◎精神障害(MND)と戦うキャンペーン「Do You Mind?」を開始


◎精神障害(MND)と戦うキャンペーン「Do You Mind?」を開始

AsiaNet 53070

共同JBN 0580 (2013.5.22)

【ジュネーブ2013年5月21日PRN=共同JBN】国際製薬団体連合会(IFPMA)は21日、精神疾患(Mental Neurological Disorders: MND)に対する関心を高め、行動を促すキャンペーン「Do You Mind?」を開始する。このキャンペーンは、世界各国の保健相が一堂に会し精神疾患に関する行動計画を検討するために会合する第66回世界保健総会(World Health Assembly)の開会に合わせて行われた。

「Do You Mind?」キャンペーンは、さまざまなプロフィルを活用し、患者、医師、雇用主、政策決定者、一般市民が各自の果たすべき役割を理解するよう促すのを目的としている。インタラクティブな質疑もまた、MNDが社会全体に与える影響について注目を促し、社会的汚名・迷信の払拭に役立てる。


IFPMAのエドゥアルド・ピサニ理事長は「MNDは単に健康上の問題にとどまらず、教育、雇用、科学、政府、あらゆる分野の政策決定者を巻き込む社会的優先策であるべきだ。「Do You Mind?」キャンペーンはこれら関係者を集め、すべての人がこの苦しみを集団的に減らすには何をすべきかを示すことになる」と語った。





'Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work.'

OECD. 2012


Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Launches 'Do You Mind?' Campaign to Fight Mental and Neurological Disorders


GENEVA, May 21, 2013/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Campaign launched during World Health Assembly, where world's health

      ministers gather to address the large physical and economic costs of

      these disorders

    - Mental and neurological disorders (MNDs) affect 700 million people

      annually and account for 30 percent of global non-communicable disease

      (NCD) burden

    - 'Do You Mind?' helps patients, family members, policymakers and others

      to understand the role each can play to collectively address MNDs

    Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and

Associations (IFPMA) launched the 'Do You Mind?' campaign to focus attention

and to prompt action on MNDs. The campaign launch takes place at the start of

the 66th World Health Assembly, where health ministers meet to consider a

global mental health action plan.

    'Do You Mind?' leverages various profiles to help patients, physicians,

employers, policymakers, and the general public understand the role each actor

can play in collectively addressing MNDs. Also interactive questioning is used

to highlight the impact of MNDs across society, reduce stigma, and dispel

common myths.

    The World Health Organization reports that 700 million cases of MNDs occur

annually and that MNDs account for 30 percent of the global non-communicable

disease (NCD) burden. MNDs include schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer's

disease, and depression, which alone affects more than 350 million people. In

addition to the personal toll, MNDs have a large socio-economic cost: 40

percent of lost worker productivity in OECD countries is attributable to


    "More than just a health issue, MNDs should be a societal priority

involving decision makers from education, employment, science, government and

other spheres," said Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General. "'Do You Mind?'

brings these actors together by showing how everybody can act to collectively

reduce suffering."

    The campaign is publicly available and can be accessed at:


    About the IFPMA:

    IFPMA represents the research-based pharmaceutical companies and

associations across the globe. The research-based pharmaceutical industry's 1.3

million employees research, develop and provide medicines and vaccines that

improve the life of patients worldwide. Based in Geneva, IFPMA has official

relations with the United Nations and contributes industry expertise to help

the global health community find solutions that improve global health.

    1. 'Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work.'

        OECD. 2012





