◎ストラタシス・ジャパン、世界初のマルチカラー&マルチマテリアル3Dプリンタ「Objet500 Connex3」の国内販売を開始


AsiaNet 55828





「Objet500 Connex3」の国内販売を開始


世界で最も幅広い用途に活用できる「Objet500 Connex3」で、




東京、2014年2月18日 - パーソナル向け、およびプロトタイピング/製造向け3Dプリンタと造形材料メーカーであるStratasys Ltd.(http://www.stratasys.com/ 、NASDAQ:SSYS)の子会社、株式会社ストラタシス・ジャパン(以下、ストラタシス・ジャパン)は、本日、世界初のマルチカラー&マルチマテリアルの3Dプリンタ「Objet500 Connex3」の国内発売を開始したことを発表しました。   

(Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20140217/8521400813

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/12/05/20121205155959811273-l.jpg

プロダクトデザイン、エンジニアリングおよび製造プロセスに大きな変革をもたらす「Objet500 Connex3」 は、固有のトリプル・ジェッティング・テクノロジーを搭載しています。 このテクノロジーは3種類の素材を組み合わせることで、硬質素材、軟質素材、透明カラー素材、およびカラー・デジタル素材の組み合わせを一回のプリントジョブで造型することができます。これにより、複数のパーツを組み立てたり、塗装を施したりすることなく、アセンブリ・パーツの特徴を再現できるため、大幅に時間を節約することができます。また、製品製造者は大量生産を開始する前の早い段階でデザインを検証し、必要な意思決定を行うことができるため、製品をより速く市場に送り出すことができます。

Stratasys Ltd.のCEO、David Reisは次のように述べています。 「Stratasysが目指すことは、お客様のデザインや製造プロセスに大きな変革を起こすためのお手伝いをすることです。当社の新しい Objet500 Connex3は、お客様の製品のデザイン、エンジニアリング、製造方法を変革すると確信しています。Connexテクノロジーを活用し、3Dワールドにおける可能性を広げていきたいと考えています。」

Trek Bicycle社(ウィスコンシン州ウォータールー)のエンジニアは、実際に最終製品を製造する前に「Objet500 Connex3」を使用してバイクチェーンのステーガードや、ハンドルのグリップなどの自転車用アクセサリー造形し、デザインの検証や機能テストを行っています。Trek社のプロトタイプ開発グループマネージャーであるMike Zeigle氏は次のように述べています。 「Objet500 Connex3は、従来の時間がかかるCNCプロセスを、素早くかつ反復的、現実的なプロトタイプ作成と機能テストで補完し、Trekでの製造方法を変えました。また、実際の最終製品部品に匹敵する概観と感触の自転車パーツを3Dプリンタで作成できるようになりました。特に、模型を直接カラーで3Dプリントできることにとても興奮しています。これにより、当社のデザイナーはシートやグリップのような乗り手が接触する部分のカラー接地圧マップデータを図示できるようになりました。当社は構造的な自転車のコンポーネントについてのFEA & CFDストレスデータでも同じ作業をしています。」


2Dインクジェットプリンタと同様、 3種類のカラー素材(VeroCyan、VeroMajenta、VeroYellow)が組み合わされることで数百もの鮮やかな色彩を生みだします。 これらのカラー素材が、Stratasysの提供する従来のデジタル素材、硬質素材、ゴムライク素材、透明素材および高耐熱素材などの幅広いPolyJetフォトポリマー素材に加わり、標準プラスチックから工業用プラスチックまで忠実に再現します。


Objet500 Connex3は、不透明から透明色にわたる幅広いショア値の新しいゴムライクTangoカラー用の6つのパレットを備えています。 これにより、自動車、コンシューマーグッズ、スポーツグッズやファッション業界などのニーズにも対応します。*  

Stratasys プロダクト・マーケティングおよびセールス・オペレーション担当副社長であるIgal Zeitunは次のように述べています。 「2007年の販売開始以来、Objet Connexマルチマテリアル3Dプリンティング・プラットフォームは、固有の機械特性や耐温度特性を備えた高度な3Dプリント材料の開発を切り開いてきました。Objet500 Connex3は、コンセプト調査から製造前のパイロットランに至るまで、色鮮やかなカラー・フォトポリマーを使用してカラフルなプロトタイプや部品を作成します。多用途である初の3Dプリンタとして、Objet500 Connex3の右に出る製品はないでしょう。午前中に考えた製品を、意図したカラー、物性と表面仕上げで正確に再現したモデルを、午後には手にすることができるのです。」

Objet500 Connex3は、本日よりストラタシス・ジャパンの販売ネットワークを通じて、日本国内での販売を開始します。





Objet500 Connex3は実証済みのConnexテクノロジーに基づいています。デジタルABSを使ったオーバーモールドや複雑なマルチ素材部品に理想的なObjet500 Connex3は、デザイナー、エンジニアおよび製造者が製造部品の特性に合うプロトタイプ、鋳型および部品を作成できるように設計されています。 プロトタイプや部品を、最終製品の色彩、耐久性および表面仕上げで3Dプリントします。これには、引張り強さ、破壊伸び率、多様な硬度ショア値などの、高性能な熱可塑性素材を再現する卓越した機械特性の達成も含まれます。 また、耐久性のあるデジタルABSマテリアルを使用したオーバーモールディングも可能で、A27~A95までの新しいショアA硬度値をデジタルABSとあわせて使用することができ、コンシューマーグッズの製造に重要なメリットを提供します。

広範なビルドエリアを備えたObjet500 Connex3は大量生産にも理想的なソリューションです。 プリントジョブは1サイクルあたり約30kgの樹脂を使用できます。 PolyJet 3Dプリンティング・テクノロジーの高解像度機能により、Objet500 Connex3は最高16ミクロンの積層ピッチで優れた表面仕上げと精巧なディテールを備えたプロトタイプをプリントします。

Objet500 Connex3についての詳細は、Stratasysのウェブサイトをご覧ください:


Objet500 Connex3のデジタルプレス用キットは、オンライン・ニュースルーム(http://www.stratasys.com/corporate/newsroom)よりダウンロードいただけます。 同キットには、イメージギャラリー、製品紹介ビデオ、活用事例紹介ビデオ、活用事例、ホワイトペーパー、製品カタログ、カラーパレット、仕様書などが含まれます。

ストラタシス (Stratasys Ltd.) について

Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq: SSYS)は、米国ミネソタ州ミネアポリスとイスラエルのレホボトに本社を置く、プロトタイピングや製造向けの3Dプリンタおよび造形材料のメーカーです。 当社の特許取得済みのFDM(R)およびPolyJet(R)プロセスは、3D CADファイルなどの3Dコンテンツからプロトタイプや製品をダイレクトに生産します。 システムには、アイデア開発向けの手頃な価格のデスクトップ3Dプリンタ、プロトタイプ作成やDDM(ダイレクト・デジタル・マニュファクチャリング)向けのシステムが含まれています。 Stratasysの子会社には、MakerbotやSolidscape、RedEyeデジタル・マニュファクチャリング・サービスがあります。 Stratasysは世界中に1,700人以上の従業員と500件以上の取得済みまたは申請中の製造特許を有しており、その技術とリーダーシップについて20回を超える賞に輝いています。 

ストラタシスについて、詳しくはhttp://www.stratasys.co.jp/ またはhttp://blog.stratasys.com をご覧ください。



担当: マーケティングマネージャ 吉澤 文

TEL: 03-5542-0042

E-mail: Aya.Yoshizawa@stratasys.com


担当: 岡田 吉功、安達 沙織、中田 清光

TEL: 03-6858-7711

E-Mail: stratasysjp@edelman.com

Stratasys Redefines Product Design And Manufacturing With World's First Color Multi-Material 3D Printer


TOKYO, Feb. 18, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The new Objet500 Connex3 is the world's most versatile 3D printer, delivering

unparalleled color product realism for better decision making, design

improvement & manufacturing efficiencies

Pioneers Tokyo Lithmatic and DMM.com purchase Objet500 Connex3

Stratasys Japan Co. Ltd. ( http://www.stratasys.com/ ), a subsidiary of

Stratasys Ltd.  (NASDAQ: SSYS), a manufacturer of 3D printers and materials for

personal use, prototyping, and production, today announced the launch of the

ground-breaking Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer, the first and

only 3D printer to combine colors with multi-material 3D printing. Pioneers in

3D printing, Tokyo Lithmatic and DDM.com, purchased Objet500 Connex3, achieving

optimal product realism  through maximum versatility.

(Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20140217/8521400813 )

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/12/05/20121205155959811273-l.jpg )

A game-changer for product design, engineering and manufacturing processes, the

Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer features a unique

triple-jetting technology that combines droplets of three base materials to

produce parts with virtually unlimited combinations of rigid, flexible, and

transparent color materials as well as color digital materials -- all in a

single print run. This ability to achieve the characteristics of an assembled

part without assembly or painting is a significant time-saver. It can help

product manufacturers validate designs and make good decisions earlier before

committing to manufacturing, and bring products to market faster.

"Stratasys' goal is to help our customers revolutionize their design and

manufacturing processes," says Jonathan Jaglom, General Manager, Asia Pacific &

Japan at Stratasys AP Ltd. I believe our new Objet500 Connex3 Color

Multi-material 3D Printer will transform the way our customers design, engineer

and manufacture new products.  In general and with the Connex technology in

particular, we will continue to push the envelope of what's possible in a 3D


Engineers at beta user Trek Bicycle in Waterloo, Wisconsin are using the

Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer for assessment and testing of

accessories like bike chain stay guards and handlebar grips prior to actual

production. "The Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer changed the

way we manufacture at Trek, augmenting our traditional, time-consuming CNC

processes with fast, iterative and realistic prototyping and functional

testing," says Mike Zeigle, manager of Trek's prototype development group.

"Now we produce bicycle parts that look and feel like production parts. We are

particularly excited about 3D printing our models directly in color. This gives

our designers the ability to graphically display color contact pressure map

data on rider contact parts like seats and grips. We are also working on doing

the same with FEA & CFD stress data  on structural bike components," adds


Further to their earlier success with Connex Multi-material capabilities, Tokyo

Lithmatic Corporation and DMM.com. Ltd have purchased Objet500 Connex3 to

further streamline manufacturing processes.  

"Being pioneers in adopting advanced technology, we are delighted to announce

that customers in Japan respond positively to the potential Objet500 Connex3

has to offer," comments Hiroaki Katayama, President & CEO of Stratasys Japan,

"We very much believe that customers in markets such as automotive, animation,

consumer goods, service bureaus and others will reap the benefits of the

world's most versatile 3D printer for unparalleled color product realism."

Three Primary Color Materials Combine to Create a Spectrum of Vibrant Colors

Similar to a 2D inkjet printer, three color materials - VeroCyan, VeroMajenta

and VeroYellow - are combined to produce hundreds of vivid colors. These color

materials join Stratasys' extensive range of PolyJet photopolymer materials

including digital materials, rigid, rubber-like, transparent, and high

temperature materials to simulate standard and high temperature engineering


Another First: Flexible Materials in Color*

The Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer also features six palettes

for new rubber-like Tango colors, ranging from opaque to transparent colors in

various shore values to address markets such as automotive, consumer and

sporting goods and fashion.*  

"Since its introduction in 2007, the Objet Connex Multi-material 3D printing

platform has paved the way for the development of advanced 3D printing

materials with unique mechanical and thermal properties," says Stratasys Sr. VP

of R&D for PolyJet Igal Zeitun. "The Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D

Printer produces models and parts using photopolymers in vivid colors so you

can create colorful models from investigating concepts to pre-production pilot


"As the first true multi-purpose 3D printer, we believe the Objet500 Connex3

Color Multi-material 3D Printer is in a league of its own, enabling you to

dream up a product in the morning, and hold it in your hands by the afternoon,

with the exact intended color, material properties and surface finish."

The Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer is commercially available

today and is sold through Stratasys' extensive worldwide reseller network.

*The Flexible Materials in Color are expected to be commercially available in


Additional Notes for Editors

The Technology Behind the Innovation

The Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer is based on proven Connex

technology. Ideal for over-molding with Digital ABS and complex multi-material

parts, the Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer is designed to

enable designers, engineers and manufacturers to create models, molds and parts

that match the characteristics of production parts. It 3D prints models and

parts with the color, durability and surface finish of end products. This

includes achieving excellent mechanical properties such as tensile strength,

elongation at break, and multiple hardness shore values, which simulate high

performance thermoplastics. It also allows overmolding using durable Digital

ABS materials and introduces new Shore A values for Digital ABS, ranging from

A27 to A95, a major advantage in manufacturing consumer products.

Featuring a large build envelope, the Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D

Printer is ideal for high capacity production. Print jobs can run with about

30kg of resin per cycle. True to the high resolutions available with PolyJet 3D

printing technology, the Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer

prints as fine as 16 micron layers for models with superior surface finish and

ultra-fine detail.

More information about the Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer is

available on the Stratasys website at:


A digital press kit for the Objet500 Connex3 Color Multi-material 3D Printer is

available by visiting the Stratasys online newsroom (

http://www.stratasys.com/corporate/newsroom )which contains additional

resources including an image gallery, a product video, customer story video,

case study, white paper, brochure, color palette, and spec sheet.

Yuima Nakazato, Fashion Designer

Born in 1985, graduated from the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts with an MA

in fashion design in 2004, held his first collection in Paris and established

his own fashion brand YUIMA NAKAZATO in 2009, held a run way collection in

Tokyo in 2010, selected as the hottest young designer by a Japanese industry

magazine, V Magazine in 2011, currently working in Tokyo.

Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq: SSYS), headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn. and Rehovot,

Israel, manufactures 3D printers and materials for prototyping and production.

The company's patented FDM(R) and PolyJet(TM) 3D Printing technologies produce

prototypes and manufactured goods directly from 3D CAD files or other 3D

content. Systems include 3D printers for idea development, prototyping and

direct digital manufacturing. Stratasys subsidiaries include MakerBot and

Solidscape, and the company operates the RedEye digital-manufacturing service.

Stratasys has more than 1700 employees, holds over 500 granted or pending

additive manufacturing patents globally, and has received more than 20 awards

for its technology and leadership. Online at: www.stratasys.com or


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information included or incorporated by reference in this press may be

deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of

1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking

statements are often characterized by the use of forward-looking terminology

such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "continue,"

"believe," "should," "intend," "project" or other similar words, but are not

the only way these statements are identified. These forward-looking statements

may include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the company's

objectives, plans and strategies, statements regarding the company's products

and their expected performance, statements that contain projections of results

of operations or of financial condition (including, with respect to the

MakerBot merger) and all statements (other than statements of historical facts)

that address activities, events or developments that the company intends,

expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future.

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are

subject to risks and uncertainties. The company has based these forward-looking

statements on assumptions and assessments made by its management in light of

their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions,

expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate.

Important factors that could cause actual results, developments and business

decisions to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking

statements include, among other things: the company's ability to efficiently

and successfully integrate the operations of Stratasys, Inc. and Objet Ltd.

after their merger as well as the ability to successfully integrate MakerBot

into Stratasys; the overall global economic environment; the impact of

competition and new technologies; general market, political and economic

conditions in the countries in which the company operates; projected capital

expenditures and liquidity; changes in the company's strategy; government

regulations and approvals; changes in customers' budgeting priorities;

litigation and regulatory proceedings; and those factors referred to under

"Risk Factors", "Information on the Company", "Operating and Financial Review

and Prospects", and generally in the company's annual report on Form 20-F for

the year ended December 31, 2012 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Commission and in other reports that the Company has filed with the SEC.

Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made

in the company's SEC reports, which are designed to advise interested parties

of the risks and factors that may affect its business, financial condition,

results of operations and prospects. Any forward-looking statements in this

press release are made as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no

obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether

as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required

by law.

PolyJet, Connex, and Connex3 are trademarks, and Stratasys and Objet are

registered trademarks of Stratasys Ltd ans or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Media Contact

Stratasys Japan Co. Ltd.

Aya Yoshizawa



SOURCE  Stratasys Japan Co. Ltd.




