

AsiaNet 55365



[No.18 1312-02]











CFA協会会長兼CEOのジョン・ロジャース(John Rogers, CFA)は「グローバル経済の成長を予想する当会員の数が過去2年間で倍近くに増加しましたが、油断している場合ではありません。調査結果は、金融業界に対する投資家の信頼感が低下していることを示しており、金融業界が社会に貢献する巨大な力となるためには、すべてのレベルにおいて倫理的行動を心掛けるべきです」と述べています。


世界経済の成長を予想 日本では、昨年の40%を上回る61%の回答者が世界経済の成長を予想しています。アジア太平洋地区(56%)は相対的に低く、米州(62%)とEMEA(69%)を下回りました。

日本経済に関して楽観的な見方に転換 国内経済の見通しに関して日本の専門家は英国(74%)に次いで最も楽観的で、拡大を予想した回答者は73%と昨年のわずか11%から大きく増加し、縮小を予想した回答者はわずか5%(昨年は24%)でした。全体では57%が拡大を予想し、9%が縮小を予想しました。

株式への期待が顕著に増大 全体の71%が株式を2014年に最も良好なリターンを示す可能性の高い資産クラスであると回答し、2013年の50%から大きく増加しました。なかでも日本の回答者が80%と最も強気でした。

資産バブルを懸念 アジア太平洋地区の回答者の68%は、金融バブルが向こう1年間に起こることを予測しています。これは米州(49%)およびEMEA(50%)を上回っています。またアジア太平洋地区の回答者の52%が不動産バブルを懸念しています。

米国、中国、日本がベストな投資機会 アジア太平洋地区の回答者は、世界の株式市場のうち、2014年は米国(25%)、中国(20%)、日本(10%)に最も魅力的な投資機会が存在すると回答しています。

景気低迷、政情不安と新興国市場の成長率は国内経済にとり最大のリスクと認識 全体の31%は弱い経済状況が国内経済にとり最大の脅威であると回答し、政情不安も28%とその次に懸念されています。アジア太平洋地区の回答者のうち18%が新興国経済の成長率に懸念をもっており、これは他地域(米州:5%、EMEA:6%)を大きく上回っています。日本は政情不安への懸念が他地域と比べて高く、43%が最も大きなリスクと捉えています。昨年は軟調な国内経済を最大のリスクとみなしており、この1年で見方が大きく変化しています。資本市場にプラスの影響を与える要因として、日本では新興国経済の成長を挙げる回答者が44%と最も多い結果となりました。2013年の調査では41%が欧州ソブリン債務危機の解消・改善が重要であると回答していたことからは様変わりしています。


投資家からの信頼を構築する監視の改善を呼びかけ アジア太平洋地区では、EMEA(33%)および米州(24%)を上回る40%の回答者が、投資家からの信頼回復とグローバル市場の信頼性の改善には、規制強化とシステミックリスクの監視が最も重要であると指摘しています。

法規制の執行強化と強固なコーポレート・ガバナンスが必要 自国市場で投資家の信頼回復と市場の信頼性を向上させるために、全体の30%が現行法規制の執行改善が最も必要であると回答しており、次いでコーポレート・ガバナンスの向上(24%)、財務報告の透明性(17%)を挙げています。日本では48%がより強固なガバナンス基準の設定を最優先課題としています。


国内市場では不正行為や不適正販売、グローバル市場ではさらに財務報告や金融デリバティブの利用と開示が倫理上の課題 国内市場が直面する最も深刻な課題として、全回答者のそれぞれ25%と24%が不適正販売と不正行為を指摘しています。アジア太平洋地区では不正行為への懸念が32%と最も高く、中国では55%、日本では34%でした。グローバル市場が直面する倫理上の課題では、不正行為(全体の24%)、財務報告(21%)に次いで金融デリバティブの情報開示と利用(20%)が最も懸念されています。




一般社団法人日本CFA協会  担当:鈴木泉

〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-9-7大手町フィナンシャルシティ サウスタワー5階510

Tel 03-3517-5471/ Fax 03-3517-5472

E-mail:info@cfaj.org  www.cfasociety.org/japan


CFA協会 広報事務局


Tel 03-6809-2690/ Fax 03-6809-2691


CFA協会 概要

CFA 協会は投資専門家の世界的な団体であり、専門家としての卓越性と資格の基準を設定しています。CFA協会は投資市場における倫理的行動の推進者であり、世界の金融業界に高度な知識をもたらす組織として高い評価を得ています。投資家の利益が優先され、市場が最良の状態で機能し、経済が成長する環境を生み出すことを最終目標としています。CFA協会には世界の142の国と地域で122,000名を超えるメンバー(114,600余名のCFA資格者を含む)が所属しています。詳細はwww.cfainstitute.org.でご覧いただけます。










「CFA(R)(Chartered Financial Analyst(R))」概要


一般社団法人日本CFA協会 (The CFA Society of Japan Inc.) 概要


所在地:東京都千代田区大手町1-9-7大手町フィナンシャルシティ サウスタワー5階510

TEL:03-3517-5471 Fax:03-3517-5472 


代表者:瀬尾 周一, CFA

ホームページアドレス www.cfasociety.org/japan

Investment Professionals in Asia Pacific Show Tempered Optimism on Economic Growth in 2014; Concerned With Market Integrity, Real Estate Bubble


HONG KONG, Dec. 19, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Annual CFA Institute survey finds increasing confidence in APAC economies; need

for key reforms to strengthen financial system

Investment professionals in Asia Pacific (APAC) are more optimistic about

economic prospects for the coming year although they tend to be more cautious

compared to their peers elsewhere, according to a survey by CFA Institute, the

global association of investment professionals.

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/12/16/20131216173537320331.jpg )

The CFA Institute 2014 Global Market Sentiment Survey (GMSS)

(http://www.cfainstitute.org/gmss ) shows that more than half (56 percent) of

investment professionals in the region surveyed this year expect the global

economy will expand, representing a significant shift in sentiment. Last year,

only 32 percent of respondents had the same view. More than two-thirds (68

percent) in APAC are worried about asset bubble risks in their local markets,

with 52 percent seeing it coming from the real-estate sector.

Overall, respondents see little change in the level of integrity in the global

capital markets, though APAC respondents are more optimistic about this

improving than their counterparts in the Americas as well as those in Europe,

the Middle East and Africa "EMEA" (32 percent in APAC compared with 23 percent

in the Americas and 27 percent in EMEA).

The annual survey measured the opinion of 6,561 CFA charterholders and members

globally, more than 1,000 of whom are in APAC. To review the complete report

and survey results, visit http://www.cfainstitute.org/gmss.

"The number of our members who expect the global economy to expand has nearly

doubled in the last two years. However this is no time for those in finance to

become complacent," said John Rogers, CFA, president and CEO of CFA Institute.

"The survey reflects that investor trust has been eroded and in order for the

financial industry to be an extraordinary force for good, we must embrace

ethical behavior at all levels. As markets rebound, we are working to ensure

that attention does not shift away from meaningful reforms that might restore

investor trust and strengthen the financial system's ability to resist shocks

in the future."  

Survey highlights:

Asia Pacific investment professionals positive about growth in 2014, but

worries evident at local level

  --  Global economy expected to improve. Fifty-six percent of APAC

      respondents expect the global economy to expand, up from 32

      percent in last year's survey; but fewer than in the Americas

      (62 percent) and EMEA (69 percent).

  --  Opinion divided over local economy. Fifty-two percent of

      members in APAC expect their local markets to grow in 2014,

      up slightly from 46 percent in last year's survey. Respondents

      in Japan are the most confident within the region and among

      the top two globally at 73 percent. Hong Kong respondents

      (37 percent) are the most cautious.

  --  Marked increase in optimism over equities. Sixty-eight percent

      of APAC members this year identified equities as the asset

      class most likely to perform best, up from 41 percent in 2013.

  --  Asset bubbles. Sixty-eight percent of APAC respondents anticipate

      an asset bubble in the coming 12 months, compared to only 49

      percent in the Americas and 50 percent in Europe, the Middle East

      and Africa (EMEA).

  --  United States, China, and Japan are considered the best investment

      opportunities. APAC members rate the United States (25 percent),

      China (20 percent), and Japan (10 percent) as the equity markets

      that will provide the best investment opportunity in 2014.

      Globally, respondents also rate these as the top three markets in

      that order.

  --  Weak economic conditions (28 percent), political instability

      (24 percent) and growth rates (18 percent) in emerging economies

      are identified as the biggest risks to local markets.  Many more

      APAC members are concerned about growth rates in emerging

      economies, than members in other regions (5 percent in the

      Americas, 6 percent in EMEA).

Members call for global oversight and local enforcement

  --  Calls for improved oversight to build investor trust. Forty

      percent of APAC members say that the most needed action to

      improve investor trust and global market integrity is improved

      regulation and oversight of systemic risk, more than in EMEA

      (33 percent) and the Americas (24 percent).

  --  Local enforcement and better corporate governance. Globally

      members cite improved enforcement of existing laws and

      regulations in their home markets (30 percent) as the action

      most needed to help improve investor trust and market integrity.

      But in APAC opinions are split. Those in mainland China

      (34 percent), India (32 percent) and Australia (30 percent)

      share the same view. Respondents in Japan (48 percent),

      Hong Kong (31 per cent) and Singapore (23 percent) are more

      likely to point to the need for stronger corporate governance

      standards. Those in China (27 percent) are also more concerned

      about improving transparency of financial reporting and other

      corporate disclosures than any other territory.

Financial derivatives an ethical issue for global markets, market fraud and

financial reporting top serious ethical issues in APAC markets

  --  Compared to the global average more APAC members identify

      market fraud (32 percent) and the integrity of financial

      reporting (20 percent) as the principal ethical issues facing

      local markets. China members (55 percent) are by far the most

      concerned about market fraud.  In Australia however mis-selling

      dominates as the largest concern (48 percent). Biggest ethical

      issue facing global markets is the disclosure and use of financial

      derivatives, with APAC members (27 percent) rating this as more

      of a problem than their peers (18 percent in the Americas and

      21 percent in EMEA).

About the Global Market Sentiment Survey 2014

Providing insight to investors worldwide, the annual Global Market Sentiment

Survey (GMSS) reflects the views and expectations of CFA Institute members --

respected experts in the industry -- on financial markets, integrity, ethics,

and performance for the coming year. The 2014 findings, drawn from more than

6,500 surveyed members in over 110 countries, are used by financial

professionals and media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg

to gauge opinion on the future of the financial industry. For the complete GMSS

results, visit www.cfainstitute.org/gmss.

About CFA Institute

CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets

the standard for professional excellence and credentials. The organization is a

champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of

knowledge in the global financial community. The end goal: to create an

environment where investors' interests come first, markets function at their

best, and economies grow. CFA Institute has more than 117,000 members in 140

countries and territories, including 110,000 CFA charterholders, and 140 member

societies. For more information, visit www.cfainstitute.org.

About CFA(R) (Chartered Financial Analyst(R)) Designation

Since it was first introduced in 1963, the Chartered Financial Analyst(R)

designation, or CFA charter, has become the most respected and recognized

investment credential in the world. Earning the CFA charter demonstrates

mastery of the skills most needed for investment analysis and decision making

in today's fast-evolving global financial industry. To earn the CFA charter you

must complete the CFA Program consisted of three levels, have four years of

qualifying investment work experience and become a member of CFA Institute,

pledging to adhere to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of

Professional Conduct on an annual basis

About CFA Japan (The CFA Society of Japan Inc.)

The CFA Society of Japan (CFA Japan) was established in 1999 as one of CFA

Institute member societies, and later incorporated in Aril 2011.  In

partnership with CFA Institute, CFA Japan conducts educational programs and

disseminates information and ideas related to the investment profession. CFA

Japan promotes: ethical and professional standards within the investment

industry; encourage professional development through the CFA Program and

continuing education; facilitate the exchange of information and opinions among

people within the local community and beyond; and work to further the public's

understanding of the CFA designation and investment industry.

Address: 510, FINE TOKYO, 5th Floor, South Tower, Otemachi Financial City,

1-9-7 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Tel: 03-3517-5471

Fax: 03-3517-5472

Established: 1999

President: Shuichi Seo, CFA

Website: www.cfasociety.org/japan

Twitter: twitter.com/cfajapan


Yoshinori Fukushima

PPC Inc.

Tel: +81(3)6809-2690

Email: fukushima@ppc-inc.co.jp

SOURCE  CFA Institute




