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MoveIt4: Your Key to Getting and Staying in Shape this Summer


IRVINE, Calif., Aug.12, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    With the summer season in full swing, now is the perfect time to get in

shape for all of those fun upcoming beach and pool parties. Keeping yourself

fit and healthy can seem like a daunting task, but with a solid plan in place

and MoveIt4 (http://moveit4.com ) on your side, you'll be rocking your new fit

self with confidence before you know it!

    The best way to reach your fitness goals is to come up with a solid plan

and stay focused on your achievements. Once you begin to see your progress,

continuing to follow your plan will become easier and you will gain the

confidence you need to keep moving forward. If you're not sure how to come up

with a fitness plan, visit MoveIt4 for great tips and nutrition advice. You can

also follow their Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MoveIt4 ) and Twitter

(https://twitter.com/MoveIt4 ) feeds for daily help on how to stick to your

fitness plan.

    As the first part of your plan, focus on making your diet as healthy as

possible: cut back on processed foods, fill up on all of the fresh fruits and

vegetables that are now in season, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Experts say that you should drink at least half of your body weight in ounces

of water each day. Also, studies show that making your water ice cold will

force your body to work harder and burn calories by maintaining its core


    After ensuring your nutritional goals are set, it's time to work out that

body! Your first step should be to include plenty of cardio into your daily

routine, and with the warm days the best place to do that is outdoors. If you

are stuck in class all day, use your lunch break to incorporate a brisk

half-hour walk into your day. Instead of driving to the grocery store this

weekend, bike there and strap on a backpack to carry your food home. After

work, go for a jog in your neighborhood while watching the sun set. Get

creative: think of all the fun and different ways you can incorporate cardio

into your schedule.

    Next you will want to tone all of those muscles that you have been working

out, which might sound difficult at first. However, the good news is that

summertime provides plenty of ways to incorporate water sports into your

fitness plan, which helps you tone quickly. Swimming, kayaking, bicycling,

beach volleyball and tennis are all excellent ways to build muscle. Whatever

toning exercises you choose, you'll want to pay special attention to your abs

and glutes, as those are the areas most prevalent during swimsuit season.

    Now that you're well on your way to achieving your summer fitness goals,

you will want make sure to continue to stay motivated throughout the rest of

the year. Consider planning ways to remain active when the seasons change by

participating in a fall event, such as a charity run or group hiking trip.

Check the MoveIt4 (http://moveit4.com ) website for daily inspiration and don't

forget to reward yourself for all of your hard work, you deserve it!

    "Just about everyone can get in shape and stay that way with the right

motivation," said Martin Matthews, Chairman and CEO of Interush. "MoveIt4 does

an fantastic job of helping people stay on track with their fitness goals."

    The MoveIt4 website strives to turn information into inspiration for

healthy living, and shows people how to take fitness and endurance and turn it

into fun. People interested in staying fit and healthy can visit the MoveIt4

website for a variety of articles, tips, expert advice and celebrity mentor

stories, all designed to increase wellbeing and quality of life.

    MoveIt4 is powered by Interush, Inc. of Irvine, California. Interush, Inc.

markets within the rapidly expanding information technology sector in Japan,

Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, the U.S. and Canada. For more information, visit


    SOURCE: Interush Inc.




