
Metalsa, S.A. de C.V.

AsiaNet 59782



2015年3月11日 - コヴィントン、北ケンタッキー・コンベンションセンターにて3月10日に開催された年次サプライヤービジネスミーティング(ABM)において乗用車・商用車用プレス部品メーカーのMetalsa社がトヨタモーターエンジニアリング&マニュファクチャリングノースアメリカ社(TEMA )より原価改善賞、優秀品質賞を受賞した。ABMには北米各地より約1000部品メーカーの代表者が参加しました。

「トヨタからメキシコ部品メーカーとして最初にこのような貴重な受賞をする事は真の名誉であり、当社の文化と全社員のコミットメントが、トヨタに認識されていることを誇りに感じます。」とMetalsa CEOのレオポルド・セディージョは述べた。「過去10年以上に亘りMetalsaは、最善慣行を導入、品質新基準の到達、当社全工場への運用システムを普及させるためトヨタと緊密に取り組んできました。」


北米においてはMetalsaはメキシコ ヌエボ・レオンと米国ケンタッキー州の工場にて25万本以上のシャーシフレームを製造しておりバハカリフォルニア、テキサス州及びインディアナ州にてトヨタ向けの供給を実施しています。さらに、同社は、シエナとハイランダー用のサブフレームアッセンブリと各種ボディ部品も供給しています。


Metalsa S.A. De C.V.について

MetalsaはProezaグループの子会社で、乗用車、商用車向けプレス部品を製造している。ホットフォーミング、ロールフォーミング、ハイドロフォーミング、プレス、組立、塗装等の高技術プロセスにより、軽量フレーム、スペースフレーム、サスペンションモジュール、ボディ構造、安全システム、ヒンジ、トランスミッションモジュール、燃料タンク等の乗用車・ピックアップトラック用商品群に加え大型トラック・バス用シャーシフレーム、サイドレール、クロスメンバーの生産も取り扱う。1956年に設立され、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、ブラジル、中国、ドイツ、インド、日本、メキシコ、南アフリカ、タイ、トルコ、米国に拠点を持ち、英国ではジョイントベンチャー会社としての拠点を保有している。 Metalsaは、各顧客に高品質、差別化されたサービスと技術革新、競争力とカスタマイズを提供する。世界中で約12,000人の従業員が勤務している。詳細については、 をご覧ください。


Metalsa Receives Supplier Awards From Toyota


COVINGTON, Ky., Mar. 11, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Recognized for Quality and Value Improvement

Metalsa, a supplier of structural components for the light and commercial

vehicles industries was recognized with the Excellent Value Improvement Award

and the Excellent Quality Award by Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing

North America, Inc. (TEMA) at its Annual Supplier Business Meeting (ABM) on

March 10.  Held at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington, ABM

brings together approximately 1,000 supplier representatives from across North


"It is a true honor to be the first Mexican supplier to be recognized by Toyota

with such an important distinction, and we feel proud that the company culture

and the commitment of all of our team members are being perceived by our

customers," said Leopoldo Cedillo, Metalsa CEO. "For more than 10 years Metalsa

has been working very closely with Toyota in order to implement best practices,

reach new levels in standards of quality, and spread the operational system to

the rest of our facilities."

"Ever since our business relationship began, Metalsa has embraced Toyota's

philosophy of continuous improvement, mutual trust with partners and

development of our people. All the Metalsa team is committed with Toyota

worldwide in developing and producing competitive and high quality structural

solutions for current and new projects, and build a stronger relationship with

one of our key customers," Cedillo commented.

In North America, Metalsa manufactures more than 250,000 chassis frames across

Mexico and the U.S. from its plants in Nuevo Leon and Kentucky, serving Toyota

in Baja California, Texas and Indiana. Additionally, the company supplies

Toyota with the complete assembly of the subframe and assorted body structures

for the Sienna and Highlander vehicles.

Metalsa's partnership with Toyota extends beyond North America to Argentina,

South Africa and Australia, where Metalsa assembles body structures for the new


Currently celebrating 19 years, ABM allows TEMA to discuss business objectives

with direct and indirect suppliers in preparation for its upcoming fiscal year.

Each year, TEMA recognizes suppliers who exceeded the company's expectations in

several categories.

"Toyota works in collaboration with each of our supplier partners to produce

vehicles that meet our customers' expectations for quality, safety, and

reliability," said Robert Young, TEMA's purchasing vice president.  "We are

pleased to recognize those suppliers that exceed our performance and

collaboration targets. This event highlights our suppliers' dedication to

continuous improvement and long-term partnerships to build 'always better cars'

in North America."

In the U.S. alone, there are about 60,000 supplier jobs dedicated to Toyota

across more than 30 states. In addition, Toyota collectively spent over $32

billion on parts, goods and services last year in North America.

About Metalsa S.A. de C.V.

Metalsa, a subsidiary of Grupo Proeza, manufactures structural components for

the light and commercial vehicle markets. With its high technology processes of

hot-forming, roll-forming, hydro-forming, stamping, assembly and painting,

Metalsa portfolio includes light duty frames, space frames, suspension modules,

body structures, safety systems, hinges, transmission modules and fuel tanks

for passenger cars and light trucks as well as chassis frames, side rails and

cross members for heavy trucks and buses. Founded in 1956, the company has

presence in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico,

South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States and a joint venture in the United

Kingdom. Metalsa distinguishes itself by offering quality, differentiated

service and innovation, competitiveness and customization to each customer.

Metalsa has approximately 12,000 employees globally.  For additional

information, please visit .

SOURCE: Metalsa, S.A. de C.V.

CONTACT: Amanda Dunford, +1-313-309-9531




