipment. We appreciate the efforts for increasingly

including social aspects in the program as well as the reliable verification


Soren Enholm, CEO of TCO Development

The new Generation TCO Certified comes at a time when organizations are more

engaged than ever in implementing sustainable practices in all aspects of their

business. They also expect the same commitment from their vendors and suppliers

of IT products, meaning those products should be environmentally preferable as

well as manufactured under socially responsible conditions. By enhancing our

commitment to social responsibility in the new TCO Certified, we believe both

purchasers and manufacturers will be able to more effectively drive IT in a

sustainable direction.

About TCO Development

TCO Development is the organisation behind TCO Certified, the third party

sustainability certification for IT products, and has been an international

driver in the field of Sustainable IT for 20 years. Professional IT purchasers

worldwide choose TCO Certified products as part of their sustainable IT

strategy. Products achieving TCO Certified meet a broad series of criteria to

ensure that manufacturing, use and recycling is carried out with consideration

for environmental, social and economic responsibility. Product categories

include notebooks, desktops, All-in-One PCs, tablets, projectors, displays and

headsets. TCO Development is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with regional

presence in North America and Asia.

For further information, contact:


Anna Pramborg anna.pramborg@tcodevelopment.com

Phone: +46-70-667 6404

North America:

Clare Hobby - clare.hobby@tcodevelopment.com

Phone: +1-310-801 8769

SOURCE: TCO Development




