◎再生可能エネルギーの発電容量増、投資減 NGOのPewリポート
◎再生可能エネルギーの発電容量増、投資減 NGOのPewリポート
AsiaNet 52759
共同JBN 0436 (2013.4.17)
【ワシントン2013年4月17日PRN=共同JBN】非営利NGO組織The Pew Charitable Trustsが17日公表した調査研究によると、世界のクリーンエネルギー部門は、新市場が誕生して再生可能エネルギー容量が成長した結果、地理的、技術的な変化が進んでいる。同部門は2012年に弾力性を示し、発電容量で記録的な88ギガワット(GW)が追加登録されたが、投資水準は2690億ドルで2011年から11%減少した。G20諸国の中で5位にある日本は、2011年に福島第一原子力発電所の被災後の原子力エネルギーに代わるエネルギーを開発する国家的努力が弾みを付けたことから再び台頭している。日本のクリーンエネルギーへの投資は、ほぼすべて太陽光発電部門で73%増の163億ドルとなり、発電容量にして2GW余りを付加した。
Pew リポート「Who's Winning the Clean Energy Race? (クリーンエネルギー開発競争に勝利する国はどこか?)」2012 Editionは、各国が世界の代表的経済大国の中で民間投資に対してますます高まる厳しい競争をいかに対処しているかについて検討している。最大の注目点は投資であり、それはクリーンエネルギーのイノベーション、商業化、製造、設置を促すものである。金額は米ドル表示である。データはPewのクリーンエネルギー研究パートナーである Bloomberg New Energy Financeによって収集され、検討された。国のプロファイル、インタラクティブ・グラフィックスなど含めて同リポートの閲覧はwww.pewtrusts.org/cleanenergyを参照。
The Pew Charitable Trustsはナレッジ能力によって今日直面する最も重要な問題を解決する。Pew は厳密な分析アプローチを採用して、公共政策を強化し、国民に伝達し、市民生活に活力を与える。詳細はwww.pewtrusts.orgを参照。
+1-202-540-6582 | tschario@pewtrusts.org
ソース:The Pew Charitable Trusts
Pew Report Finds Global Clean Energy Investment Declined, Capacity Grew in 2012
WASHINGTON, Apr. 17, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
-- Japan rebounds to no. 5 in G-20 with 75 percent increase in investment,
to $16.3 billion
The global clean energy sector is undergoing geographic and technological
shifts as new markets emerge and renewable capacity grows, according to
research released by The Pew Charitable Trusts. The sector demonstrated
resilience in 2012, registering a record 88 gigawatts, or GW, of additional
generating capacity, even though investment levels declined 11 percent, to $269
billion, from 2011. Japan, in fifth place among the Group of Twenty (G-20)
nations, reemerged as a top destination for clean energy investment as national
efforts to develop alternatives to nuclear energy gained momentum after the
Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster in 2011. Clean energy investment in the
nation increased 75 percent, to $16.3 billion, almost all in the solar sector,
which added more than 2 GW of generating capacity.
The 11 percent decline in clean energy investments compared to 2011 levels
was due in part to curtailed incentive programs in a number of countries, among
them Spain, Italy, and Germany. Elsewhere, continuing support for clean energy
led to record levels of investment in a number of nations, including China and
South Africa. Renewable energy installations grew by more than 11 percent to 88
GW, which reflected price reductions in wind, solar, and other technologies.
"Clean energy trends demonstrate the ongoing resilience of this emerging
sector in the global economy," says Phyllis Cuttino, director of Pew's clean
energy program. "Japan's reemergence as a destination for private finance of
clean energy technologies also served to strengthen worldwide investment
levels. Up sharply in Japan from last year, we expect investment growth to
continue as the nation seeks to harness clean energy, especially solar, as an
alternative to nuclear power. Japan is also working to become a leader in
electric vehicle technology, which bodes well for future clean energy
The clean energy race
Japan realized the fourth-highest level of solar investment ($15.7 billion)
and was in the top-10 for one and five-year investment growth; investment
intensity and installation of new clean generating capacity. In the wind
sector, $500 million was invested.
Among the Group of 20 nations, China reclaimed the top spot from the United
States, attracting $65.1 billion, a 20 percent increase over 2011 and 30
percent of the total for the G-20. China established itself as the leader in
attracting investment in wind, solar, and other renewables. It added 23 GW of
clean energy generating capacity, bringing its total to 152 GW, the most of any
The United States fell to No. 2 as investment in the sector declined 37
percent, to $35.6 billion. In third place, Germany curtailed incentives and saw
investment decline 27 percent, to $22.8 billion. Still, 7.5 GW of solar
generating capacity were added in Germany―the most of any G-20 country.
South Africa was the fastest-growing market in the G-20, with investment
growing from less than $30 million in 2011 to $5.5 billion in 2012. The South
African solar sector attracted $4.3 billion in 2012, or 80 percent of the
total. Another $1.1 billion went to the nation's wind sector. Rapid investment
growth positioned South Africa as the ninth-leading destination for clean
energy investment, behind Italy, the United Kingdom, and India.
Shifting markets and technologies
Reflecting the trend toward emerging markets, clean energy investment is
shifting from the West to the East. The Asia and Oceania region has grown nine
straight years and in 2012 became the leading regional destination for clean
energy investment, growing 16 percent to $101 billion and accounting for 42
percent of the global total. In contrast, policy uncertainty in Europe and the
United States resulted in investment declines of 22 percent in the Europe,
Middle East, and Africa region, and 31 percent in the Americas.
Clean energy investment is also shifting across technologies. For the
second year in a row, solar technologies attracted more financing than any
other technology by a wide margin: $126 billion was invested in the subsector
in 2012, or 58 percent of the G-20 total. China, Europe, and the United States
were top markets for solar investment.
Wind energy, which has garnered the majority of clean energy investment for
most of the last decade, saw 14 percent less investment across the G-20, but it
still attracted $72.7 billion. Among G-20 countries, wind energy investment was
down 14 percent, with declines in historically large markets such as China,
Germany, India, and Brazil. But the United Kingdom and United States saw gains
in wind energy investment, with a substantial increase in the United States to
a record 13.6 GW of wind power generating capacity, spurred by uncertainty
about the potential expiration of the production tax credit. At year-end,
Congress renewed this important tax incentive for the U.S. wind industry
through 2013.
Continued reductions in the price of wind and solar helped boost worldwide
installed clean energy capacity to 648 GW. A record 48.6 GW of wind and 31 GW
of solar generating capacity were deployed in 2012. Installed solar capacity of
104 GW is four times the level in place in 2009. In the United States,
renewable energy sources accounted for 49 percent of new generating capacity in
2012, while in Europe more than 70 percent of new capacity was renewable.
Who's Winning the Clean Energy Race? 2012 Edition examines how nations are
faring in the increasingly stiff competition for private funding among the
world's leading economies. The primary focus is on investment, which drives
innovation, commercialization, manufacturing, and installation of clean energy
technologies. Monetary amounts are listed in U.S. dollars. The data were
compiled and reviewed by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Pew's clean energy
research partner. Read the report, including country profiles and interactive
graphics, at www.pewtrusts.org/cleanenergy.
The Pew Charitable Trusts is driven by the power of knowledge to solve
today's most challenging problems. Pew applies a rigorous, analytical approach
to improve public policy, inform the public, and stimulate civic life.
+1-202-540-6582 | tschario@pewtrusts.org
SOURCE: The Pew Charitable Trusts