


AsiaNet 50852

共同JBN 1262(12.10.3)


【ニューデリー2012年10月3日PRN=共同JBN】世界有数の人材管理ソリューション・プロバイダーであるコーン・フェリー・インターナショナル社(Korn/Ferry International  NYSE:KFY)はこのほど、インドにおけるリーダーシップ・人材コンサルティング(LTC)事業部門の上級パートナー兼マネジングディレクターにスミタ・アナンド(Smita Anabd)氏を任命した。




アナンド氏はコーン・フェリーに入社する前、インドの経営指導と「生涯学習」の企業であるiDiscoveri Leadershipの社長を務めた。その以前はエーオンヒューイット(Aon-Hewitt)社アジア太平洋コンサルティング部門の地域担当取締役であった。アナンド氏は当時、上海を拠点として10カ国18事務所に広がる多様な地域の顧客、企業、品質、さらにはチームの目標を戦略化し、実現するため全般的責任を負っていた。



アナンド氏はアラハバード大学で人的資源を専攻して修士号(MBA)を修得したが、人文科学の学士号はラクナウ大学で受けた。加えて、同氏はHuman Synergistics、FACET 5、ホ―ガン・アセスメント(Hogan Assessments)、 MBTIなどの(人材)評価ツールについての訓練を受け、ユーザー資格を得ている。

▽コーン・フェリー・インターナショナル・アジア太平洋(Korn/Ferry International Asia Pacific)について

コーン・フェリー・インターナショナル(Korn/Ferry International)は世界有数の人材管理ソリューション・プロバイダーであり、南北米大陸、アジア太平洋、欧州、中東、アフリカに常設事務所を持つ。コーン・フェリーはロサンゼルスに本社を置くが、 1973年に東京事務所を開設して、アジア太平洋地域で活動する最初の世界の大手エグゼクティブ・サーチ機関となった。今日、当社は域内の重要ビジネス中心地に18 事務所を構えている。コーン・フェリーは顧客が必要とする人材を惹きつけ、折衝し、開発し、保持することを支援する一連のソリューションを提供している。



当社の業界に関する情報(thought leadership)、知的財産、調査研究については以下の



ソース:Korn/Ferry International


Charu Mittal

+91 124 4321057


Korn/Ferry International Appoints Smita Anand To Head Its Leadership And Talent Consulting Business In India


NEW DELHI, Oct. 1, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Korn/Ferry International (NYSE:KFY), a premier global provider of talent

management solutions, has appointed Smita Anand as Senior Partner and Managing

Director of its Leadership and Talent Consulting (LTC) business in India.

     Based in Korn/Ferry's Gurgaon office, Ms. Anand will be responsible for

leading the Firm's Board and CEO Succession offering in Asia. She will also

continue to strengthen the LTC business and enhance the client franchise across

the Indian market.

     Navnit Singh, Chairman and Office Managing Director of Korn/Ferry India,

said, "With nearly three decades of experience in management consulting and

business leadership roles spanning India, the Middle East, China, and several

other markets in the Asia Pacific region, Smita will be a terrific addition to

the India team as clients look to us for strategic counsel to help them

understand respond to the dynamic talent landscape."

     As a leadership coach and advisor, Ms. Anand has advised chairmen and

board members and senior business leaders across Asia on issues ranging from

succession, talent, and business alignment. She has helped Asian leaders deal

with change contexts such as business turnaround, growth, consolidation, and

global expansion.

     Before joining Korn/Ferry, Ms. Anand was the President of iDiscoveri

Leadership, a leadership and 'life-long learning' business in India.  Prior to

that, she was the Regional Director for Aon-Hewitt's Asia-Pacific Consulting

business. Based in Shanghai, Ms. Anand had overall responsibility for

strategizing and realizing customer, business, quality and team goals for a

diverse region, spanning 10 countries and 18 offices.

     Earlier, Ms. Anand was head of Human Capital Services for

PricewaterhouseCoopers in India, and has also been a senior consultant at Ernst

& Young.

     "CEO succession is one the most significant challenges in Asia today, as

the current generation of leaders prepare for the transition to the next. Smita

will be critical in extending our growing impact on CEO transitions across the

region," said Indranil Roy, Managing Director for Korn/Ferry Leadership and

Talent Consulting, Asia Pacific. "In India, we already have a strong team in

place. Smita will be instrumental in taking our India practice to the next

level of success. I am thrilled to have her on the team," he added.

     Ms. Anand holds a Masters in Business Administration with specialization

in Human Resources from Allahabad University and a Bachelor of Arts from

Lucknow University. She is also trained in, and is an accredited user of

assessment tools such as Human Synergistics, FACET 5, Hogan Assessments, and


     About Korn/Ferry International Asia Pacific

     Korn/Ferry International, with a presence throughout the Americas, Asia

Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, is a premier global provider of

talent management solutions. Korn/Ferry, based in Los Angeles, was the first

major global executive search firm to operate in Asia Pacific when it opened

its doors in Tokyo in 1973. Today it has 18 offices in key business centers

throughout the region. Korn/Ferry delivers an array of solutions that help

clients to attract, engage, develop, and retain their talent.

     Visit www.kornferry.com for more information about the firm, and

www.kornferryinstitute.com for thought leadership, intellectual property and


     SOURCE: Korn/Ferry International

    CONTACT: Charu Mittal

             +91 124 4321057





