◎2歳児の肝臓ガン除去手術に成功 ハイセンス Higemiの医療機器


◎2歳児の肝臓ガン除去手術に成功 ハイセンス Higemiの医療機器

AsiaNet 55295

共同JBN 1501 (2013.12.12)



肝臓ガンに冒され、いくつかの大病院で助かる見込みがないと言われた2歳の子供が12月3日、中国の青島で手術を受け、腫瘍切除に成功した。ハイセンス(Hisense) Higemiの医療機器の助けを借りて、非常にリスクの高い複雑な肝臓の腫瘍部位切除手術はわずか3時間で終了した。従来では7時間以上かかる手術で、切除手術中に失われた血液も30ミリリットルにとどまった。この手術は、ハイセンス Higemiの国内市場である中国国内の手術室に設置された医療機器の最初の応用例だった。手術を担当した青島大学付属病院のトン・チアン副院長は「ハイセンス Higemiの革新的なハイテク医療機器が急速かつ広範囲に使われるようになって、手術を行う国中の医師、患者が恩恵を受けるのをうれしく思う」と述べた。

ハイセンス Higemiがカギとなる技術研究所を設立し、医療向けアプリケーション向けの先端技術の研究開発を始めたのが数年前。最近はディスプレー技術研究企業と提携し、医療用ディスプレー機器開発や、外科手術シミュレーション技術の開発、モバイル・インターネットやクラウド技術をテコにした「ワークステーションとモバイル・ディスプレー用プラットフォーム」に重点を置いた商業用ソフト、ハードの開発におけるハイセンスのディスプレー、画像処理技術の強みを利用してきた。



ソース:Hisense Group

Reversal of Fate: Hisense Medical Equipment Pivotal in Saving of a Two-year-old Child with Liver Cancer


QINGDAO, China, Dec. 12, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Medical equipment maker's targeting of medical electronics market spares

a young life

    A 2-year-old child with a large liver tumor, a case that had been deemed as

hopeless by several large hospitals, underwent surgery to successfully remove

the tumor in Qingdao on Dec 3. With the help of medical equipment from Hisense

Higemi, the high-risk and complicated liver tumor resection surgery took only

three hours rather than traditional seven+ hours, with just 30 ml of blood loss

during resection. The surgery represented Hisense Higemi's first application of

its equipment in an operating room setting within China, its own domestic

market. Dong Qian, Vice President of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao

University, who performed the surgery, said: "I'm looking forward to rapid and

wide application of Higemi's high-tech medical innovation, in a move to benefit

both surgeons and patients across the country."

    Several years ago, Hisense had started tapping the medical electronics

industry by setting up key technology labs and engaging in the research and

development of advanced technologies for medical applications. Hisense has

joined hands with its display technology research unit in recent years to take

advantage of Hisense's strengths in display and image processing techniques in

the development of medical display equipment as well as in the development of

surgical simulation techniques and commercial software and hardware focused on

a "workstation + mobile display platform" leveraging the mobile internet and

cloud technologies.

    The medical electronics industry has traditionally been as considered a

promising path for electronics producers. Consumer electronics giants such as

GE, Philips, Siemens, Samsung, Sony, Canon, Toshiba and NEC have expanded into

the sector. China's medical electronics industry is expected to reach 190

billion yuan (approx. US$31 billion) in 2013 and 340 billion yuan (approx.

US$56 billion) in 2015.

    Hisense has collaborated with renowned hospitals including Beijing

Hospital, Qilu Hospital and Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University as well

as academic institutes on joint development projects and development of

clinical medical applications. The company plans to set up a specialized

medical electronics subsidiary in the future after its initial efforts has been


    SOURCE: Hisense Group




