スウェーデン色あふれるBODW2014が閉幕 香港デザインセンターが主催


スウェーデン色あふれるBODW2014が閉幕 香港デザインセンターが主催

AsiaNet 58879(1365)

【香港2014年12月8日PRN=共同通信JBN】香港デザインセンター(Hong Kong Design Centre、HKDC)が主催するアジアのデザイン、イノベーション、ブランドに関する年次フラグシッププログラムBusiness of Design Week(BODW)2014が成功のうちに閉幕した。BODWは1週間にわたり、示唆に富むセッション、展示、授賞式、およびスウェーデンと香港両地域のリビングデザインをめぐる並行プログラムを展開した。


BODW2014では、100を超える国際ビジネスリーダーや創造力豊かな人々の強力なラインアップがデザイン着想の世界、業界内成功の見識を披露した。彼らはアブソルートウォッカ、H&M、イケア、ボルボなどパートナー国スウェーデンの有名ブランド、Banyan Trees、日産自動車、OMA 、ヴァンクリーフ&アーペルを含むその他の多国籍企業から参集した。




BODW2014はまた、スウェーデンと10年ぶりに再結合する場になり、1週間の討議を通じて思考、着想、専門的見解を共有するために偉大なスウェーデン・デザインの頭脳および人材をもたらした。機能性、持続可能性、美を強調することで定評があるスウェーデンは「Living Design: Live It, Work It, Wear It, Do It」のテーマの下、この年次会議に独特のスカンジナビアタッチを提供した。

12月5日のガラディナーで杉浦康平氏にDFA Lifetime Achievement Award(DFALAA)、ホー・コンピン氏にDesign Leadership Award(DLA)、アーノルド・チャン氏にWorld's Outstanding Chinese Designer(WOCD)がそれぞれ授与された。Design for Asia Awards 、Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award(HKYDTA)の受賞者とともに、彼らの受賞プロジェクトは12月4日から6日まで、Inno Design Tech Expoの一環としてDFA Awards Exhibitionで展示された。

デザインウィーク期間中、D-Student X-Change Programme、DesignEd Asia Conference、Business of IP Asia Forum、Global Design Networkなどその他のプログラムも並行開催された。





BODW2014: http://www.bodw.com

DFA Awards 2014: http://www.dfaaward.com/2014/page/en/index/

DETOUR2014: http://www.detour.hk/2014/

Photo download: http://bit.ly/bodw2014closing


Elina Lee

Tel: +852-3793-8495

Fax: +852-2892-2621

Email: elina.lee@hkdesigncentre.org

ソース:Hong Kong Design Centre

BODW2014 Ends on a Sweet Sweden Spot


HONG KONG, Dec. 8, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Business of Design Week (BODW) 2014, the annual flagship programme on

design, innovation and brands in Asia presented by Hong Kong Design Centre

(HKDC) drew to a successful close after a week-long series of thought-provoking

sessions, exhibition, award ceremonies and concurrent programmes that featured

living designs in Sweden and Hong Kong.

    Asia's Design Roadmap

    This year a strong lineup of over 100 global business leaders and fine

creative minds from partner country Sweden and its famous home brands such as

Absolut Vodka, H&M, IKEA and Volvo, along with other multinational corporations

such as Banyan Trees, Nissan, OMA and Van Cleef & Arpels, showcased a world of

design inspirations and insights into their industry success in BODW2014.

    HKDC Chairman Victor Lo said, "BODW has grown to become a major

design-exchange platform in Asia, bringing together some of the world's most

outstanding design masters and influential business figures, providing a

valuable platform to network, exchange ideas and explore business cooperation,

and putting Hong Kong in the heart of design in the region."

    Celebrating Design Excellence

    For its 12th year, BODW encouraged businesses to unleash the power of

design by focusing on the vital relationship and complex interplay between

design and business. To that, BODW2014 bolstered an unrivalled occasion for

designers, architects, fashion personalities, creative visionaries, business

leaders, educators, SMEs and the general public to exchange ideas and insights.

    The BODW2014 also marked a reunion with Sweden after 10 years, bringing in

the greatest minds and talents of Swedish design to share their thoughts, ideas

and expert views to the week-long discussions. With a reputation for their

emphasis on functionality, sustainability and beauty, Sweden offered our annual

conference a distinctive Scandinavian touch under the theme "Living Design:

Live It, Work It, Wear It, Do It".

    Winners of DFA Lifetime Achievement Award (DFALAA) Mr Kohei SUGIURA, Design

Leadership Award (DLA) Mr HO Kwon Ping, and World's Outstanding Chinese

Designer (WOCD) Mr Arnold CHAN, were conferred at the BODW Gala Dinner on 5

December. Along with the recipients of Design for Asia Awards and Hong Kong

Young Design Talent Award (HKYDTA), their winning projects were showcased at

the DFA Awards Exhibition, part of the Inno Design Tech Expo, held from 4 to 6


    Rounding up the design week were other concurrent programmes that included

D-Student X-Change Programme, DesignEd Asia Conference, Business of IP Asia

Forum and the Global Design Network.

    Barcelona, Partner City 2015

    Going forward, BODW is proud to present next year's Partner City,

Barcelona, one of the world capitals of creativity, design and innovation. In

expressing his gratitude for the invitation, Mayor of Barcelona Xavier Trias

says the BODW2015 "will allow us to strengthen the bonds of friendship and

cooperation between Barcelona and Hong Kong, and to explore new opportunities

for economic activity for both Catalan and Asian companies."

    BODW2015 will continue to offer not only an exchange of inspirational ideas

among industry leaders, designers and the public, but also a regional view on

how design and business can work together for economic growth and the

betterment of a truly global economy.

    Programme Websites

    BODW2014: http://www.bodw.com

    DFA Awards 2014: http://www.dfaaward.com/2014/page/en/index/

    DETOUR2014: http://www.detour.hk/2014/

    Photo download: http://bit.ly/bodw2014closing

    Media Contact

    Elina Lee

    Tel: +852-3793-8495

    Fax: +852-2892-2621

    Email: elina.lee@hkdesigncentre.org

    SOURCE:  Hong Kong Design Centre




