


AsiaNet 50793

共同JBN 1235 (12・10・2)


【リノ(米ネバダ州)2012年10月2日PRN=共同JBN】USAgreencardlottery.org(https://www.usagreencardlottery.org/index_Japanese.html)は2日、米国DV-2014抽選永住権(Green Card Lottery)プログラムを開始したと発表した。応募者はグリーンカード(米国永住権)を取得するチャンスを逃さないために急いで当ウェブサイトを閲覧してもらいたい。






Laura Rochetto



U.S. Government Official Green Card Lottery program begins today. 55,000 Winners Selected to Live & Work in the USA


RENO, Nev., Oct. 2, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

      www.USAgreencardlottery.org accepting applications starting today!

USAgreencardlottery.org (http://www.usagreencardlottery.org ) announces the

start of the U.S. 2014 DV Lottery (also known as the Green Card Lottery)

program.  Applicants must hurry over to the website to not miss out on the

opportunity for their chance to win a Green Card!  

The multi-language website simplifies the process and makes sure applicants

meet the requirements and submit entries without mistakes. Be aware that the

entries submitted with mistakes will automatically be disqualified. The U.S.

Government will only accept applications for a limited time, a 30-day period so

do not delay.

Every year, the United States Government allocates 55,000 Green Cards for

people all over the world. The family-based visa can only be attained through

sponsorship from a U.S. citizen family member, while the employment-based visa,

only through a U.S. citizen employer.

The problem with those two options is that the process can be lengthy and

complicated. The Green Card Lottery is a perfect option for everyone, even

those eligible for family- or employment-based visas, because it is a direct

path to a Green Card.

USAgreencardlottery.org is a multi-language online service designed to ensure

its customers present error-free entries to the U.S. Green Card Lottery every

year. Applicants can also easily track the status of their entry. For more

information, visit www.usagreencardlottery.org

SOURCE:  USAgreencardlottery.org

CONTACT: Laura Rochetto






