◎展望台で最新マルチメディア体験 エンパイアステートビル

Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.

◎展望台で最新マルチメディア体験 エンパイアステートビル

AsiaNet 55852

共同JBN 0180 (2014.2.19)



エンパイアステートビル展望台(Empire State Building Observatory)は19日、特別展示と眺望、さらに奥深いビルの歴史を入場者に案内する新しい「Multimedia Experience(マルチメディア体験)」を導入した。業界リーダーのAntenna Internationalが生み出したこのマルチメディアツアーの料金は入場料に含まれ、ゲストはそれぞれニューヨーク市の中心部から比類のない眺めとともに、世界一有名なオフィスビルのまたとない訪問を一層楽しめる。最先端テクノロジーが、ゲストのすでに忘れがたい体験に当代の教育的アプローチを加える。

クラス最高のテクノロジーと使いやすいナビゲーションがハンドヘルド端末に結合している。入場者がビル内を回ると、このツアーが4つの教育区画を音声と映像で案内する。最近改修されたSustainability Exhibit(持続可能性展示)、ビル建築史に関する「Dare to Dream(あえて夢見る)」展示、世界に名高い86階と102階の展望台である。アプリの「ファン(Fun)」「インフォ(Info)」セクションがビデオ、画像ギャラリー、クイズ、地図とともに付近の見どころを示し、訪問を一層魅力的で楽しいものにしてくれる。入場者はマルチメディア体験を英語、スペイン語、フランス語、イタリア語、中国語、ポルトガル語、日本語、韓国語から選択できる。

Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT)のアンソニー・E・モーキン会長兼社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「世界各地からのビジター数百万人はいまや、われわれが大規模な再建計画(Empire State ReBuilding program)でビル全体に採用したクラス最高のテクノロジーと同水準のものを体験できるようになった。マルチメディアとハンドヘルド端末がすでに忘れがたい体験に加わる。これはエンパイアステートビルのファンに対する最新のギフトにすぎない。新マルチメディアの提供でゲストはビルと歴史的地位、現代のリーダーシップについてより深い知識を得る」と語った。

エンパイアステートビル展望台は業界の世界的専門企業、Antenna Internationalに新ツアー作成を依頼した。Antenna Internationalはルーブルからアルカトラズまで、世界の文化施設1200カ所の年間6000万人以上の入場者向けに同種のツアーを作成している。

Antenna Internationalの米州担当ゼネラルマネジャー、マーク・ロギュラト氏は「エンパイアステートビルが大切なゲストを楽しませるため、この独自経験開発でわれわれと提携したことを光栄に持っている。名高い世界的アイコンにわれわれの専門知識と画期的テクノロジーをもたらすことは誇りである。われわれが手掛けた世界の数百カ所にこのランドマークを加えることに感激している」と語った。

入場者が展望台に入場すると、最初から無料のMultimedia Experienceが提供される。エンパイアステートビル入場券の事前オンライン購入は以下のサイトから。



マンハッタン中心街にそびえ立つ高さ1454フィート(基部からアンテナまで)のエンパイアステートビルはEmpire State Realty Trust, Inc.が所有しており「世界で最も有名なオフィスビル」である。エネルギー効率、インフラ、公共領域、アメニティーへの新たな投資によって、エンパイアステートビルは世界のさまざまな業界分野から一級のテナントを引き寄せている。この摩天楼のしっかりした放送技術はニューヨーク・メトロポリタン市場の主要なテレビ局、FMラジオ局をサポートしている。エンパイアステートビルは米国建築家協会が行った調査で米国の好ましいビルに選ばれ、エンパイアステートビル展望台は地域でナンバーワンの観光地として世界で最も愛されるアトラクションの1つである。エンパイアステートビルについての詳しい情報は以下を参照。







▽Empire State Realty Trustについて

有力な不動産投資トラスト(REIT)のEmpire State Realty Trust, Inc.(NYSE: ESRT)は世界で最も有名なオフィスビルであるエンパイアステートビルを含め、マンハッタンと大ニューヨーク・メトロポリタン地域のオフィス、小口資産を所有、経営、運用、買収、再配置している。ニューヨーク州ニューヨーク市に本社を置く同社のオフィス、小口ポートフォリオは2013年9月30日現在で賃貸用面積が840万平方フィートに上り、このうち780万平方フィートは12のオフィス資産(マンハッタンに7、コネティカット州フェアフィールド郡に3、ニューヨーク州ウエストチェスター郡に2)で、約64万5000平方フィートが小口ポートフォリオである。また同社はコネティカット州スタンフォードに土地を所有し、約38万平方フィートの賃貸用オフィスビルとガレージの開発をサポートするトランスポーテーション・センターを持ち、賃貸用オフィス面積が約150万平方フィートで、ビルの基底部に約15万平方フィートの小口スペースがある2つのマンハッタンのオフィス資産を買収するオプションを取得している。

▽Antenna Internationalについて

Antenna International(商標)は世界文化領域における携帯オーディオ・マルチメディアガイドとモバイルアプリの大手企業である。年間6200万人を超える入場者が有名かつ魅力的で訪問者の多い450以上の地点と長続きする関係を築くAntenna体験を楽しんでいる。Antennaは革新の伝統によって、カセットプレーヤー時代からモバイル解説の主要な開発にすべて関わっており、さまざまなプラットフォーム上の多言語で、入場者がより鮮明に見て深く理解、幅広く鑑賞することを可能にしてきた。1984年創業のAntenna International(商標)は北米、欧州、中東、アジアにオフィスがあるグローバル企業である。

Antenna Internationalに関する詳しい情報は以下を参照。





Matthew Frappier, Edelman Public Relations



ソース:Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.

Empire State Building Observatory Unveils State-Of-The-Art Multimedia Experience


NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Innovative Handheld Multimedia Tour Included in Admission Price

    Empire State Building Observatory today announced the launch of its new

Multimedia Experience which guides visitors through the icon's extraordinary

exhibits and views with additional depth on the building's history. Created by

industry leader Antenna International, the multimedia tour is included in the

admission price and given to each guest to enhance the once-in-a-lifetime visit

to the World's Most Famous Office Building, with its unrivaled views from the

very center of New York City. The state-of-the-art technology adds to guests'

already unforgettable experience with a contemporary educational approach.

    First-in-class technology is combined with consumer-friendly navigation on

a handheld device. As visitors travel throughout the building, the tour offers

an audio and visual companion through four educational areas: the recently

enhanced Sustainability Exhibit, the "Dare to Dream" Exhibit about the historic

construction of the building, and concludes with the world-famous 86th and

102nd Floor Observatories. "Fun" and "Info" sections of the app, along with

several videos, image galleries, quizzes and maps showing points of interest

nearby, make for an even more engaging and entertaining visit. The Multimedia

Experience allows visitors to select their experience in English, Spanish,

French, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean.

    "Our millions of visitors from around the world can now experience the same

level of first-in-class technology we have brought to the entire building with

our massive Empire State ReBuilding program.  The multimedia, handheld device

adds to the already unforgettable experience," said Anthony E. Malkin,

Chairman, President and CEO of Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT).

"This is just the latest gift for ESB fans.  With the new multimedia offering,

guests will gain a deeper knowledge of the building, its place in history and

its leadership today."

    The Empire State Building Observatory enlisted Antenna International, the

global expert in its field, to create the new tour. Antenna International has

created similar tours at 1,200 cultural sites and institutions around the

world, from the Louvre to Alcatraz, for more than 60 million visitors every


    "Antenna International is honored the Empire State Building partnered with

us to develop this one-of-a-kind experience for their valued guests to enjoy,"

said Mark LoGiurato, General Manager, Americas, Antenna International. "We are

proud to bring our expertise and groundbreaking technology to such a renowned

global icon.  We are thrilled to add this landmark to the hundreds of

destinations we work with around the world."

    Visitors are given the Multimedia Experience free of charge with admission

to the Observatory immediately at the beginning of their experience. To

purchase tickets online in advance of visiting ESB, visit


    About the Empire State Building

    Soaring 1,454 feet above Midtown Manhattan (from base to antenna), the

Empire State Building, owned by Empire State Realty Trust, Inc., is the

"World's Most Famous Office Building." With new investments in energy

efficiency, infrastructure, public areas and amenities, the Empire State

Building has attracted first-rate tenants in a diverse array of industries from

around the world. The skyscraper's robust broadcasting technology supports all

major television and FM radio stations in the New York metropolitan market. The

Empire State Building was named America's favorite building in a poll conducted

by the American Institute of Architects, and the Empire State Building

Observatory is one of the world's most beloved attractions as the region's #1

tourist destination. For more information on the Empire State Building, please

visit www.esbnyc.com, www.facebook.com/empirestatebuilding, @EmpireStateBldg,

www.instagram.com/empirestatebldg, www.youtube.com/esbnyc or


    About Empire State Realty Trust

    Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT), a leading real estate

investment trust (REIT), owns, manages, operates, acquires and repositions

office and retail properties in Manhattan and the greater New York metropolitan

area, including the Empire State Building, the world's most famous office

building. Headquartered in New York, New York, the Company's office and retail

portfolio covers 8.4 million rentable square feet, as of September 30, 2013,

consisting of 7.8 million rentable square feet in 12 office properties,

including seven in Manhattan, three in Fairfield County, Connecticut and two in

Westchester County, New York; and approximately 645,000 rentable square feet in

the retail portfolio. The Company also owns land at the Stamford, Connecticut

Transportation Center that supports the development of an approximately 380,000

rentable square foot office building and garage and has an option to acquire

two additional Manhattan office properties encompassing approximately 1.5

million rentable square feet of office space and over 150,000 rentable square

feet of retail space at the base of the buildings.

    About Antenna International

    Antenna International(TM) is the world leader in handheld audio and

multimedia guides, as well as mobile applications, in the global cultural

arena. Each year more than 62 million visitors enjoy an Antenna experience

helping them to make a lasting connection with over 450 of the world's most

famous, fascinating and frequented locations. With a proud heritage of

innovation, Antenna has been responsible for every major development in mobile

interpretation since the days of the cassette player, enabling people to see

more clearly, understand more deeply and appreciate more widely on a variety of

platforms and in multiple languages. Founded in 1984, Antenna International(TM)

is a global company with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

    For more information on Antenna International, please visit   

www.AntennaInternational.com, https://www.facebook.com/AntennaInternational,

and https://twitter.com/AntennaIntl.

    Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release includes "forward looking statements". Forward-looking

statements may be identified by the use of words such as "believes," "expects,"

"may," "will," "should," "seeks," "approximately," "intends," "plans," "pro

forma," "estimates," "contemplates," "aims," "continues," "would" or

"anticipates" or the negative of these words and phrases or similar words or

phrases. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results and

future events to differ materially from those set forth or contemplated in the

forward-looking statements: the factors included in the Company's prospectus

relating to the initial public offering, including those set forth under the

headings "Risk Factors," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial

Condition and Results of Operations" and "Business and Properties." While

forward-looking statements reflect the Company's good faith beliefs, they are

not guarantees of future performance. The Company disclaims any obligation to

publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changes in

underlying assumptions or factors, of new information, data or methods, future

events or other changes after the date of this press release, except as

required by applicable law. For a further discussion of these and other factors

that could impact the Company's future results, performance or transactions,

see the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the prospectus relating to the

initial public offering, and other risks described in documents subsequently

filed by the Company from time to time with the Securities and Exchange

Commission. Prospective investors should not place undue reliance on any

forward-looking statements, which are based only on information currently

available to the Company (or to third parties making the forward-looking


    Matthew Frappier, Edelman Public Relations



    SOURCE: Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.  




