◎世界危機管理計画プロジェクトの推進へ アスタナ経済フォーラム

”Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists” Association

◎世界危機管理計画プロジェクトの推進へ アスタナ経済フォーラム

AsiaNet 55848

共同JBN 0176(2014.2.19)

【アスタナ(カザフスタン)2014年2月19日PRN=共同JBN】今年次「アスタナ経済フォーラム」(Astana Economic Forum)組織当局はこのほど、国際的専門機関と国連加盟諸国に対して、今年5月にカザフスタンの首都で討議した後に採択される予定の「世界危機管理計画」(World Anti-Crisis Plan)草案に対する諸提案、諸勧告を提出する課題に取り組むよう要請した。





提出されたアイデアは世界危機管理計画に取り入れられるが、最善の勧告をした人は5月21日から23日までアスタナで、アスタナ経済フォーラムと並行して開催される「第2回世界危機管理会議」(Second World Anti-Crisis Conference 略称 ⅡWAC)に招待される。

「世界危機管理プロジェクト」(World Anti-Crisis Project)は2011年12月、カザフスタン大統領が金融市場で世界的に続いている不安定性と相場の乱高下、その経済成長に与えるインパクトに対処する作業を調整する「グループ・グローバル」(G-Global)を創設しようと提言したことから派生したものである。

同プロジェクトはカザフスタンに本部を置く「ユーラシア科学者協会経済クラブ」(Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association)とブレトン・ウッズ再生委員会(Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee)が国連総会の支持を得て立案したものである。


この会議は「アスタナ宣言」(Astana Declaration)と、世界的な専門家たちと国連加盟諸国、ならびに国連事務局の検討と諸提案を経て立案された世界危機管理計画プロジェクトの主要指針として結実した。


準備作業は既に着手され、160カ国が参加している。G-Globalのコミュニケーション・プラットフォームには1 万通の調査研究リポート、3万5000通の専門家による見解とコメントが届き、さらにはオンラインのビデオ・コンファレンスが210回以上、開かれている。



Media Coordinator EECSA

Dodesheva Aygerim

電話 +7-(712)-70-18-12

電子メール a.ddesheva@astanaforum.org

ソース:”Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists” Association

World Anti-crisis Plan Project


ASTANA, Kazakhstan , Feb. 19 / PRN=KYODO JBN/--

     Organisers of the annual Astana Economic Forum have issued a challenge to

international experts and United Nations Member States to contribute proposals

and recommendations to the draft World Anti-Crisis Plan before it is debated

and adopted in the Kazakhstan capital in May.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121112/573878 )

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140218/671125 )

    Submissions are invited by 15 March 2014 from government agencies,

non-governmental organizations, research centers, think tanks, economic and

financial experts, as well as the business and scientific communities. In order

to find more information on the World Anti-Crisis Plan Project and submit

recommendations, please follow the link:


    Their ideas will be incorporated into the World Anti-Crisis Plan and the

authors of the best contributions will be invited to attend the second World

Anti-Crisis Conference (II WAC), to be held in Astana on 21-23 May in

conjunction with the Astana Economic Forum. The purpose of the Conference is to

approve the Plan.

    The World Anti-Crisis Project stems from an appeal by the President of

Kazakhstan in December 2011 to launch a 'G-Global' initiative to coordinate

efforts to deal with continuing global instability and turbulence in financial

markets and the impact on economic development.

    The Project was developed by the Kazakhstan-based Eurasian Economic Club of

Scientists Association and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, supported

by the United Nations General Assembly.

    Thus the first World Anti-Crisis Conference was held in Astana in May 2013

with the participation of 104 United Nations Member States at the level of

ministers of economy and finance, together with Central Bank Governors.

    The Conference drew up the Astana Declaration and the main directions of

the World Anti-Crisis Plan project developed by the consideration and proposals

of the world expert community, UN member states and UN Secretariat.

    The Astana Declaration and directions of first World Anti-Crisis Plan were

welcomed to the UN General Assembly's 68th session in September/October 2013

and were welcomed with the adoption of a UN Resolution entitled "International

financial system and development".

    The preparatory work has already been substantial, involving participants

from 160 countries. The G-Global communications platform has assembled 10,000

research papers, 35,000 expert views and comments, as well as more than 210

video-conferences held online.

    The revised draft of the Plan is now based on two tracks: International

Financial Architecture and Development. It will be forwarded to all United

Nations Member States and international organisations with a view to its

adoption at the second World Anti-Crisis Conference in Astana in May.

    For more information please contact:

    Media Coordinator EECSA

    Dodesheva Aygerim:

    Tel: +7-(7172)-70-18-12

    E-mail: a.dodesheva@astanaforum.org

SOURCE: "Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists" Association




