


AsiaNet 59268(0101)



今日の最高経営責任者は複雑さと不確実性で前例のない世界を航海している。オックスフォード大学サイード・ビジネススクール(http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/ )とハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズ(Nasdaq: HSII)(http://www.heidrick.com/ )の1年にわたる世界的な提携研究の成果であるCEOリポート(http://www.heidrick.com/theceoreport )によると、彼らの成功は事前の準備より適応性、信頼性、その役割における継続的成長とつながっている。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150121/170403-INFO

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140822/139029





▽リップル・インテリジェンス(Ripple Intelligence)

今日ではコンテクスチュアル・インテリジェンス(contextual intelligence)では十分ではない。CEOは事業のあらゆる側面に影響を及ぼす変化するダイナミクスに継続的に適応する必要がある。この研究の重要な発見の1つである「リップル・インテリジェンス」は、池を進むさざ波(リップル)のようなビジネス・コンテクストの相互作用を見抜く能力である。これによってCEOはトレンドとコンテクストがどのように交差し、方向を変えるか想像することができ、それによって混乱を予測し、計画を立てる時間をつくり、予測していない事態によって不意打ちを受けることから身を守ることができる。またリップル・インテリジェンスはCEOに自らの影響力を認識させ、離れていて接続されていないと思われるコンテクストにそれがどのように影響するかを認識させる。








ハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズのGlobal Managing Partner for Functional Practicesであるバレリー・ジェルマン氏は「この研究はCEOがどのようにこれらの市場でかじ取りするかについて深い理解をわれわれに与える。事業と個人的成長のためにCEOが困難のなかに機会を見つけようと努力しているのは明らかである。この広い範囲にわたるグループは多様な経験を持っているにもかかわらず多くの一貫したリーダーシップの足跡がある」と語っている。


調査は、オックスフォード大学サイード・ビジネススクールとハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズのチームにより同大学設定の調査・倫理指針の下で行われた。これら2つの組織は補完能力を合わせることによって、学術的な厳密性と実務的なビジネス・インパクトの特異なブレンドを生み出した。彼らは合同で、広範な部門に所属する世界各地のCEO 152人と徹底的なインタビューを実施、最も包括的な世界のCEO研究のひとつを生み出した。これらの首脳は集合として、880年を超えるCEO経験を有し、計580万人以上の従業員を抱え、1兆7000億ドルの収益を上げている。インタビューはすべて、調査チームの分析に付される前に匿名にされた。




▽ハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズ(Heidrick & Struggles)について

ハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズ(NASDAQ:HSII)は、リーダーシップ・コンサルティング、カルチャー・シェーピング、上級管理職レベルのエグゼクティブ・サーチの大手プロバイダーとして、世界トップ諸機関の管理職人材とリーダーのニーズに応えている。ハイドリック・アンド・ストラグルズは60年以上にわたり、エグゼクティブ・サーチ専門職の先駆者になってきた。同社は現在、信頼されるアドバイザーとして統合リーダーシップ・ソリューションを提供、顧客が世界とひとつの経営陣を一気に変革する手助けをしている。詳しい情報はウェブサイトwww.heidrick.com を参照。

▽オックスフォード大学サイード・ビジネススクール(Said Business School, University of Oxford)について



H&S contact: Jon Harmon

M: +1 630.815.6586


Said contact: Josie Powell

M: +44 (0) 7711 387215


ソース:Heidrick & Struggles

What CEOs Need to Lead in an Uncertain and Hyper-Connected World


DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 21, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    --Oxford-Heidrick Research Identifies Six Critical Capabilities

    Chief executives today navigate a world unprecedented in complexity and

unpredictability. Their success hinges on adaptability, authenticity, and

continual growth in the role, even more than on preparation beforehand,

according to The CEO Report ( http://www.heidrick.com/theceoreport ), the

product of a year-long global research partnership between Said Business School

at the University of Oxford ( http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/ ) and Heidrick &

Struggles (Nasdaq: HSII) ( http://www.heidrick.com/ ).

    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150121/170403-INFO

    Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140822/139029

    The role of CEO is structurally unique and preparation is therefore always

incomplete, the report notes. Embracing a mind-set of continual learning and

curiosity is necessary for CEOs to cope with the uncertainty around them.

    Based on in-depth interviews with more than 150 CEOs from around the world

and across business sectors, The CEO Report is one of the most comprehensive,

in-depth studies of CEO leadership capabilities. It identifies a suite of

integrated skill sets that today's senior-most leaders leverage to help them

grow and thrive in a business environment marked by constant change and

dissonance of competing stakeholder interests.

    "Senior business leaders must operate in a new normal of unpredictable

change in a hyper-connected world," said Tracy Wolstencroft, Heidrick &

Struggles CEO and President. "Volatile business climates can provide a

competitive advantage for those who are able to lead and inspire their teams

through this uncertainty."

    "This research captures what it is to be a CEO today and the significant

leadership challenges CEOs face. A picture emerges of leaders who are changing

and developing as quickly as the environment in which they operate," said

Professor Peter Tufano, Dean of Said Business School. "This rich and detailed

study gives us a deeper understanding of the needs of executives at the top of

organizations and suggests ways in which we can support them in their personal


    Ripple Intelligence

    Contextual intelligence is not enough today. CEOs need to continuously

adapt to changing dynamics impacting every aspect of their business. "Ripple

intelligence" - a critical finding in the research - is the ability to see the

interactions of business contexts like ripples moving across a pond. It enables

CEOs to envision how trends and contexts may intersect and change direction, so

they can anticipate disruptions, make time to plan, and protect against being

blindsided by unexpected events. Ripple intelligence also makes CEOs aware of

their own impact and how it may influence contexts that might otherwise seem

remote and unconnected.

    "Ripple intelligence is a significant early-warning system that CEOs are

using to navigate the uncertainty and unpredictability of today's world," said

lead researcher Dr. Michael Smets, Associate Professor in Management and

Organisation Studies at Said Business School. "The report will help CEOs

understand the dimensions of how to amass information and perspective so they

can better navigate the ripples they can see, and anticipate those they can't."

    The other critical capabilities identified in The CEO Report are:

    -- The S3 of Change - The ability to determine not just the speed of

       change, but also the real and perceived scope and significance to the

       organization and its stakeholders.

    -- The Power of Doubt - The transformation of doubt into a powerful

       decision-making tool is a critical skill among CEOs today. They

       leverage doubt similar to elite athletes' utilization of nerves: as a

       source of focus and insight when harnessed constructively.

    -- Adapting authentically - Facing relentless pressure for change, CEOs

       consider adaptability a requirement for the role. Yet 'authentic

       leadership' is also a demand and thus the need to balance between being

       ever adaptable, while remaining true to their personal sense of

       purpose, and thus their authenticity, is critical.

    -- Finding balance - Faced with competing, yet equally valid, stakeholder

       demands, CEOs increasingly must navigate through paradoxical choices,

       including between "right … and right," both for themselves and their

       organizations. Balancing these paradoxes gives CEOs the foundation to

       turn organizational trade-offs into win-win situations.

    -- Continual growth and renewal - CEOs feel that their success today

       hinges on continual growth in the role, even more so than on their

       preparation beforehand. They recognize that the role is structurally

       unique and preparation therefore always incomplete. Embracing a mindset

       of continual learning and curiosity is necessary for CEOs to always be

       ready for the uncertainty around them.

    "The research has given us a deep understanding of how CEOs navigate these

markets," said Valerie Germain, Global Managing Partner for Functional

Practices at Heidrick & Struggles. "It is clear that they strive to find

opportunity among the challenges, for both business and personal growth. There

were many consistent leadership traits despite the diverse experiences of this

wide-ranging group."

    About the Research

    The research was conducted by a research team from Said Business School,

University of Oxford and Heidrick & Struggles, under the research and ethics

guidelines set by the university. Combining the complementary strengths of

these two institutions produced a distinctive blend of academic rigor and

practical business impact. Jointly, they conducted in-depth interviews with 152

CEOs from across the world and from a wide range of sectors, making this one of

the most comprehensive studies of CEOs globally. Collectively, these leaders

have over 880 years of CEO experience, and are responsible for a total of more

than 5.8 million employees generating $1.7 trillion in revenues. All interviews

were anonymized prior to analysis by the research team.

    The full report is available here:



    About Heidrick & Struggles

    Heidrick & Struggles (Nasdaq: HSII) serves the executive talent and

leadership needs of the world's top organizations as the premier provider of

leadership consulting, culture shaping, and senior-level executive search

services. Heidrick & Struggles pioneered the profession of executive search

more than 60 years ago. Today, the firm serves as a trusted advisor, providing

integrated leadership solutions and helping its clients change the world, one

leadership team at a time. For more information, visit www.heidrick.com.

    About Said Business School, University of Oxford

    Said Business School at the University of Oxford blends the best of new and

old. We are a vibrant and innovative business school, but yet deeply embedded

in an 800-year-old world-class university. We create programmes and ideas that

have global impact. We educate people for successful business careers, and as a

community seek to tackle world-scale problems. We deliver cutting-edge

programmes and ground-breaking research that transform individuals,

organisations, business practice, and society. We seek to be a world-class

business school community, embedded in a world-class University, tackling

world-scale problems. www.sbs.ox.ac.uk.

H&S contact: Jon Harmon

M: +1 630.815.6586     


Said contact: Josie Powell

M: +44 (0) 7711 387215


SOURCE:  Heidrick & Struggles




