◎神秘の蝶オオカバマダラの記録映画 米国で初上映


◎神秘の蝶オオカバマダラの記録映画 米国で初上映

AsiaNet 50788

共同JBN 1233(12・9・26)

◎神秘の蝶オオカバマダラの記録映画 米国で初上映

【ワシントン2012年9月26日PRN=共同JBN】メキシコ政府は25日夜、メキシコ政府観光局と在米メキシコ大使館を通して、ワシントンの国立自然史博物館で映画「フライト・オブ・ザ・バタフライズ(Flight of the Butterflies)」を世界で初めて上映した。世界でも数少ない大自然の神秘である蝶のオオカバマダラを描いたアイマックス(IMAX、登録商標)3D映画上映会には、メキシコのフェリペ・カルデロン大統領が臨席し、400人以上の招待客が集まった。

米国科学財団(NSP)が支援し、カナダの映画会社SK Filmsが制作したフライト・オブ・ザ・バタフライズは、Monarch Butterfly(モナーク・バタフライ/王様蝶)と呼ばれるオオカバマダラのメキシコでの知られざる越冬地を40年間追い求めた一徹な生物学者の真実の物語を記録している。







Jennifer Risi

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide


ソース:Mexico Tourism Board

Mexico Tourism Board and the Embassy of Mexico Host Flight of the Butterflies in 3D World Premiere


WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The Government of Mexico, through the Mexico Tourism Board and the Embassy of

Mexico hosted the world premiere of "Flight of the Butterflies" yesterday

evening at Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

More than 400 guests, in the presence of Mexican President Felipe Calderon,

gathered for the IMAX(R) 3D screening which tells the story of the Monarch

Butterfly - one of the great natural mysteries of the world.

Produced by SK Films, a Canadian production company, and supported by the

National Science Foundation, "Flight of the Butterflies" chronicles the true

story of an intrepid scientist's 40-year search to find Monarch butterflies'

secret hideaway while overwintering in Mexico.

The award-winning production team, including executive producer Jonathan Barker

and Oscar(R) winner Peter Parks, captures the year-long migration cycle of

hundreds of millions of Monarch butterflies, from Canada, through the United

States to remote 10,000-foot-high peaks in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico

- and back - through generations.

The film also represents a strong partnership amongst the U.S., Canada and

Mexico to tell the untold story of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Urquhart and share the

natural phenomenon of a tiny creature's epic migration with viewers across the


Since 2006 President Felipe Calderon has distinguished himself as a world

leader in sustainability, living out his personal mandate to preserve the

natural wonders of Mexico. A native of Morelia, Michoacan who grew up near the

butterfly sanctuaries, President Calderon's says, "We must remain committed to

the conversation of these fragile creatures and their threatened habitats."

In 2008 UNESCO declared the Monarch butterfly reserve in Mexico a World

Heritage Site. While the WWF classified the Monarch as a "near threatened"

species, the Mexican government and leading conservations organizations such as

FMCN (Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacion de la Naturalez, A.C.) will continue

to enforce measures to preserve the butterflies and their sanctuaries.

SECTUR, Mexico's federal Ministry of Tourism, Mexico Tourism Board, the state

of Michoacan and the state of the Mexico, as well as governmental and

international environmental institutions sponsored the film.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Jennifer Risi

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide


SOURCE  Mexico Tourism Board




