


AsiaNet 49689 

共同JBN 0810 (2012.6.14)





SKBのクロース・セゲルシュトルム(Claes Thegerstrom)社長はこのニュースに「当社はこの最終報告書に期待をかけていたが、その中で表明された積極的な見解を喜ばしく思っている。許認可手続きはいまだ完了にほど遠いとはいえ、国際審査チームが当社の申請に対してこのような理解を示したことを幸せに思う」とコメントした。


SKBの長期的安全解析グループのアラン・ヘディン(Allan Hedin)責任者は「過去1年間で膨大な量の素材が検証され、多くの質問が提出された。われわれはこれらの質問に応えるよう努力してきたが、国際審査チームがここに提出した完ぺきな検討報告書に感謝している。チームの勧告はSKBが作業を続けていく上で良い助けとなる」と話した。




*経済協力機構(OECD)は先進諸国(http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-land)を民主主義(http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demokrati )と市場経済(http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marknadsekonomi)の面で支援する国際組織である。







International Review - a Milestone in the Nuclear Waste Issue



     An international review team appointed by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

(NEA) and commissioned by the Swedish government has reviewed SKB's application

to build a final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark. Their

conclusion is that the SKB safety analysis provides a satisfactory and credible

platform for the licensing process.

     The review has been in progress for over 12 months, and the final report

was presented today. It is an important milestone in the current licensing

process. In the report, NEA states that SKB's method is both mature and

innovative and that it meets the safety requirements.

     "We have been looking forward to this final report and are delighted about

the positive opinions expressed in it. Although the licensing process is still

far from being completed, I am happy that the international review team has

given our application such recognition," says SKB President Claes Thegerstrom,

commenting the news.

     The international review team says that SKB has shown that the method

meets all the specified requirements and is sufficiently safe. They also point

out that there are several areas where additional research is needed to further

strengthen confidence in the findings of the safety analysis, SKB has already

started work and research projects in a number of these areas.

     "A huge amount of material has been reviewed, and many additional

questions have been asked over the past year. We have worked hard to answer

them, and we appreciate the thoroughness of the review report the international

review team has now presented. Their recommendations provide good support for

SKB's continuing work," says Allan Hedin, head of SKB analysis of long-term


     The international review team also emphasizes the importance for SKB to

clearly show the chain of events whereby theory is transformed into practice,

i.e how to translate safety analysis into industrial production and

application. This work is ongoing and will become increasingly important closer

to the start of construction and operation. The results of this work will be

reviewed and evaluated by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, in the

coming licensing process.

     The review report also praises SKB's approach to public outreach work that

is described as at the forefront of international practise.

     About the OECD-NEA international review team:

     - OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is

       an international organisation that helps industrialized   

       [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-land ] countries with democracy   

       [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demokrati ] and market economies   

       [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marknadsekonomi ].

    -  The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has organized over 15 expert

       reviews of safety reports on final repositories for spent nuclear fuel

       in different countries.

    -  The International Review Team (IRT) consists of ten experts within

       different scientific areas who come from organizations and universities

       in seven countries.

    -  The areas of the application that have been reviewed concern long-term

       radiation safety and the choice of location and method.

    -  The review was commissioned by the Swedish government and has been

       managed by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM.

    -  The review report is available at the SSM website, http://www.ssm.se.





