中国男子バスケットボール・チームがアジアのトップに リオ五輪の出場資格を獲得

TCL Corporation

中国男子バスケットボール・チームがアジアのトップに リオ五輪の出場資格を獲得

AsiaNet 62087(1303)

【深セン(中国)2015年10月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国男子バスケットボール・チームは、中国湖南省長沙市で10月3日に行われた2015年国際バスケットボール連盟(FIBA)アジア男子バスケットボール選手権の決勝でフィリピンを78対67で破った。この決勝戦は2016年リオ五輪への出場資格がかかった試合である。中国男子バスケットボール・チームのアジア選手権優勝は16回目で、4年ぶりにアジアのトップに返り咲いた。男子バスケットボール・チームのメーンスポンサーであるTCLグループもこの成功に貢献した。

TCLは長期にわたる資金、技術、装備その他のサポートの提供に加えて、今回閉幕したアジア選手権の開催期間中、チームのファンのために「Use Your Youth(若さを発揮しよう)」をテーマにオンライン、オフラインの大規模な交流イベントを組織した。このイベント開催によって、全国にファンの熱意を刺激し、チームメンバーの士気を高めた。TCLはチームを応援するためにファンが集まった8日間のパブリックビューイング・ナイトイベントを開催した他、Weibo(微博)のマイクロブログ・プラットフォームやほかの人気ある中国のインターネット・プラットフォーム上で一連のテーマに基づくイベントを立ち上げた。TCLは、ファンを結集することによってチームに強力な弾みを提供した。TCLのサポートとファンの熱狂的なサポートによって、中国の全国的スポーツチャンネルであるCCTV-5は、アジア男子バスケットボール選手権決勝の生中継放送で今年最高の視聴者数を獲得した。




Contact Person: Marta Chen

Phone Number: +86-0755-33313868


ソース:TCL Corporation

Return of the King - TCL Helps China Men's Basketball Team Win the Asian Championship and Qualify for the Brazil Olympics


SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 6, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The 2015 FIBA Asia Men's Basketball Championship, held in Changsha, Hunan

province, China, concluded on October 3rd, with China team beating the

Philippines by 78-67 in the finals. The final match is the qualifying event for

participation in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The Asian Championship victory was

China men's basketball team's 16th title during the competition and marked the

team's return to Asia's leading team after 4 years. The Chinese men's

basketball team's main sponsor TCL Group also contributed to the success of the


In addition to providing long-term funding, technology, equipment and other

forms of support, TCL also organized large online, offline and interactive

events with the theme "Use Your Youth" for the team's fans during the recently

concluded Asian Championships. The events stimulated the enthusiasm of fans

nationwide and boosted the morale of each team member. TCL launched a series of

themed events on the Weibo micro-blogging platform and other popular Chinese

internet platforms in addition to organizing an 8-day Fan night spectator event

where fans congregated to cheer for the team. By bringing together the fans,

TCL provided a powerful impetus to the team. Driven by TCL's support and the

enthusiastic support of the fans, the live telecast of the final of the Asian

Basketball Championship garnered the highest audience numbers of the year for

the TV network that simulcast the event, China's nationwide sports channel


As a global "smart" products manufacturer and Internet application services

provider, TCL sought to transform the company image with the goal of creating a

brand that is "young, stylish, and international". TCL's corporate philosophy

themed "The Creative Life" and the passion that drives everything that TCL does

have proven themselves an excellent fit with basketball, as the pursuit of

excellent in interactive technologies and in sports depend on a combination of

creativity and enthusiasm. After becoming a sponsor of China men's basketball

team in 2009 and upgrading the role to that of main sponsor in 2011, TCL stood

side by side with the team all the way to winning the Asian Games men's

basketball championship in 2010, the Asian Championship in 2011, and the FIBA

Stankovic Continental Champions' Cup in 2012. Even as China basketball team

went through difficult times when key players retired or were knocked out of

commission for a period due to an injury, TCL remained determined in providing

strong support to the team and its members and helped them lay a solid

foundation for their eventual return to the Asian Championship's top spot.

Judging from the current age mix of the core members of the team, the 2019

men's basketball World Cup and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will test the mettle of

a team that has reached its maturity. Yi Jianlian, the Chinese basketball

player who won the MVP award in this year's Asian championship, said, "We hope

to reveal ourselves on the world stage." This kind of determination is and will

continue to be strongly supported by TCL Group. TCL has proved itself time and

again to be the international pioneer from China, and, by harnessing the

youthful spirit that defines China men's basketball team, fully expect to

create a bright future for the team.

Contact Person: Marta Chen

Phone Number: +86-0755-33313868


SOURCE  TCL Corporation




