

AsiaNet 58992 (1401)



中国をはじめ世界最大のブランド商品のオンライン・ディスカウント小売業者で、中国1位の女性向け垂直統合型のeコマース小売業者であるVipshop Holdings Limited(NYSE: VIPS,は、急成長するアジアの女性消費者の購買力に関する調査を企画し、Economist GroupのEconomist Intelligence Unit(EIU)と提携した。

「On the rise and online: Female consumers in Asia(オンラインで急上昇:アジアの女性消費者)」と題する調査リポートは17日に公表された。調査は大中国圏、インド、日本、韓国、シンガポールの主要都市地域の5500人に加え、消費者アナリスト、主要な小売業者、ブランド所有者を対象に行われた。調査では、女性がこの地域のオンラインショッピング成長のけん引役となり、女性の多くはオフラインショップよりもオンラインショップを好むことが分かった。調査に対する回答者の中で、63%の人が商品やサービスを求めて少なくとも1日1回はインターネットを閲覧し、約30%は1日に2回以上閲覧した。同地域の80%弱の女性がオンラインで日用品を購入し、さらに化粧品は83%、衣料品・アクセサリーは約90%とその比率は増加した。














独立したキャリアウーマン、妻・母・娘としての女性の総合的な役割およびショッピング要望を完全に理解し、Vipshopは女性およびその家族向けの1万2000ブランドの商品を提供する。さらにことし9月、Vipshopは「Global Sales」事業を開始し、女性に対するオンラインショッピングのサービスを充実させた。




Vipshop and The Economist Intelligence Unit Release Report on the Online Buying Power of Female Consumers In Asia


GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 17, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Nearly 90 Percent of Asian Women Surveyed Buy Clothing and Accessories

Online While 63 Percent of Respondents Browse Online Shops Daily

Vipshop Holdings Limited (NYSE: VIPS,, the largest online discount

retailer for brands both in China and globally, as well as the No.1

female-oriented vertical E-commerce retailer in China, has initiated and

partnered with The Economist Intelligence Unit of the Economist Group on a

survey regarding the growing buying power of female consumers in Asia.

The report, titled "On the rise and online: Female consumers in Asia," was

released today, and it surveyed 5,500 women across major urban areas in Greater

China, India, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, as well as consumer analysts,

major retailers and brand owners. The study found that women are driving the

growth of online shopping in the region, with many preferring online to

offline. Among survey respondents, 63 percent browse the Internet at least once

a day for products and services, with nearly 30 percent doing so twice or more

per day. Slightly fewer than 80 percent of women regionally buy groceries

online, 83 percent for cosmetics and the figure rises to nearly 90 percent for

clothing and accessories.

"Women are a unique and important driving force in the Asian market. And at

Vipshop, over 80 percent of the accumulative 90 million members are females,

who contribute to 90 percent of our sales. The partnership with the EIU allowed

us the opportunity to learn more about consumer shopping habits and to further

expand upon its leadership position in China's online retail market," said Eric

Shen, Chairman and CEO of Vipshop.

Perhaps most troubling for retailers focused on the brick-and-mortar business,

nearly half - 49 percent, of women polled agreed or strongly agreed that they

preferred the experience of shopping online to doing so in stores. The figure

was as high as 69 percent in mainland China.

Additional key findings from the report:

-- Women in Asia's major cities are increasingly empowered. Region-wide, 43

percent of the women responding to the survey were in managerial, executive or

professional services jobs, while 83 percent contribute to household income.

-- Most women are in charge of budgeting decisions on cosmetics (81 percent),

clothing and accessories (73 percent), groceries (67 percent) and maternity and

children's products (57 percent), and they are at least co-decision makers in

most other product categories like electronics and travel services.

-- At least on the Internet, many Asian women do not seem to be living up to

the stereotype of selfless, family-focused individuals. Over 62 percent of

women are buying for themselves most of the time when shopping online; in

mainland China that rate rises to 74 percent, and to 77 percent among 18-29

year olds.

-- Women have a variety of reasons to prefer online shopping. Most point to

cost (62 percent) and time (60 percent) savings, but they also feel that online

retailers can be relied upon to have the products they want to buy (59

percent), and they appreciate the range of choice online shopping offers (56


-- When choosing an online retailer, women say price (83 percent) is important

or very important, but so are quality (83 percent), genuine products (82

percent) and convenience (77 percent).

-- Getting the messaging right will be tricky. While messages that address them

as independent, intelligent consumers were found appealing to 56 percent of

women, 54 percent said they found messages addressing them as wives, mothers or

girlfriends to be attractive.

-- The future of online shopping looks mobile and impulsive. 58 percent of the

youngest (18-29) demographic surveyed shop online with their smartphones at

home, versus 38 percent of 40-49 year olds. While overall some 43 percent

reported spending more money online than they do in physical shops, again the

rates among those 18-29 were even higher (56 percent). Over half of women 18-29

year olds agreed that they were more likely to buy impulsively online.

Laurel West, editor of the report, said, "Women are controlling spending in a

variety of categories where you would expect them to, such as clothing and

accessories, cosmetics and groceries. But they also have an increasing

influence in bigger ticket items such as electronics. Many brands are realizing

this and making efforts to better understand what is important to female


According to the EIU report, Asian women regard "quality (83 percent), price

(83 percent) and genuine products (82 percent) as the top three factors when

they choose online retailers. Obviously, Vipshop's business model of "online

discount retailing for branded and genuine products" naturally matches with

women's demands and criteria for online shopping.

The EIU report also reveals that women have dominant online spending control in

the buying of clothing and accessories, cosmetics, maternity and children's

products, and home goods, which coincidently proves the rightness of Vipshop's

she-economy strategies that it conducted one year ago. Since then, Vipshop has

expanded its categories from apparel and accessories to cosmetics, maternity

and children's products, as well as home goods to leverage the increasing power

of the she-economy.

Fully understanding women's comprehensive roles and shopping demands both as

independent career women and good wives/mothers/daughters, Vipshop provides the

goods of 12,000 brands for women and their families. And in September of this

year, Vipshop launched its "Global Sales" business to enrich the online

shopping offerings to women.

Tony Feng, Vice President of Vipshop, said at the survey launch press

conference, "At Vipshop, we are continually pushing ourselves to deliver the

best products and services in the best format, and this study is born from

these efforts aimed at the rapidly growing women's market. It showcases our

determination to go further in focusing our resources on better understanding

and creating bigger innovations and deploying them at scale in areas where we

want to win."

To view the full report, please visit or





