
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)


AsiaNet 59955(0421)

【モスクワ20015年3月25日PRN=共同通信JBN】Russian Direct Investment Fund(RDIF)は、ロシア最大で最も成功している小売りチェーンの1つであるLenta Ltdの2億2500万ドルのSPOで幹事アンカー投資家としての役割を果たした。RDIFのほかに中東、アジア、欧州の共同投資家、パートナーが加わり、ロシアにおけるLentaの成長と発展をサポートする役割を務めた。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130215/594798

RDIFはLenta Ltdが新たに発行するする株式を代表する世界預託証券の販売加速に参加した。株式の売却収益は同社のバランスシートを大幅に強化し、ロシアでの急速な店舗拡大計画を容易にする。



RDIFは評価の高い国際的な金融機関系、戦略的投資家とともに主としてロシアで共同株式投資をするために2011年に設立された。RDIFはロシア経済への直接投資のカタリストとして行動する。RDIFの本社はモスクワ。詳しい情報はhttp://www.rdif.ru へ。

Lentaはロシア最大の小売りチェーンの1つであり、ロシア第2位のハイパーマーケット・チェーン(2013年の売上高で)である。同社は1993年にサンクトペテルブルクで設立された。Lentaはロシアの62都市で111のハイパーマーケット、モスクワとモスクワ地域で24のスーパーマーケットを経営しており、売り場面積は合計で約72万590平方メートル。Lentaのハイパーマーケット店舗の平均売り場面積は約6300平方メートルである。同社は4つのハイパーマーケット配送センターを運営している。同社の価格主導のハイパーマーケット・フォーマットは販売促進と価格戦略、それに地元製品の取りそろえで差異化されている。同社の従業員は2014年12月31日現在で約3万5100人。詳しい情報はhttp://www.lenta.com へ。

ソース:The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)

RDIF and Partners Act as Lead Anchor Investors in Lenta SPO



The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) acted as a lead anchor investor in

the $225mn SPO of Lenta Ltd., one of the largest and most successful retail

chains in Russia. In its role, RDIF was joined by its co-investors and partners

from the Middle East, Asia and Europe alongside other investors to support

growth and development of Lenta in Russia.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130215/594798 )

The RDIF participated in an accelerated book build placement of global

depositary receipts representing newly issued shares in Lenta Ltd. The proceeds

significantly strengthened the Company's balance sheet and will facilitate its

rapid store expansion program across Russia.

Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), said:

"This placement is notable because it represents strong interest of

geographically diverse group of foreign institutions to invest in a leading

Russian company despite the challenging market environment. RDIF is pleased to

have helped Lenta in sourcing not only Asian and Middle Eastern investors, but

a number of major European funds as well."

Jan Dunning, Chief Executive Officer of Lenta, said:

"We are delighted to have received RDIF's support and welcome RDIF as a key new

investor following our successful equity placement. Demand for the issue was

strong, driven by Lenta's proven capability to deliver rapid new store

expansion, its strong financial performance and its unique ability to adapt to

the needs of consumers facing pressure on their household budgets."

Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) was established in 2011 to make equity

co-investments, primarily in Russia alongside reputable international financial

and strategic investors. RDIF acts as a catalyst for direct investment in the

Russian economy. RDIF is based in Moscow. Further information at


Lenta is one of the largest retail chains in Russia and the country's second

largest hypermarket chain (in terms of 2013 sales). The Company was founded in

1993 in St. Petersburg. Lenta operates 111 hypermarkets in 62 cities across

Russia and 24 supermarkets in Moscow and the Moscow region, with a total of

approximately 720,590 sq.m. of selling space. The average Lenta hypermarket

store has selling space of approximately 6,300 sq.m. The Company operates four

hypermarket distribution centres. The Company's price-led hypermarket formats

are differentiated in terms of their promotion and pricing strategies as well

as their local product assortment. The Company employed approximately 35,100

people as of 31 December 2014. Further information at http://www.lenta.com

Source: The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)




