


AsiaNet 61256(0983)







*Infosys Limitedの2016年第1四半期の人員自然減(年率換算)は2015年第1四半期の23.4%に比べ14.2%に縮小










*インフォシスは第1四半期、企業の社会的責任(CSR)に対し700万ドルを拠出、この大半は慈善事業部門のインフォシス財団(Infosys Foundation)を通じて支出された。飢餓の軽減、教育振興、コンピューティングリテラシー向上、健康増進、農村開発支援、技能支援、貧困救済を目指す数件のプログラムに関与した

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*残りの会計年度の換算レート: AUD/USD=0.77、Euro/USD=1.12、GBP/USD=1.57




*今四半期、当社はドイツ銀行と複数年契約に調印し、特別注文の開発、アプリケーション・メンテナンス・サービス、デジタルおよびモビリティー・サービス、パッケージ実装、テスト・サービスを網羅する。当社は現在、ドイツ銀行のSupplier Partnership Programの戦略的パートナーである。ドイツ銀行のグローバル最高情報責任者(CIO)であるキム・ハモンズ氏は「ドイツ銀行は革新的な技術を用いてクライアントに対する効率とサービスの向上に努めている。インフォシスと協力することで、当行はこれらの目標を達成することが可能となる」と語った。

*当社はアイルランド共和国および英国で主に事業展開する金融サービス・グループのAllied Irish Banks, p.l.c.(AIB)に戦略的パートナーとして選ばれた。この契約の一環として、インフォシスはアプリケーション開発と管理サービスとともに変革およびイノベーション・サービスを提供する。当社はまた、ダブリンに200席の施設を建設し、AIBから移籍するスタッフを収容する。


*今四半期、当社は北米最大の民間坑井仕上げ企業であるFTS International(FTSI)でSAP ERP向けのInfosys Smart Oilfield Services Solutionの実装を完了した。これによって、同社は戦略的な事業変革における大きなマイルストーンを達成することが可能となる。当社は14カ月以内で、FTSIが1400人以上のユーザー向けに20の地点に15のSAPモジュールを実装することを支援、これによって同社は将来の成長に向けて、事業評価指数を向上させるとともに、アップグレードしたITプラットフォームを活用することができる。FTSIのシャロン・S・スタッフルビーム最高情報責任者(CIO)兼最高人事責任者(CHRO)は「インフォシスは広大な事業展開の範囲、高いレベルのSAP導入専門技術、ITおよび業務チームと協力する能力に加え、石油&ガス業界の体験があり、これによってインフォシスは当社の戦略的事業変革の重要なマイルストーン達成にとって最適なパートーになることができた」と語った。

*市場をリードするビタミン、栄養サプリメントの世界的なメーカー、販売、流通、小売企業であるNBTY Inc.は当社と複数年契約を結んだ。この契約の一環として、当社はNBTY全体のアプリケーション開発・メンテナンス・サービスを含むNBTYのITシステム向けの開発・サポート・サービスを提供する。NBTY Inc.のアンドレア・シモーン上級副社長兼グローバル最高情報責任者(CIO)は「われわれは継続的に収益の高い成長において競争上の優位性をNBTYにもたらすグローバルな世界クラスのITアーキテクチャーを構築する。われわれは次世代のアプリケーション・サービスを提供し、事業とITイノベーションを推進すると期待できる変革イニシアチブでわれわれと協力するインフォシスを戦略的パートナーとして選択した」と語った。





現時点で、当社はInfosys Information Platformが使用される127件以上のクライアント契約を保有し、このプラットフォームを利用した16のパイロット・プルグラムを完了した。当社はPanayaの買収完了の取引で弾みがつき、共同提案を通じてさまざまな業界で15件の新規取引を獲得した。

欧州の流通企業はInfosys InformationPlatformを採用し、事業評価指数の準リアルタイムのデータに基づくトラッキング、リポーティングを提供するとともに許容工数計画の事業実績を見積もる。

当社は世界的な製薬企業のプロジェクトを獲得し、Infosys InformationPlatformの能力を活用して設備稼働状況とメンテナンス履歴情報に基づく予測的な設備メンテナンス手順を開発する。

もう1つの製薬企業も当社と契約し、ビッグデータと分析技術プラットフォーム・アーキテクチャーを開発する。このクライアントはまた、Infosys InformationPlatformを実装し、SAPなどソースシステムのデータを活用してサプライチェーンおよび在庫管理などの分野における幅広い運用上のリポートを提供する。


今四半期、株主はFinacleとEdge Servicesの事業を、それぞれ最大340億ルピー(約5億5000万ドル)と最大22億ルピー(約3500万ドル)でEdgeVerveに譲渡することを承認した。譲渡期日は2015年8月1日ないしは取締役会が決定するその他の期日となる可能性もある。EdgeVerve Systemsはインフォシスの完全子会社である。




今四半期、Finalceは世界で19件の契約獲得と12件の稼働開始によって堅調な事業を維持した。今四半期に獲得した契約はCorporation BankとIndian Overseas Bankで、両行とも業界をリードする当社のコアバンキング・ソリューションを選択した。さらに前四半期のQantas Credit Unionとの契約成功に基づき、Finacleはデジタル変革を求めるオーストラリアの他のクライアントも追加した。Finacleは新たな3つの製品であるFinacle Assure、Finacle Youth Banking Solution、Finacle SME Enableによってソリューション・スイートを引き続き拡大した。Finacleはまた、マイクロソフトとパートナーシップを締結し、Microsoft Azureクラウド上で一連のソリューションを利用可能にした。


*今四半期、当社は、大手小売クライアント向けのモバイルコマースおよびインストア・ショッピング体験を含むデジタル体験ソリューションの大手プロバイダーであるKallidus Inc.(d.b.a Skava)とその関連会社の買収を完了した。Skavaの買収は、インフォシスの戦略の一環であり、同クライアントが全く新しい分野のIP主導のテクノロジー製品、新しいオートメーション・ツール、比類のないスキルと専門的知識を通じて顧客に新しいデジタル体験をもたらすことを支援する。

*今四半期、AGMの株主はインフォシスの完全子会社Infosys Public Services Inc.(IPS)の健康関連事業を最大62億5000万ルピー(約1億ドル)で取締役会が決定する期日に買収する契約締結を承認した。


*当社は現実世界とデジタル世界の統合を高め、インターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)の採用を加速するために設立されたオープンな会員制グループIndustrial Internet Consortium(IIC)に加盟した。当社は、メンテナンス、オペレーション、情報、サービス、エネルギーに提供される予測解析の専門知見を活用し、主要なエコシステム・パートナーとともに将来のIICテストベッドの発展に注力する。アセット効率向けの予測解析ソリューションに関する当社の取り組みはコミュニティーによる迅速なイノベーションに向けたオープンソースおよびオープンアクセスの要因によって支えられる。

*当社は引き続き全組織のDesign Thinkingの能力を向上させることを継続し、現時点までに3万9000人の雇員を訓練した。当社はさまざまなDesign Thinking関与を持つクライアントから肯定的な反応を得た。シスコのサプライチェーン・オペレーションズ担当ディレクターであるアリフ・レーマン氏は「当社は世界の製造オペレーション組織のイノベーションを引き起こす活動を進めているが、インフォシスはその活動の戦略的パートナーになっている。インフォシスは、当社のチームがユーザー重視のソリューションに向けた協力、想像、試作品作りの方法にDesign Thinkingとイノベーターの精神を持ち込む組織的な大局観を持って当社と緊密に協力している。最も評価するのは、イノベーションなどのコンセプトを取り入れ、それを極めて解析的でナレッジ重視の従業員の日常業務にあてはめる能力である」と語った。

▽Innovation Fund(イノベーション基金)



*当社は、米国トヨタ自動車販売(TMS)が顧客価値における優れた業績を上げるうえで主要な役割を果たしたとして、第11回Manufacturing Leadership(ML)Awardsセレモニー・イベントでTechnology Partner Awardを受賞した。

*今四半期、当社は、情報技術、研究開発でAvayaに提供した特定サービスが認められKey Supplier Awardを獲得した。当社はAward for Best Outsource Services Supplierも受賞した。これは直接および間接に素材およびサービスを提供する1200社以上のAvayaサプライヤーをしのいで受賞した。

*当社はフロスト&サリバンの「IT Services Provider of the Year - Banking Financial Services and Insurance Sector」を受賞した。

*インフォシスのFinacle(TM)はGartner Critical Capabilities for International Retail Core Banking評価において6件すべての使用例で最高スコアを与えられた。このリポートはガートナーが決めたそれぞれの使用例で20社の大手コアバンキング企業を評価した。

*当社はEverest Group's Life Sciences ITO PEAK Matrix 2015の「リーダー」として認められた。

*当社はEverest Group's Banking AO PEAK Matrix 2015の「リーダー」「スター・パフォーマー」として紹介された。

*香港で開催されたAsian Banker Summitで、FinacleはシンガポールのDBS BankとともにOutstanding Technology Implementation Awardを獲得、「The Asian Banker Vendor Satisfaction Survey Gold Award for 2015」も受賞した。

*当社はインドにある当社敷地内に設置した太陽光施設でGlobal Solar EPC Awardを受賞した。


今四半期、インフォシスは企業の社会的責任(CSR)のために27億ルピーを計上し、この大半は同社慈善事業部門のInfosys Foundation(インフォシス財団)を通じて出資される。

今四半期、Infosys Foundation USAはCode.orgとのパートナーシップを発表し、米国の数百万人の学生向けのコンピューターサイエンス教育へのアクセスを拡大した。このプログラムには、教師の専門的能力開発、カリキュラム作成、社会奉仕プログラムなどが含まれる。Infosys Foundation USAはまた、180カ国以上で数百万人の学生にコンピューターサイエンスを広める草の根運動であるCode.orgの恒例のHour of Codeイニシアチブへのサポートも約束した。


▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について


年間売上高82億5000万米ドル、17万9000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がいかにして企業の変革を支援するとともに価値を生み出す新たな収入源を創出しているかはウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com を参照。


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo

+91 80 3980 1018


Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91 80 4156 3373


Cristin Balog

+1 650 320 4126


Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                               (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                        June 30, 2015    March 31, 2015


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents              4,421             4,859

    Available-for-sale financial assets    116               140

    Trade receivables                      1,657             1,554

    Unbilled revenue                       464               455

    Prepayments and other current assets   630               527

    Derivative financial instruments       6                 16

    Total current assets                   7,294             7,551

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment          1,494             1,460

    Goodwill                               571               495

    Intangible assets                      149               102

    Investment in Associates               15                15

    Available-for-sale financial assets                      215               


    Deferred income tax assets             77                85

    Income tax assets                      724               654

    Other non-current assets               48                38

    Total non-current assets               3,293             3,064

    Total assets                           10,587            10,615


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                         31                22

    Derivative Financial Instruments        1                 -

    Current income tax liabilities         497               451

    Client deposits                        3                 4

    Unearned revenue                       186               168

    Employee benefit obligations           183               171

    Provisions                             74                77

    Other current liabilities              1,087             927

    Total current liabilities              2,062             1,820

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities        45                25

    Other non-current liabilities          18                8

    Total liabilities                      2,125             1,853


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

    (1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 2,285,610,264 (1,142,805,132), net

    of 11,334,400 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

    June 30, 2015 (March 31, 2015),

    respectively                           199               109

    Share premium                          569               659

    Retained earnings                      9,930             10,090

    Other components of equity             (2,236)           (2,096)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

    company                                8,462             8,762

    Non-controlling interests              -                 -

    Total equity                           8,462             8,762

    Total liabilities and equity           10,587            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

                  (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                           Three months     Three months

                                           ended June 30,   ended June 30,

                                           2015             2014

    Revenues                               2,256            2,133

    Cost of sales                          1,434            1,344

    Gross profit                           822              789

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses         129              111

    Administrative expenses                152              142

    Total operating expenses               281              253

    Operating profit                       541              536

    Other income, net                      119              139

    Share in associate's profit / (loss)    -                -

    Profit before income taxes             660              675

    Income tax expense                     184              193

    Net profit                             476              482

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be reclassified to profit or


    Re-measurement of the net defined benefit

    liability/(asset)                      (1)              (3)

    Items that may be reclassified subsequently to

    profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on available-for-sale

    financial asset                        (2)                3

    Exchange differences on translation of foreign

    operations                             (137)             (36)

    Total other comprehensive income, net of tax

                                           (140)             (36)

    Total comprehensive income              336               446

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                   476               482

    Non-controlling interests                -                -

                                            476               482

    Total comprehensive income attributable to:

    Owners of the company                   336              446

    Non-controlling interests                -                -

                                            336              446

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                               0.21             0.21

    Diluted ($)                             0.21             0.21

    Weighted average equity shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                                   2,285,610,264    2,285,610,264

    Diluted                                 2,285,672,309    2,285,610,264










Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2015



Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2015

Q1 revenue growth at 4.5% QoQ; highest in 15 quarters *

Volume growth at 5.4% QoQ, highest in 19 quarters

Gross client addition at 79

Largest client crosses $ 300 mn; added 2 clients in $ 200 mn bucket  

6 large deals signed in Q1 with TCV of $ 688 mn

Quarterly annualized attrition for Infosys Limited at 14.2% compared to 23.4%

in Q1 15

FY 16 revenue guidance retained at 10%-12% in constant currency; increased to

7.2%-9.2% in USD terms

*Excluding acquisitions

Financial Highlights  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter ended June 30, 2015

Quarter ended June 30, 2015

*Revenues were $ 2,256 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2015

QoQ growth was 4.5% in reported terms; 4.4% in constant currency terms

YoY growth was 5.7% in reported terms; 10.9% in constant currency terms  

*Net profit was $ 476 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2015

QoQ decline was 4.5%

YoY decline was 1.3%

*Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.21 for the quarter ended June 30, 2015

QoQ decline was 4.5%

YoY decline was 1.3%

*Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale

financial assets and government bonds were $ 4,750 million as on June 30, 2015

as compared to $ 5,214 million as on March 31, 2015

*Infosys spent $ 7 million in Q1, towards Corporate Social Responsibility

(CSR) which is primarily being carried out through the Infosys Foundation, its

philanthropic arm. The Infosys Foundation is engaged in several programs aimed

at alleviating hunger, promoting education, computing literacy, improving

health, assisting rural development, supporting arts and helping the destitute.

Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162

Other Q1 Highlights

*Volume growth of 5.4%

*6 large deals signed with TCV of $ 688 mn

*Added 79 clients

*Utilization (excluding trainees) expanded 160 bps to 80.2%

*Quarterly annualized attrition for Infosys Limited at 14.2% compared to 23.4%

in Q1 15

"I am very pleased with our performance in the first quarter. Our efforts in

redesigning our clients' experience and our widespread adoption of innovation,

both in grassroots and breakthroughs, are starting to bear fruit in large deal

wins and in the growth of large clients", said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and MD.

"While we are still early in our journey to become the leading next-generation

services company, this gives us good momentum for the rest of the year."

"The organization realignment made earlier this year for deeper client and

operational focus has resulted in strong volume growth", said Mr. U. B. Pravin

Rao, COO. "We continued the roll out of employee engagement initiatives around

collaboration and simplification of internal processes in order to retain the

industry's best talent."

"We are operating within our stated margin band, balancing strategic

investments and client focus with operational efficiencies", said Rajiv Bansal,

CFO. "Pricing environment is competitive which we are addressing through

automation and improvement in productivity."


The Company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016,

under IFRS is as follows:

*Revenues are expected to grow 10%-12% in constant currency;

*Revenues are expected to grow 7.2%-9.2% in USD terms

*Conversion: AUD/USD - 0.77; Euro/USD - 1.12; GBP/USD - 1.57 for rest of fiscal


Business Highlights  

We made significant client additions this quarter, including six large deals,

each greater than USD$50 million in total contract value. We continue to focus

on strengthening client relationships and delivering new and innovative


Client wins

*This quarter, we signed a multi-year agreement with Deutsche Bank

encompassing bespoke development, application maintenance services, digital and

mobility services, package implementation, and testing services. We are now a

strategic partner under Deutsche Bank's Supplier Partnership Program.

Kim Hammonds, Global Chief Information Officer, Deutsche Bank said, "Kim

Hammonds, Global Chief Information Officer, Deutsche Bank said, "Deutsche Bank

is committed to applying innovative technology to enhance its efficiency and

service to clients. Working with Infosys will help the bank achieve these


*We were selected as a strategic partner by Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (AIB),

a financial services group operating predominantly in the Republic of Ireland

and the U.K. As part of this engagement, Infosys will provide application

development and management services, along with transformation and innovation

services. We will also set up a 200-seat facility in Dublin to house the staff

who will be transferred from AIB.

*We have won a multi-year contract with ServiceFirst, an internal shared

service of the Australian State of New South Wales organization. The total

commercial value of the deal is US $76 million and will include BPO and SAP


*This quarter, we completed the implementation of Infosys Smart Oilfield

Services Solution for SAP ERP at FTS International (FTSI), the largest private

well completion company in North America. This will enable the company to

achieve a significant milestone in its strategic business transformation.

Within 14 months, we helped FTSI implement 15 SAP modules across 20 locations

for over 1,400 users, thus enabling the company to improve operating metrics

and to leverage an upgraded IT platform for future growth.

FTSI Chief Information Officer and Chief HR Officer Sharon S. Stufflebeme said,

"Infosys' tremendous footprint, level of expertise in SAP deployment, ability

to work with both IT and business teams as well as its oil and gas experience

made it the perfect partner for us in this important milestone in our strategic

business transformation."

*NBTY Inc., a global manufacturer, marketer, distributor and retailer of

market-leading vitamins and nutritional supplements entered into a multi-year

partnership with us. As part of this agreement, we will provide development and

support services for NBTY's IT systems including enterprise-wide application

development and maintenance services.

Andrea Simone, Sr. Vice President & Global CIO, NBTY Inc. said, "We are

creating a global, world-class IT architecture that will provide competitive

advantage to NBTY in continuously driving profitable growth. We selected

Infosys as a strategic partner to provide next-generation application services

and to work with us on transformation initiatives that are expected to drive

business and IT innovation."

*A global luxury fashion retailer has chosen us as its preferred global IT

partner. We will drive efficiencies and value by implementing a global IT

shared services model and a client offshore delivery center to support all


*A global mining company engaged us to streamline its finance and procurement

process outsourcing, as well as end-to-end IT services management including

service desk, infrastructure and application management.

*A leading office equipment major selected us as its strategic partner for

application development and maintenance, testing and product implementation.


To date we have had more than 127 client engagements where the Infosys

Information Platform has been used and have completed 16 pilot programs using

this platform. We are encouraged by the traction we are seeing with Panaya post

the acquisition, and have won 15 new deals across different industries through

our joint offerings.

A European logistics company selected the Infosys Information platform to

deliver near real-time data-based tracking and reporting of operational metrics

and project business volumes for capacity planning.

We won a project from a global pharmaceutical company to develop a predictive

equipment maintenance process based on equipment operating conditions and

maintenance history information using the capabilities of the Infosys

Information Platform.

Another pharmaceutical company engaged us to develop a big data and analytics

technology platform architecture. The client also implemented the Infosys

Information Platform to deliver on a range of operational reporting in areas

such as supply chain and inventory management using data from source systems

such as SAP.


This quarter, the shareholders authorized the transfer of business of Finacle

and Edge Services to EdgeVerve with effect from August 1, 2015 or such other

date as may be decided by the Board, for a consideration of upto ` 3,400 crore

(app. $ 550 million) and upto ` 220 crore (app. $ 35 million) respectively.

EdgeVerve Systems is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infosys.


EdgeVerve saw a great beginning to the year with 14 wins and 4 client go-lives.

A large consumer health and medical devices company selected ProcureEdge to

power its source-to-settle transformation. ProcureEdge will be implemented

worldwide by the client to bring transformation and savings across its buying

organization. A large European telecom company expanded its use of AssistEdge

to include over 5,000 operators in its call centres, enabling them to simplify

and automate business processes by integrating multiple disparate systems;

thereby reducing call handling time and improving customer service. AssistEdge

is also providing analytics-based insights to help the client proactively

allocate resources and take preventive steps to manage issues.


This quarter, Finacle sustained strong business momentum with 19 wins and 12

go-lives across the globe. Wins in the quarter included Corporation Bank and

Indian Overseas Bank, both of which opted for our industry leading core banking

solution. Building on last quarter's success with Qantas Credit Union, Finacle

also added another client in Australia for digital transformation.

Finacle continued to expand its solutions suite with three new offerings -

Finacle Assure, Finacle Youth Banking solution and Finacle SME Enable. Finacle

also extended its partnership with Microsoft Corp making its suite of solutions

available on Microsoft Azure cloud.

Acquisitions, Investments and Partnerships  

*This quarter, we completed the acquisition of Kallidus Inc. (d.b.a Skava) and

its affiliate, a leading provider of digital experience solutions, including

mobile commerce and in-store shopping experiences to large retail clients. The

acquisition of Skava is part of Infosys' strategy to help clients bring new

digital experiences to their customers through IP-led technology offerings, new

automation tools and unparalleled skill and expertise in these new emerging


*This quarter, the shareholders in the AGM have approved to enter into a

contract to acquire the healthcare business from Infosys Public Services Inc.

(IPS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infosys for an estimated consideration of

upto ` 625 crores (app. $ 100 million) with effect from a day as may be decide

by the Board of Directors

*We are encouraged by the traction we are seeing with Panaya post the

acquisition, and have won 15 new deals through our joint offerings.

*We have joined the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), an open membership

group established to improve the integration between the physical and the

digital worlds and accelerate the adoption of Internet of Things. We will focus

on the development of future IIC testbeds with key ecosystem partners,

leveraging our expertise in predictive analytics as applied to maintenance,

operations, information, service and energy. Our work on predictive analytics

solutions for asset efficiency will be anchored on open-source and open-access

ingredients for rapid innovation by the community.

*We continue to enhance our capabilities in Design Thinking across the

organization, and have trained more than 39,000 employees till date. We have

also seen a positive response from clients with whom we have various design

thinking engagements.

Arif Rehman, Director, Supply Chain Operations, Cisco said, "Infosys has been a

strategic partner on our journey to catalyze innovation across the Global

Manufacturing Operations organization. They have been working closely with us

from an organizational perspective to incorporate Design Thinking and an

innovator's mindset into how our teams collaborate, ideate and prototype

towards more user-centric solutions. What I appreciate the most is their

ability to take a concept like innovation and contextualize it into the day to

day workings of our very analytical, knowledge-centric workforce."

Innovation Fund

This quarter, we set aside US$10 million from our global Innovation Fund for

Ireland-based start-ups. Earlier this year, Infosys announced the US$500

million Innovation Fund earmarked for investments in the growth of disruptive

new technologies.

Awards and Recognition

*We were honored with the Technology Partner Award at the 11th annual

Manufacturing Leadership (ML) Awards ceremony event for playing a primary role

in enabling Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA achieve outstanding performance in

customer value.

*This quarter we won the Key Supplier Award in recognition of specific

services that we provide Avaya in information technology, research and

development. We also received the Award for Best Outsource Services Supplier -

surpassing over 1,200+ other Avaya suppliers who provide direct and indirect

materials / services.

*We were awarded 'IT Services Provider of the Year - Banking Financial

Services and Insurance Sector' by Frost & Sullivan

*Infosys Finacle (TM) was given the highest score for all six use cases in the

Gartner Critical Capabilities for International Retail Core Banking assessment.

The report evaluated 20 leading core banking companies for each of the use

cases defined by Gartner.

*We were identified as a 'Leader' in the Everest Group's Life Sciences ITO

PEAK Matrix 2015.

*We were featured as a 'Leader' and 'Star Performer' in Everest Group's

Banking AO PEAK Matrix 2015.

*At The Asian Banker Summit in Hong Kong, Finacle won the Outstanding

Technology Implementation Award with DBS Bank, Singapore, while also bagging

The Asian Banker Vendor Satisfaction Survey Gold Award for 2015.

*We received the Global Solar EPC Award for solar installations across our

campuses in India.

Beyond Business

For this fiscal, Infosys has pledged `270 crore towards Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) which is primarily being carried out through the Infosys

Foundation, its philanthropic arm.

During this quarter, the Infosys Foundation USA, announced a partnership with

Code.org to expand access to computer science education for millions of

students across the United States. The program includes professional

development for teachers, curriculum development and social outreach programs.

Infosys Foundation USA has also committed its support to Code.org's annual Hour

of Code initiative, a global grassroots campaign that has introduced millions

of students to computer science in over 180 countries.

Infosys became the first Indian company to join RE100, a global platform for

major companies committed to 100% renewable power. As part of its commitment to

RE100, Infosys aims to become carbon neutral by 2018. The company is already

working to reduce its per capita electricity consumption by 50 per cent from

its 2007-2008 levels and source all its electricity from renewable resources by


About Infosys Ltd

Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and

next-generation services. We enable clients, in more than 50 countries, to stay

a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We

help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough

solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

Visit www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$ 8.25 billion in

annual revenues and 179,000+ employees, is helping enterprises renew themselves

while also creating new avenues to generate value.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations

intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2015 and our Forms 6- K for the quarters ended June 30, 2014,

September 30, 2014 and December 31, 2014. These filings are available at

www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral

forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the company's

filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to

shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this press release is

July 21, 2015, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on

assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company does

not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from

time to time by or on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91-80-4156 3373;


Cristin Balog



Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                               (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                        June 30, 2015    March 31, 2015


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents              4,421             4,859

    Available-for-sale financial assets    116               140

    Trade receivables                      1,657             1,554

    Unbilled revenue                       464               455

    Prepayments and other current assets   630               527

    Derivative financial instruments       6                 16

    Total current assets                   7,294             7,551

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment          1,494             1,460

    Goodwill                               571               495

    Intangible assets                      149               102

    Investment in Associates               15                15

    Available-for-sale financial assets                      215               


    Deferred income tax assets             77                85

    Income tax assets                      724               654

    Other non-current assets               48                38

    Total non-current assets               3,293             3,064

    Total assets                           10,587            10,615


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                         31                22

    Derivative Financial Instruments        1                 -

    Current income tax liabilities         497               451

    Client deposits                        3                 4

    Unearned revenue                       186               168

    Employee benefit obligations           183               171

    Provisions                             74                77

    Other current liabilities              1,087             927

    Total current liabilities              2,062             1,820

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities        45                25

    Other non-current liabilities          18                8

    Total liabilities                      2,125             1,853


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

    (1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 2,285,610,264 (1,142,805,132), net

    of 11,334,400 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

    June 30, 2015 (March 31, 2015),

    respectively                           199               109

    Share premium                          569               659

    Retained earnings                      9,930             10,090

    Other components of equity             (2,236)           (2,096)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

    company                                8,462             8,762

    Non-controlling interests              -                 -

    Total equity                           8,462             8,762

    Total liabilities and equity           10,587            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income

                  (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                           Three months     Three months

                                           ended June 30,   ended June 30,

                                           2015             2014

    Revenues                               2,256            2,133

    Cost of sales                          1,434            1,344

    Gross profit                           822              789

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses         129              111

    Administrative expenses                152              142

    Total operating expenses               281              253

    Operating profit                       541              536

    Other income, net                      119              139

    Share in associate's profit / (loss)    -                -

    Profit before income taxes             660              675

    Income tax expense                     184              193

    Net profit                             476              482

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be reclassified to profit or


    Re-measurement of the net defined benefit

    liability/(asset)                      (1)              (3)

    Items that may be reclassified subsequently to

    profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on available-for-sale

    financial asset                        (2)                3

    Exchange differences on translation of foreign

    operations                             (137)             (36)

    Total other comprehensive income, net of tax

                                           (140)             (36)

    Total comprehensive income              336               446

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                   476               482

    Non-controlling interests                -                -

                                            476               482

    Total comprehensive income attributable to:

    Owners of the company                   336              446

    Non-controlling interests                -                -

                                            336              446

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                               0.21             0.21

    Diluted ($)                             0.21             0.21

    Weighted average equity shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                                   2,285,610,264    2,285,610,264

    Diluted                                 2,285,672,309    2,285,610,264


1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated interim Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months

ended June 30, 2015 have been taken on record at the Board meeting held on July

21, 2015  

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from www.infosys.com

3. Previous period share count and EPS has been restated due to issue of bonus

shares in Dec-14 and Jun-15

IFRS-INR Press Release:


Fact Sheet:


SOURCE: Infosys




