Groundbreaking Infrastructure Projects Fuel 'Cities of the Future'

KPMG International

Groundbreaking Infrastructure Projects Fuel 'Cities of the Future'

AsiaNet 49888

SINGAPORE, July 3, 2012 /CNW=KYODO JBN/ --

KPMG unveils report on 100 innovative global infrastructure projects that make

cities liveable and sustainable

The development of sustainable urban infrastructure is one of the greatest

challenges of the 21st century.  With more than half of the global population

already squeezed into cities that, collectively, make up less than two percent

of the planet's land cover1, the pressure now being placed on urban

infrastructure is unprecedented.  This worldwide demand for infrastructure is

expected to require the investment of tens of trillions of dollars over the

next four decades in order to create and maintain sustainable and

highly-liveable urban areas that balance the needs of the population, the

economy and the environment.

To that end, KPMG's Global Infrastructure Practice is pleased to announce the

much-anticipated second edition of the Infrastructure 100: World Cities Edition

- a high-profile report showcasing 100 of the most innovative and inspiring

urban infrastructure projects from around the world.  Released at the World

Cities Summit in Singapore, this edition provides insight into the

infrastructure projects that make great cities, with a particular focus on the

innovations that make them 'Cities of the Future' - places where people want to

live and do business.

"Existing urban infrastructure is in urgent need of revitalization, and demands

for new infrastructure have skyrocketed to meet the basic needs of growing

populations.  The world's cities are already home to more than half the world's

population, and that number is expected to jump by more than three billion by

2050," said Nick Chism, KPMG's Global Head of Infrastructure.  "The World

Cities Edition looks specifically at the challenges faced by cities around the

world and features 100 innovative projects that can inspire readers to

conceive, finance and develop infrastructure projects that make a positive

difference to the cities we live in."

From managing exploding urban population growth to updating aging

infrastructure or effectively managing a declining population and tax base,

each region of the world faces major infrastructure challenges that must be met

in order to ensure the economic health of the region.

"Cities are playing an ever more important part in their country's economy.

However, current global economic conditions and austerity measures have

resulted in a need to identify innovative infrastructure solutions to deliver

the required investments," said James Stewart, KPMG's Chairman of Global

Infrastructure.  "Strategic city infrastructure projects are delivering

economic renewal by connecting communities and increasing jobs while delivering

tangible long-term impacts and growth. But the importance of investing in

sound, smart infrastructure cannot be overstated."

Infrastructure 100: World Cities Edition

The projects showcased in the Infrastructure 100 are made up of approximately

20 projects selected by independent judging panels of industry experts from

five regions of the world, including: Asia Pacific, North America, Latin

America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa.  Projects were then sorted

into 10 project categories, including: Urban Mobility, Global Connectivity,

Urban Regeneration, Education, Healthcare, Water, New and Extended Cities,

Recycling and Waste Management, Urban Energy Infrastructure, and Communications


Five regional judging panels assessed hundreds of submissions on the following

criteria: feasibility, social impact, technical and/or financial complexity,

innovation and impact on society.

Of the 100 projects identified by the regional judging panels, 10 were selected

by a global judging panel as being the most noteworthy within each project

category.  The 2012 feature projects include:

1.  Urban Mobility: East Side Access, New York City, United States of America

2.  Global Connectivity: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Delhi to Mumbai,


3.  Urban Regeneration: Oresund Regional Development, Denmark and Sweden

4.  Education: Princess Nora Bint AbdulRahman University for Women, Riyadh,

    Saudi Arabia

5.  Healthcare: Royal London Hospital, London, UK

6.  Water: Tuas II Desalination Plant, Tuas, Singapore

7.  New and Extended Cities: Tianjin Eco City, Tianjin, China

8.  Recycling and Waste Management: Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, Kranji to

    Changi, Singapore

9.  Urban Energy Infrastructure: Cidade Inteligente, Buzios, Brazil

10. Communications Infrastructure: BRICS Cable Project, South Africa and


View a complete list of the 100 projects online at:

About KPMG's Global Infrastructure Practice

KPMG's Global Infrastructure practitioners are on site in 146 countries,

advising governments, developers and investors across the lifecycle of

infrastructure projects - from strategy and financing to delivery and

hand-back.  By combining valuable global insight with hands-on local

experience, KPMG's Infrastructure professionals work to consistently provide

integrated advice and effective results to help clients succeed.  For more

information, visit

About KPMG

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and

Advisory services. We operate in 152 countries and have 145,000 people working

in member firms around the world.  The independent member firms of the KPMG

network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG

International"), a Swiss entity.  Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and

separate entity and describes itself as such.  For more information, visit


1Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - Cities and Climate Change by UN

HABITAT, March 2011.  Available at:  

SOURCE: KPMG International


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