◎小規模取締役会の実現には多様性の拡大が課題 Evershedsリポートが指摘


◎小規模取締役会の実現には多様性の拡大が課題 Evershedsリポートが指摘

AsiaNet 52747

共同JBN 0440 (2013.4.24)









今回の調査リポート「Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board(Evershes取締役会リポート:実効力のある取締役会)」は世界規模の調査で、2011年から2012年にかけて欧州、米国、アジア太平洋、中東、ブラジルの500社以上のトップ企業の株価パフォーマンスを分析して世界の取締役会の特徴を調査した。リポートはまた世界中の取締役会の上級メンバー85人との突っ込んだインタビュー結果も反映している。今回のリポートは、2007年の調査によって取締役会の構成と株価パフォーマンスとを比較した初の調査である2011年公表の第1回Eversheds Board Report(Eversheds取締役会リポート)に次ぐものである。





「最初のEversheds Board Reportを2011年に公表して以来、取締役会はメディアから大きな注目を浴びたうえに経済全体がかんばしくない状況でのかじ取りに、より厳しい監視にさらされている。数知れないリスク要因と厳しくなる法規制に対して戦略成長の決定との釣り合いをとることは、世界中の取締役会にとって2013年の課題である」

「今回の調査の背景として、取締役会を実効力のあるものにする手掛かりを提供したかった。われわれの最新リポートは、変化する取締役会の構成、良好なパフォーマンスの企業における取締役会の特徴、株主の関与、リスク管理を詳細に調査している。2番目のBoard Reportの調査結果は何が取締役会での望ましい企業ガバナンスに役立つかとの議論に寄与すると確信している」




「Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board」のコピーの請求はウェブサイトhttp://bit.ly/YZtn6nまで。


▽「Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board」について

最初のEversheds Board Reportは2011年に公表され、金融危機以後の2007年から2009年の期間における世界中の大企業数社の取締役会の構成と株価パフォーマンスとの関係を理解するうえでの手掛かりを提供した。

取締役会の構成を調べる2回目の世界規模の調査「Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board」では、Evershedsは取締役会を実効力のあるものにするための手掛かりを提供することを目指している。グローバル法律事務所のEvershedsは英国、欧州大陸、米国、アジア太平洋、中東、ブラジルのトップ企業の取締役会を綿密に分析して、実証的調査を更新、拡大した。リポートはまた株価を分析するとともに、世界中の100人を超える取締役会の上級メンバーの詳細な考え方を盛り込んでいる。

▽Eversheds LLPについて

Everheds LLPは世界各地の事務所に4500人余のビジネス・法律アドバイザーを抱え、民間/公共企業と金融コミュニティーに高品質の法的サービスを提供している。これらサービスのすべては、国際法律事務所の世界的業務を通じて提供されている。Evershedsはそれぞれの地域市場に関する知識と世界最大級の法律事務所としての専門性、リソース、国際性を兼ね備えている。



Drive for Wider Board Diversity Challenged by Trend for Smaller Boards


LONDON, Apr. 23, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - New Report Identifies Global Standards and Emerging Trends for Effective


     - Major new study into global boardroom composition and culture

investigates how board structures are changing

    - Across the globe, boards are becoming smaller - and smaller boards tend

to deliver better share price performance

    - Diversity, in the widest sense, is key to an effective board

    - Companies with a higher ratio of executive directors to non-executive

directors (NEDs) tend to perform better and NEDs who come from a different

sector or who are CEOs elsewhere are also key to successful performance

    - The 'shareholder spring' has been over-stated and positive engagement

between shareholders and boards is more evident

    A move towards smaller boards is making boardroom diversity an ever-more

challenging objective, according to a major new report released today (Monday

22 April 2013) by global law firm Eversheds. The study demonstrates that,

although companies with smaller boards tend to deliver better share price

performance, chairmen and nomination committees will have to balance size with

a number of other important factors shown to demonstrate better share price

performance, such as appointing more executives to boards and encouraging

greater diversity in the broadest sense.

    The 'Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board' is a global study that

analysed the share price performance of over 500 top companies in Europe, the

US, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Brazil between 2011 and 2012 to

investigate the characteristics of global boardrooms. The report also reflects

in-depth interviews with 85 senior board members from around the world. It

follows the first Eversheds Board Report published in 2011, the first study to

compare board composition and share price performance with research going back

to 2007.

    The report highlights global trends in board composition over the past five

years, particularly a trend towards smaller boards, with this development

consistently related to better company share price performance across

international regions and industry sectors. The study found that boards are now

8% smaller on average when compared to five years ago, with the greatest change

taking place over the last three years, down 7% from 2009 to 2012. This

decrease in board size has also had the effect of placing greater demands on

each NED. Nearly all board directors (93%) interviewed for the report believe

that an effective board should have less than 12 members.

    The study found that diversity is key to successful boards; with a

significant majority of board directors (61%) believing that diversity in the

widest sense has an important impact on board performance. This includes

diversity of skill sets, expertise outside of sector, international experience,

age and background as well as gender. This focus on diversity, when combined

with shrinking board size, means that decisions on board composition are

becoming an increasing challenge for chairmen and nomination committees.

    The study also identified that companies with a higher number of executive

directors on their boards tended to have a better share price performance, as

did companies having more directors on the board with experience of a different

industry sector. Notwithstanding the link between diversity of sector

experience and better performance, the trend has been to recruit NEDs with same

industry sector experience in every region except Hong Kong. This is despite

the fact that half of the directors interviewed recognised that diversity of

sector experience assists performance and could combat "group think".

    John Heaps, chairman at Eversheds, comments:

    "Since the first Eversheds Board Report was published in 2011, increased

media attention and challenging economic conditions have meant that boards have

been subject to greater scrutiny. Balancing strategic growth decisions against

a myriad of risk factors and tougher regulation is the challenge for boards

across the globe in 2013.

    "Against this backdrop, we wanted to provide further insight into what

makes an effective board. Our new report looks closely at the changing

composition of the Board, the characteristics of boards of better performing

companies, shareholder engagement and management of risk. We believe that the

findings of our second Board Report will make a valuable contribution to the

debate on what makes for good corporate governance in the boardroom.

    "It is encouraging that our research reveals that diversity is still a key

priority, with directors now moving the debate beyond gender to also encompass

diversity of age, sector and skill sets as well as international experience.

However, the trend towards smaller boards means that achieving this diversity

is becoming an increasing challenge."

    The issue of gender diversity in the boardroom was also investigated in the

global study, and the findings highlight that in the last five years, there has

been a 50% increase in the percentage of female directors on boards across all

regions. That said, this increase is against the context of a low base and the

appointments of women are mostly of a non-executive, rather than executive,

nature. The largest increases were in Europe (156%) and in Hong Kong (133%).

    The so-called 'shareholder spring' has generated a lot of media interest.

However, the study shows that this has been somewhat overstated and the reality

is that there is evidence of more positive engagement between shareholders and

boards. Only 14 out of 140 companies analysed received less than 80%

shareholder approval for their executive remuneration packages, with the

average shareholder approval percentage standing at 90%. The majority of

directors interviewed recognised that shareholder engagement does have an

impact on board strategy and remuneration, and recommended early engagement on

difficult issues. One of the reasons cited for this high level of shareholder

support was prior proactive dialogue between the board and shareholders.

    To request a copy of 'Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board', please

visit: http://bit.ly/YZtn6n.

    Notes to editors

    About the 'Eversheds Board Report: The Effective Board'

    The first Eversheds Board Report was published in 2011 and provided an

insight into the relationship between board composition and share price

performance of some of the largest companies across the globe, both during and

after the financial crisis, covering the period for 2007 to 2009.

    For its second global study into the composition of boards - the 'Eversheds

Board Report: The Effective Board' - Eversheds seeks to provide further insight

into what makes an effective board. The global law firm has updated and

expanded its empirical research to undertake a close analysis of the boards of

the top companies in the UK, Continental Europe, USA, Asia-Pacific, the Middle

East and Brazil. The report also analyses share price figures and incorporates

in-depth views from over 100 senior board members from around the world.

    About Eversheds LLP

    Eversheds LLP and its worldwide offices have over 4,500 people who provide

services to the private and public sector business and finance community.

Access to all these services is provided through 43 international offices in 26

jurisdictions. Eversheds combines local market knowledge and access with the

specialisms, resources and international capability of one of the world's

largest law firms.


    SOURCE: Eversheds




