
Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP; Gustafson Gluek, PLLC. etc.


AsiaNet 61186 (0914)

【サンフランシスコ2015年7月20日PRN=共同通信JBN】以下はCotchett, Pitre & McCarthy,LLP、Gustafson Gluek PLLC、Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P、Lovell Stewart Halebian Jacobson LLP各法律事務所による発表である。

一部の航空貨物混載事業を利用した個人や企業は、集団訴訟で和解が成立すれば相当額の現金支払いを受ける権利を持つ可能性がある。これはこの件での2回目の通知である。これまで19社の被告との間で和解に達している。これまでは和解に達したのは10社の被告だった。被告全体のリストは和解ウェブサイト(www.FreightForwardCase.com )で見ることができる。











和解と集団訴訟メンバーの権利についての詳しい情報はwww.FreightForwardCase.com、電話1-877-276-7340(米国とカナダ)または1-503-520-4400(国際)、または手紙でFreight Forwarders Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 3747, Portland, OR, 97208-3747へ。

ソース:Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP; Gustafson Gluek, PLLC; Lockridge

Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P and Lovell, Stewart, Halebian, Jacobson LLP


Adam J. Zapala, azapala@cpmlegal.com, +1-650-697-6000

$197.6 Million Settlement Affects Purchasers of Freight Forwarding Services Providing Domestic and International Shipping



The following is being released by the law firms of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy,

LLP; Gustafson Gluek PLLC; Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P; and Lovell Stewart

Halebian Jacobson LLP.

If individuals or companies used the services of certain freight forwarders,

they may be entitled to a potentially significant cash payment from class

action Settlements.  This is the second notice in this case. Settlements have

now been reached with 19 additional Defendants.  Settlements were previously

reached with 10 Defendants.  A full list of all Defendants is available at the

settlement website: www.FreightForwardCase.com.

The Settlements involve a lawsuit claiming that certain freight forwarding

companies secretly agreed to prices for their freight forwarding services

worldwide, including on routes in the U.S. and between the U.S. and China, Hong

Kong, Japan, Taiwan, India, Germany, the U.K. and other parts of Europe. Some

of the companies ("Settling Defendants") that were sued have agreed to

Settlements.  The Settling Defendants deny that they did anything wrong.  The

lawsuit continues against the Non-Settling Defendants.

Freight Forwarders provide transportation, or logistics services for shipments

relating to the organization or transportation of items via air and ocean,

which may include ancillary rail and truck services, both nationally and

internationally, as well as related activities, such as customs clearance,

warehousing, and ground services.

A Class Member is included in one or more of the Settlements if they: 1)

Directly purchased Freight Forwarding Services; 2) from any of the Settling or

Non-Settling Defendants, their subsidiaries, or affiliates; 3) from January 1,

2001 through January 4, 2011; 4) in the U.S., or outside the U.S. for shipments

within, to, or from the U.S.  All you need to know is in the full Notice,

located at www.FreightForwardCase.com, including information on who is or is

not a Class Member.

The Settling Defendants will establish a Settlement Fund with a minimum of

$197.6 million.  The amount of benefits for each purchaser will be determined

by the Plan of Allocation, which is posted at www.FreightForwardCase.com.

Important Information

    -- Purchasers will need to submit a Claim Form, online or by mail, by

       March 31, 2016 to get a payment from the Settlements.  If purchasers

       already submitted a Claim Form for the first round of Settlements, they

       do not need to file a new claim.  They will automatically be paid from

       this second round of Settlements.

    -- Purchasers who do nothing will not get a payment and give up the right

       to sue.

    -- Purchasers who want to keep the right to sue the Settling Defendants

       must exclude themselves by September 18, 2015.  

    -- Purchasers who stay in the Settlements can object to them by September

       18, 2015.

The Court will hold a hearing on November 2, 2015 to consider whether to

approve (1) the Settlements and (2) a request for attorneys' fees up to 33% of

the Settlement Fund, plus interest, and reimbursement for litigation expenses.  

At the end of this litigation Class Counsel may ask the Court to award each

Class Representative an amount not to exceed $75,000 in recognition of each

Class Representative's service in recovering funds for the Class.

For more information regarding the Settlements and Class Member rights, please

visit www.FreightForwardCase.com, call 1-877-276-7340 (U.S. & Canada) or

1-503-520-4400 (International), or write to: Freight Forwarders Claims

Administrator, P.O. Box 3747, Portland, OR, 97208-3747.

SOURCE: Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP; Gustafson Gluek, PLLC; Lockridge

Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P and Lovell, Stewart, Halebian, Jacobson LLP

CONTACT: Adam J. Zapala, azapala@cpmlegal.com, +1-650-697-6000




