◎Apps For Asiaの決勝進出作品がADB総会で展示


◎Apps For Asiaの決勝進出作品がADB総会で展示

AsiaNet 52916

共同JBN 0509 (2013.5.7)

【デリー(インド)2013年5月4日PRN=共同JBN】アジア開発銀行(ADB)とマイクロソフト社は、第46回ADB年次総会でApps For Asia-Redesigning Development Program(アジア向けアプリ:再設計開発計画)を展示する。同プログラムは水利用を追跡し、最も求められている緊急サービスを確立し、結核患者の間の投薬使用をモニターし、公共輸送利用者計画旅行を支援するモバイルアプリケーション向けコンセプトが含まれている。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO


Apps For Asiaプログラムは、オーストラリア、インド、韓国、マレーシア、フィリピンの一連の国家的デベロッパー行事が含まれる。提出された100のアプリケーションのうち、それぞれの国のトップ3だけのアプリがインドのデリーで開かれたADB年次総会で展示される。

ADBのナレッジマネジメント・持続的開発担当バイスプレジデントのビンドゥ・N・ロハニ氏は「Apps For Asiaは、テクノロジーの力とそれが社会、経済開発の育成を支援できることを示す素晴らしいショーケースである」と語った。ADBはプログラム参加者を支援し、創作意欲をかき立てるために、地域経済、社会、開発優先策のガイダンスを提供した。

Apps For Asiaのコンテスト参加者は、献血ネットワークを管理し、青年層の就活を支援し、先住民への住宅供給プロジェクトを調整し、犯罪防止を推奨し、糖尿病管理に対応するアプリケーションを構築する。


ADBの識見に加えて、参加者はマイクロソフトのプラットフォーム、さまざまな機器、クラウドサービスへの訓練とアクセスを受けられ、それによってデベロッパーはWindows Azure、Windows 8、Windows Phoneなどの革新的なアプリを作成することができる。プログラムはさらに、地域のデベロッパーによる地域ソリューション作成し、地域コミュニティーに前向きの影響を与える革新的ビジネスモデルを生み出すことを支援する。



 *Blue Cloverは糖尿病を患う3億4700万人の生活の質を向上するため、モバイルとクラウドを利用することでこれまでの糖尿病管理法を大きく変える。

 *Index(Grand Domain)は、人々がオンラインサービスを利用する際に共通のデジタルアイデンティティー(ID)を利用することができるようにして、セキュリティーを高めることに役立ち、名簿管理を容易にするとともに、エンドユーザーが容易にアクセスできるようにする。



 *Jeevan Paniは市民に水情報利用へのアクセスをしてもらい、その水利用を計算し、報告し、それをソーシャルネットワークサイトで共有してもらう。








 *EPIC Hopeはマレーシアのコミュニティーと接触、権限を強化することで、先住民への持続的住宅供給を確立することに関与してもらう。


 *Blood R2 Systemは、血液の需要と供給にマッチして、コミュニティーの献血ニーズに応える。



 *Blood Donors Networkは献血ニーズに対応するコミュニティーを支援するソリューションを提供する。







ソース:Microsoft Corp.


Karen Palmer, ADB,

Tel. +63-2-632-5331,

Mob. +63-920-949-6419,


Moses Mok, Weber Shandwick for Microsoft,




マイクロソフト社からの情報、ニュース、概要についてはMicrosoft News Center(http://www.microsoft.com/news)を参照。各種ウェブリンク、電話番号、肩書などは本リリース作成時のもので、その後変わった可能性もある。ジャーナリスト、アナリストがさらに詳しい情報を必要な場合は、マイクロソフトの Rapid Response Teamまたはウェブサイト(http://www.microsoft.com/news/contactpr.mspx)にあるその他適切な連絡先を参照。

Apps For Asia winners featured at Asian Development Bank annual meeting


DELHI, India, May 4, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     -- Bringing together developers and the application needs of the

                           Asia Pacific region.

ADB and Microsoft Corp. will showcase the Apps For Asia-Redesigning Development

Program at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The

program includes concepts for mobile applications that track water usage,

consolidate the most sought-after emergency services, monitor medication use

among tuberculosis patients and help public transit users plan travel.

(Logo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO)

The program, supported by regional information technology associations,

private-sector technology partners and universities, aims to harness the

creative power of hundreds of software developers to create sustainable

solutions for the economic, commercial and social benefit of governments, civil

society and businesses in the region.

The Apps For Asia program included a series of national developer events in

Australia, India, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. Of the 100 apps

submitted, only the top three from each country are exhibited at the ADB's 46th

annual meeting in Delhi.

"Apps For Asia is a great showcase of the power of technology and the role it

can play in fostering social and economic development," said Bindu N. Lohani,

vice president for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB. ADB

provided guidance on regional economic, social and development priorities to

assist and inspire program participants.

Apps For Asia contestants built new apps addressing a wide range of issues,

including apps to manage blood donor networks, help match youth with potential

employers, coordinate indigenous housing projects, promote crime prevention and

address diabetes management.

"We received an incredible amount of creative and impactful apps over these

past few months, which represents the impact we can make in solving the

region's challenges through technology," said John Cann, director,

International Organizations, Microsoft. "With new technologies like cloud

services and a range of mobile devices, apps can be developed quickly to reach

more people in more ways."

In addition to insight from the ADB, participants received training and access

to Microsoft's platform, spanning devices and cloud services, which enabled

developers to create innovative Windows Azure, Windows 8 and Windows Phone

apps. Further, the program helps local developers produce local solutions and

foster innovative business models that have a positive impact on their


Here are the 15 finalists that showcased their apps at this year's ADB annual



-- Blue Clover revolutionizes the current diabetes management approach by

    utilizing mobile and cloud to improve the quality of life for the 347

    million people affected by diabetes.

-- Idex (Grand Domain) allows people to use a single digital identity to

    access online services, which helps improve security, eases management of

    directories and provides easier access to end users.

-- xMeaning serves as an aid to learning foreign languages by allowing

    translators to produce a document in a source language and annotate it with

    translation information to help a learner better understand the context.


-- Jeevan Pani provides citizens with access to water usage information and

    allows them to calculate and report their water usage and share it on

    social networking sites.

-- Help-Me consolidates the most sought-after emergency services ― police,

    fire and ambulance ― with a phone app, operator console and reporting


-- TOTS ensures that tuberculosis patients follow a proper treatment regimen

    to help cure the disease by managing records and calendars, mapping routes

    to nearby treatment centers, and taking photos of patients taking their

    medicine and immediately notifying their doctors and families.

-- PathFinder eases the process of planning travel and using local public

    transportation by identifying the best transportation routes to get to

    desired locations.


-- Filament supports real-time crime prevention through enhanced incident

    reporting and tracking, integrating with existing report management systems

    to help reduce response delays.

-- Mapi provides real-time navigation advice, allowing users to post

    information and communicate about the best routes based on mode of

    transport, current traffic situations and crowd-sourced feedback.


-- EPIC Hope connects and empowers communities in Malaysia to get involved in

    building sustainable housing for the indigenous people.

-- Gnowledge supports education by allowing users to create, publish, share

    and take tests, and complete exercises and assignments.

-- Blood R2 System addresses communities' blood donation needs by matching

    blood demand and supply.


-- Codetoki eases the process of helping youth find employment by allowing

    applicants to improve their technology skills and by matching employers and

    applicants through a gamified platform.

-- Blood Donors Network provides a solution to help communities meet their

    blood donation needs.

-- Leanasset serves as a public transport monitoring system that enables

    commuters and transport operators to access transportation information and

    simplifies fleet management.

More information on Apps For Asia can be found at http://www.AppsForAsia.com.

About Asian Development Bank

ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific

through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth and

regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members ― 48 from

the region. In 2012, ADB assistance totaled $21.6 billion, including

cofinancing of $8.3 billion.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software,

services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full


SOURCE Microsoft Corp.

CONTACT: Karen Palmer, ADB, Tel. +63-2-632-5331, Mob. +63-920-949-6419,

kpalmer@adb.org, or Moses Mok, Weber Shandwick for Microsoft, Tel.

+65-9186-2794, MMok@webershandwick.com / NOTE TO EDITORS: For more information,

news and perspectives from Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft News Center at

http://www.microsoft.com/news. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were

correct at time of publication, but may have changed. For additional

assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft's Rapid Response

Team or other appropriate contacts listed at





