AsiaNet 57255
共同JBN 0743 (2014.7.8)
*Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fund(#PEACEROCKS)向けチャリティー運動を開始-。
ジョン・バルベイトスは2014年秋の広告キャンペーンで、74歳の誕生日を迎えたリンゴ・スターを起用する。これにより、Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fundを支援するためのキャンペーン、短編映画、ソーシャルメディア部門の総合イニシアチブがスタートする。
Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140707/124878
デヴィッド・リンチ財団を通じてRingo Starr Peace & Love Fundに対する認知度を高めるこの統合プログラムは、暴力や犯罪をあおり、保険コストを高騰させる病的水準の慢性ストレスやストレス関連障害に悩む危機的な人々のストレス軽減を助けるものである。
リンゴは笑いながら「男性モデルになろうと長年待っていた」と語り「すべて大義のためにするなんて素晴らしい。だれもがわれわれに加わり、#PeaceRocksを使うよう要請する。アップロードするたびに、ジョンは1ドルをRingo Starr Peace & Love Fundに寄付、デヴィッド・リンチ財団経由で危機にひんし苦しんでいる人々に瞑想(めいそう)をもたらす。このキャンペーンとこれまでしてくれたことでジョンに感謝したい。徹底していいやつだ。だから、#PeaceRocksとLove Rollsをお忘れなく。ピース・アンド・ラブ」と付け加えた。
ソース:John Varvatos
JOHN VARVATOS - James Schuck
The John Varvatos Fall 2014 Campaign Features Ringo Starr
NEW YORK, July 8, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
-- Launches Charitable Initiative Benefitting The Ringo Starr
Peace & Love Fund #PEACEROCKS
John Varvatos is proud to feature, on his 74th birthday, Ringo Starr in the
Fall 2014 advertising campaign. This launch kicks off an initiative that
combines the campaign, a short film and a social media component to support The
Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fund.
Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140707/124878
This integrated program raises awareness for the Ringo Starr Peace & Love
Fund which, through the David Lynch Foundation, helps implement stress-reducing
modalities for at-risk populations suffering from epidemic levels of chronic
stress and stress-related disorders that fuel violence, crime and soaring
health costs.
The social media components revolve around #PEACEROCKS. This call-to-action
encourages participants to share photos of themselves flashing the iconic peace
sign via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. For each #PEACEROCKS tagged photo, $1
will be donated through the end of 2014.
The campaign images were shot by rock photographer Danny Clinch in Los
Angeles. Inspired by vintage photographs, Ringo Starr sits on a carved wooden
chair with a white dove perched above while flashing his infamous peace sign,
thus becoming the signature of the campaign.
"I've waited a long time to become a male model," Ringo said with a laugh,
"and what a great way to do it - all for a good cause. I urge everyone to join
us and use #PeaceRocks. For every upload, John will donate a dollar to the
Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fund that through the David Lynch Foundation teaches
meditation to people at risk and suffering. I want to thank John for this
campaign and all he has done - what a nice guy, inside and out. So remember,
#PeaceRocks and Love Rolls! Peace & Love."
"Ringo has been a true icon of mine since I was a kid. His music and heart
are unique not only in the rock n' roll world but the world in general. Knowing
and working with him has been one of the most motivating and stimulating
experiences in my life," says Varvatos.
Friends of Ringo Starr came together to show their support in a 3-minute
documentary-style short film which debuts today on johnvarvatos.com/peacerocks.
Click here to access videos and images from the Fall 2014 campaign
featuring Ringo Starr:
SOURCE: John Varvatos
CONTACT: JOHN VARVATOS - James Schuck, jamesschuck@johnvarvatos.com