


AsiaNet 62097(1314)

【ブリュッセル2015年10月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】






アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブ(Anheuser-Busch InBev)(AB InBev)(Euronext: ABI)(NYSE: BUD)は7日、SABミラー(SABMiller plc.)に対し両社が合併して初の真の世界的なビール企業を設立する改訂提案を発表した。


AB InBevが7日公表した改訂提案はSABミラーの株式1株を42.15英ポンドで現金で買い取るもので、約41%のSABミラー株式に対応する特殊株の選択肢が含まれる。AB InBevはSABミラーに対し、これまでに2通の文書による提案を行っているが、最初の提案は現金で1株当たり38.00英ポンド、2番目は現金で1株当たり40.00英ポンドだった。AB InBevはSABミラーの取締役会が有意義な関与をせずにこれまでの両提案を拒否したことに失望した。

AB InBevは、今回の改訂提案がSABミラー株主に極めて魅力的であり、株主にも極めて魅力的な機会を提供すると確信している。現金による買取提案は2015年9月14日(AB InBevからのアプローチに関する新たなスペキュレーションがある前の最終取引日)時点のSABミラー株式終値29.34英ポンドに対し約44%のプレミアを付加したものである。

改訂提案は、SABミラーの一般株主に魅力的な現金提案を行うとともに、Altria Group, Inc.とBevCo Ltd.(両社はSABミラー株式の約41%を保有する)に魅力的な継続投資を提供するためであり、これは両社の財務要件を満足させるとAB InBevは考える。重要なことは、特殊株の選択肢は適切な資金調達を可能にし、AB InBevが他の方法で提供するよりも高値の現金提案を裏付けることになる。特殊株の選択肢の詳細と今回の改定提案に対する前提条件は以下の通り。

AB InBevは、1株当たり42.15英ポンドの改定現金提案はSABミラー取締役会が推奨したレベルであると確信する。


AB InBevとSABミラーの合併によって、世界をリードする消費者製品企業の1つとして発足する真の世界的なビール醸造企業が誕生する。AB InBevとSABミラーの概して補完的な地理的事業展開領域とブランド・ポートフォリオを考慮すると、合併グループは事実上すべての主要なビール市場で事業展開することになる。これにはアフリカ、アジア、中南米など大きな成長が見込まれる主要な振興地域が含まれる。

合併企業となるこのグループは、640億米ドルの収入とEBITAで240億ドルを生み出す。(注1)AB InBevはこの取引が両企業の消費者、株主、雇員、卸売業者、ビジネスパートナー、コミュニティーにとって最善の利益になると確信する。



AB InBevとSABミラーの合併は、大部分で補完する流通ネットワークを通じて両社のブランド・ポートフォリオを市場で販売し、新しい組織全体に両社のベストプラクティスを適用することによって大幅な成長機会が生まれる。強力なブランド構築体験と国民的アイコンと地元ブランドの開発成功はAB InBevとSABミラー両社にとって極めて重要な成功要因である。


例えば、アンハイザー・ブッシュとの合併によって、AB InBevはバドワイザーを世界的に成長させることに成功し、国際販売は現在ブランドの総販売の半数以上に達した。


AB InBevは、SABミラーとの合併によって、世界で傑出した消費者製品企業の1つを設立し、一体化した世界的な人材ベースの技術、情熱、コミットメント、エネルギー、活力から恩恵を受けると確信する。

AB InBevは、30近い国籍の最高幹部を擁する真に国際的な組織である。SABミラーの経験豊富な管理チームは、特にAB InBevが現在大きなプレゼンスを持たない地域における広範なマーケットに通じる専門的知識を提供する。

その結果、AB InBevはSABミラーの幹部チームおよび雇員の主要メンバーが合併企業の組織全体で大きな役割を果たすと期待する。


アフリカは大陸として、GDPが増大し、中産階級が成長し、経済機会が拡大する極めて魅力的な市場である。アフリカは今後も、合併企業の将来において極めて重要な役割を果たし、SABミラーが19世紀から同地域に築いた強力な歴史と成功を足場に拡大していける。AB InBevはヨハネスブルク証券取引所へのセカンダリー上場を計画しているほか、合併企業の将来の成功にとって不可欠な地元の取締役会も設立するつもりである。

AB InBevは、今後もヨハネスブルクをアフリカ大陸における合併企業の地域本部にするつもりである。さらに、AB InBevはSABミラーが長年にわたり南アフリカの発展を支援し、地元株主に深く関わってきたことを認識している。特に、AB InBevはSABミラーが開始し、このイニシアチブの継続を目指しているBroad-Based Black Economic Empowermentスキームを称賛する。





AB InBevは企業合併を成功裏に完了・統合し、株主価値を創出した実績がある。同社はかの20年間にさまざまな主要取引を完了し、すべての株主の利益のために公表した目標と重要な確約を果たしてきた。合併は世界中のコミュニティーにかつてない大きなプラスの影響をもたらす人材と専門的知識・技術を蓄えることになる。


両社の地理的な事業展開領域は大陸および地域ベースでおおむね補完的であり、AB InBevはSABミラーおよび関連当局と協力し、あらゆる潜在的な規制関連調査をタイムリーかつ適切な解決に導くように務める。特に米国および中国では、同社はあらゆる規制関連ないしは契約上の検討を速やかにかつ積極的に解決することに努める。同様に、南アフリカおよびその他の国・地域で、AB InBevはSABミラーと協力してあらゆる規制関連要件に対処する。


改訂買収提案には、SABミラー株の約41%に対応する最大3億2600万株の特殊株と交換する選択肢が含まれる。この株式はAB InBev株とは異なる種類の形式(制限株)を取り、以下の特性がある。



*5年の期間が終了すれば、AB InBev普通株に1株対1株で転換できる。

*配当や議決権に関してはAB InBev普通株と同等に位置付けられる。

特殊株の選択肢を選んだSABミラー株主は、保有するSABミラー1株当たり特殊株(制限株)の0.483969株を受け取る。特殊株の選択肢を選んだSABミラー株主はまた、SABミラー1株当たり2.37ポンドの現金を受け取る。(注2)2015年10月6日のAB InBev普通株の終値である98.06ユーロに基づくと、特殊株の選択肢は2.37ポンドの現金を含めると、2015年9月14日のSABミラー株の終値29.34ポンドに約28%のプレミアムを上乗せした価格になる。(注3)

このことは特殊株の選択肢の示す価格が、制限株としての非上場性や非譲渡性に適合する追加的割引性を考慮に入れなければ、提案された現金価格よりも低いことを意味する。AB InBevは特殊株の選択肢に関してSABミラー取締役会の勧告を求めない。

ほとんどのSABミラー株主はAB InBev上場普通株に投資するなら、現金提案を選んで高いプレミアムを受け取り、その資金でAB InBev株に再投資するだろうと、AB InBevは予想する。ただ、どのSABミラー株主も特殊株の選択肢を選ぶことができる。



*SABミラー取締役会の現金提案に関する勧告、およびAB InBevが受け入れ可能な形式で、取締役が買収に賛成投票する取り消し不能な約束の履行

*SABミラーの2大株主であるAltria Group, Inc.とBevCo Ltd.による、両社のすべての株主を代表し、AB InBevが受け入れ可能な形式で、買収と特殊株選択肢の選択に賛成投票する取り消し不能な約束の履行。


*AB InBev取締役会による最終承認。AB InBev取締役会はこの買収提案に完全に支持し、(上記の項目が満たされれば)発表直前に正式承認する見通し。

AB InBevはこの発表で提示を出す上で、前提条件の全部ないし一部を撤回する権利を保留する。


上記承認の獲得と日程の観点から、AB InBevは「企業買収・合併に関するシティ・コード(City Code on Takeovers and Mergers)」に沿った前提条件取引の方法で手続きを進めることを想定している。

買収の現金対価はAB InBevの内部資産と第3者からの新規借り入れで賄う。

この提案はAB InBevへ提示上の何らかの責任を与えたり、負わせることはない。また同社がシティ・コードの意味においての提示の強い意図を証拠立てるものでもない。


▽AB InBevは以下の権利を保留する


b)AB InBevの子会社ないし今後AB InBevの子会社になる企業とともに、買収を実行する






AB InBevはこの発表に表示した事項に関して、ファイナンシャル・アドバイザーにLazardを、リーガル・アドバイザーにFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLPをそれぞれ採用した。


買収提案に関するすべての文書、AB InBevのカルロス・ブリト最高経営責任者(CEO)が買収提案について話している動画はwww.globalbrewer.com で閲覧できる。動画の内容はhttp://www.globalbrewer.com/home/#news-and-facts. でもみられる。


AB InBevは7日、投資家とアナリスト向けに2回のコンフェレンスコールを開催する。






UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56262876





UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56267073

ウェブキャストを聞くことができない人のために、ウェブキャストの応答、会議とランスクリプトがアーカイブされ、ウェブサイトwww.globalbrewer.com からダウンロードできる。


AB InBevは7日、メディア向けのカンフェレンスコールを2回開催する。詳細は以下の通り。



UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56231478



UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56244076

LazardはAB InBevの財務アドバイザーとして独占的に、かつこの発表に記載されている問題に関連するほかの企業のためにではなく活動し、Lazardのクライアントに与えられる保護の提供について、またこの発表に記載されている問題との関連でのアドバイスの提供について、AB InBev以外の何者に対しても現在も将来も責任を持たない。これらの目的のために「Lazard」はLazard Freres & Co.LLCとLazard & Co.,を意味する。Lazard & Co.,LImitedは英国で金融行為監督機関によって認可、規制されている。Lazardもその子会社もこの発表に関連して、またはこの発表に記載されている問題について、Lazardのクライアントでないいかなる人物に対しても、何事についても(直接、間接であろうと、契約、不法行為、合法的などであろうと)義務、法的責任、責任を追わず、受け入れない。

ドイツ銀行AGはドイツ銀行法(監督機関は欧州中央銀行)で認可されており、英国では金融行動監視機関によって認可されている。欧州中央銀行とドイツ連邦金融監視局BaFinの監視対象であり、英国では金融行動監視機関と金融行為監督機関の限定監視の対象である。金融行動監視機関の認可と規制、金融行為監督機関の規制の程度はwww.db.com/en/content/eu_disclosures.htm に要請すれば入手できる。

ロンドン支店(「DB」)を通じて行動するドイツ銀行AGは、この発表やその内容に関連するそのほかの人物ではなく、AB InBevの企業ブローカーとして行動する。DBは、DBのクライアントに与えられる保護の提供、またはここで触れるいかなる問題に関連するアドバイスの提供について、AB InBev以外のいかなる人物についても責任を負わない。ある人物の詐欺についての責任に限定せず、DBもその子会社事業も、支店、子会社の役員、責任者、代表、従業員。アドバイザー、エージェントも、何事についても(直接、間接であろうと、契約、不法行為、合法的などであろうと)この発表、ここに含まれているいかなる声明などに関連してDBのクライアントでない人物に対して、いかなる義務、法的責任、責任を負わず、引き受けない。

買収、合併に関するシティー・コード(以下コード)の規則2.6(a)に従ってAB InBevは2015年10月14日木曜日の午後5時までにコードの規則2.7に従ってSABミラーに対する提案を行う確実な意図を発表するか、あるいはSABミラーに対する提案を行う意図がないことを発表しなければならず、この場合、発表はコードの規則2.8が適用される声明として扱われる。この期限はコードの規則2.6(c)に従ってSABミラーと買収パネルの同意がある場合にのみ延長される。








関連する証券のオープニング・ポジション・ディスクロージャーとディーリング・ディスクロージャーに関する申し入れを受けた会社および申し入れ会社の詳細は、テイクオーバー(企業買収)・パネルのウェブサイト(www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk )にある開示テーブル(Disclosure Table)上で閲覧できる。開示テーブルには証券の提供機関が開始し、いずれかの申し入れ会社が最初に特定された際に問題となる関連証券の数の詳細が含まれる。オープニング・ポジション・ディスクロージャーまたはディーリング・ディスクロージャーをする必要があるかどうかについて何らかの疑義があれば、テイクオーバー・パネルの市場監視部門(+44 (0)20 7638 0129)に問い合わせるべきである。


AB InbBevがSABミラーに対して提案を行った場合、SABミラー株の米国の所有者はSABミラー株主の承認を必要とするいかなる取引段階も英国会社法で規定された英国取り決めスキームで実行されることに注目すべきである。その場合、この取引でSABミラー株主に発行される株式は、米国の1933年証券法第3条(a)(10)で定められている登録の必要の免除に頼って発行されるとみられるが、このために英国のディスクロージャーの必要(米国のものとは異なる)の対象になる。取引は英国法によるテークオーバー・オファーで実行されることもありうる。その場合はこの取引によってSABミラー株主あてに発行される証券は米国証券法で登録され、適用される登録免除はない。取引が英国のテークオーバー・オファーのやり方で実行されると、ルール14d-1(d)が定める適用可能な免除を含め、米国の1934年証券取引法の適用可能なルールに従って行われる。





Marianne Amssoms

Tel: +1-212-573-9281

E-mail: marianne.amssoms@ab-inbev.com

Karen Couck

Tel: +1-212-573-9283

E-mail: karen.couck@ab-inbev.com

Kahleen Van Boxelaer

Tel: +32-16-27-68-23

E-mail: kathleen.vanboxelaer@ab-inbev.com

Steve Lipin, Brunswick Group US

Tel: +1-212-333-3810

E-mail: slipin@brunswickgroup.com

Richard Jacques, Brunswick Group UK

Tel: +44-20-7404-5959

E-mail: rjacques@brunswickgroup.com


Graham Staley

Tel: +1-212-573-4365

E-mail: graham.staley@ab-inbev.com

Christina Caspersen

Tel: +1-212-573-4376

E-mail: christina.caspersen@abinbev.com

Heiko Vulsieck

Tel: +32-16-27-68-88

E-mail: heiko.vulsieck@ab-inbev.com

Financial Adviser - Lazard

William Rucker / Charlie Foreman

Tel: +44 20 7187 2000

Corporate Broker - Deutsche Bank

Ben Lawrence / Simon Hollingsworth

Tel: +44 20 7545 8000

▽アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブ(Anheuser-Busch InBev)について

アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブはベルギーのルーバンを拠点とする上場企業(Euronext:ABI)であり、ニューヨーク証券取引所(NYSE)預託証券(ADR)はBUD名である。同社は世界大手醸造会社、世界5大消費者製品会社の1つである。オリジナルソーシャルネットワークであるビールは、数千年にわたり人々をまとめ上げ、200種をはるかに超えるビール・ブランドを持つ同社製品ポートフォリオは、消費者との強い絆を築き続ける。同社グローバルブランドはBudweiser(R)、Corona(R)およびStella Artois(R)、国際ブランドはBeck’s(R)、Leffe(R)、Hoegaarden(R)、そしてローカルチャンピオンのBud Light(R)、Skol(R)、Brahma(R)、Antarctica(R)、Quilmes(R)、Victoria(R)、Modelo Especial(R)、Michelob Ultra(R)、Harbin(R)、Sedrin(R)、Klinskoye(R)、Sibirskaya Korona(R)、Chernigivske(R)、Cass(R)、Jupiler(R)など。質に対するアンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブの献身は、600年以上、ベルギーのルーベンにあるデンホールン醸造所とともに1852年以来米セントルイスに発祥するAnheuser & Co醸造所の醸造の伝統にまでさかのぼる。アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブは先進国と発展途上国にバランスを持って露出して地政学的に多様化され、世界25カ国にある約15万5000人の従業員の集団的能力を生かしている。アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブは2014年、471億米ドルの売上高を計上した。同社はより良い世界に向けて人々を寄せ集める最高のビール会社になるため努力している。同社の詳しい情報はab-inbev.comおよびfacebook.com/ABInBevあるいはTwitterの@ABInBevNewsをフォローすること。



(注1)数字は(a)2015年3月31日までの12カ月(SABミラーの場合)、(b)2014年12月31日までの12カ月(AB InBevの場合)の売上総額とEBITDAを示す。



ソース:Anheuser-Busch InBev

Anheuser-Busch InBev Proposes Combination with SABMiller to Build the First Truly Global Beer Company


BRUSSELS, Oct. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

  - Combination Would Create One of the World's Leading Consumer Products


  - Largely Complementary Geographical Footprints and Brand Portfolios

  - Revised Proposal Represents a Compelling Opportunity for SABMiller

Shareholders; Cash Proposal Represents an Attractive Premium of 44% and Partial

Share Alternative a Premium of 28%

  - Strong Commitment to South Africa and the African Continent as Critical

Driver of Future Growth

  - More Choice for Consumers around the World

Anheuser-Busch InBev ("AB InBev") (Euronext: ABI) (NYSE: BUD) today announces a

revised proposal to the Board of SABMiller plc ("SABMiller") (LSE: SAB) (JSE:

SAB) to combine the two companies and build the first truly global beer company.

Revised Proposal is Highly Attractive to SABMiller Shareholders

The revised proposal that AB InBev has made today is to acquire SABMiller for

GBP 42.15 per share in cash, with a partial share alternative available for

approximately 41% of the SABMiller shares. AB InBev has made two prior written

proposals in private to SABMiller, the first at GBP 38.00 per share in cash and

the second at GBP 40.00 per share in cash. AB InBev is disappointed that the

Board of SABMiller has rejected both of these prior approaches without any

meaningful engagement.

AB InBev believes that this revised proposal should be highly attractive to

SABMiller shareholders and provides an extremely compelling opportunity for

them. The cash proposal represents a premium of approximately 44% to

SABMiller's closing share price of GBP 29.34 on 14 September 2015 (being the

last business day prior to renewed speculation of an approach from AB InBev).

The revised proposal is designed to enable a compelling cash offer to be made

to SABMiller's public shareholders and to provide a continuing attractive

investment for Altria Group, Inc. and BevCo Ltd. (who together hold

approximately 41% of the SABMiller shares), which AB InBev believes will

satisfy their financial requirements. Importantly, the partial share

alternative enables appropriate financing to be achieved and supports the cash

offer at a higher price than AB InBev would otherwise be able to offer. Further

details of the partial share alternative and the pre-conditions to this revised

proposal are set out below.

AB InBev believes that the revised cash proposal of GBP 42.15 per share is at a

level that the Board of SABMiller should recommend.

A Compelling Opportunity

The combination of AB InBev and SABMiller would result in a truly global brewer

that would take its place as one of the world's leading consumer products

companies. Given the largely complementary geographical footprints and brand

portfolios of AB InBev and SABMiller, the combined group would have operations

in virtually every major beer market, including key emerging regions with

strong growth prospects such as Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.

As a combined company, the group would generate revenues of USD 64 billion and

EBITDA of USD 24 billion1. AB InBev believes that this transaction would be in

the best interests of both companies' consumers, shareholders, employees,

wholesalers, business partners and the communities they serve.

"We have the highest respect for SABMiller, its employees and its leadership,

and believe that a combination of our two great companies would build the first

truly global beer company," said Carlos Brito, Chief Executive Officer of

Anheuser-Busch InBev. "Both companies have deep roots in some of the most

historic beer cultures around the world and share a strong passion for brewing

as well as a deep seated tradition of quality. By bringing together our rich

heritage, brands and people we would provide more opportunities for consumers

to taste and enjoy the world's best beers. We also both strive to have a

positive impact on the communities in which we work and live as two of the

world's leading corporate citizens. Put simply, we believe we can achieve more

together than each of us could separately, bringing more beers to more people

and enhancing value for all of our stakeholders."

Combination to Generate Significant Growth Opportunities, Benefiting

Stakeholders around the World

A combination of AB InBev and SABMiller would generate significant growth

opportunities from marketing the companies' combined brand portfolio through a

largely complementary distribution network, and applying the best practices of

both companies across the new organization. Strong brand building experience

and success in developing national icons and local brands have been critical

success factors for both AB InBev and SABMiller.

The combined company's joint portfolio of complementary global and local brands

would provide more choices for beer drinkers in new and existing markets around

the world. In addition, bringing together the capabilities of both companies

would enable further innovations to introduce exciting new products for our

consumers around the globe.

As an example, following the combination with Anheuser-Busch, AB InBev has

successfully grown Budweiser globally, with international sales now accounting

for over half of the brand's total volume.

Building the Best Global Talent Pool

AB InBev believes that, together with SABMiller, it can build one of the

world's pre-eminent consumer goods companies, benefitting from the skills,

enthusiasm, commitment, energy and drive of the combined global talent base.

AB InBev is a truly international organization, with close to 30 nationalities

represented in the most senior management positions. SABMiller's experienced

management team offers extensive market expertise, especially in regions where

AB InBev does not currently have a significant presence.

As a result, AB InBev would expect that key members of SABMiller's management

team and employees would play a significant role in the combined company across

the organization.

African Continent to be Critical Driver of Growth for Combined Company,

Building on the Strong Heritage of SABMiller in the Region

Africa, as a continent, has hugely attractive markets with increasing GDPs, a

growing middle class and expanding economic opportunities. Africa would

continue to play a vital role in the future of the combined company, building

upon the strong history and success of SABMiller in the region dating back to

the 19th century. AB InBev intends to establish a secondary listing on the

Johannesburg Stock Exchange, as well as have a local board that would be

critical to the future success of the combined company.

AB InBev intends for Johannesburg to continue to be the regional headquarters

for the combined group on the African continent. In addition, AB InBev

recognizes that SABMiller has long supported the progress of South African

society and is deeply engaged with local stakeholders. In particular, AB InBev

admires the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment scheme that SABMiller has

put in place and intends to continue this initiative.

Building a Better World Together

Both companies strive to have a positive impact on the communities in which

they work and live by providing opportunities all along the supply chain - from

farmers to brewmasters to truck drivers to customers - as well as by aspiring

to the highest standards of corporate social responsibility.

A combination of the two companies would pool resources and expertise to make a

greater and more positive impact on the world. Both companies have strong

programs that partner with stakeholders to encourage the responsible enjoyment

of their products, to reduce the impact on the environment with a focus on

water, energy, and recycling, and to improve the communities where they live

and work.

Proven Track Record of Successfully Completing Transactions and Creating

Shareholder Value

AB InBev has a proven track record of successfully completing and integrating

business combinations and creating shareholder value. The company has completed

several major transactions in the past two decades and has consistently

delivered on stated goals and honored commitments for the benefit of all

stakeholders. A combination would pool resources and expertise to make an even

greater and more positive impact on communities around the world.

Committed to Working Proactively with Regulators

The companies' geographic footprints are largely complementary on a continental

and regional basis and AB InBev would work with SABMiller and the relevant

authorities in seeking to bring all potential regulatory reviews to a timely

and appropriate resolution. In the U.S. and China, in particular, the company

would seek to resolve any regulatory or contractual considerations promptly and

proactively. Similarly, in South Africa and other jurisdictions, AB InBev would

work with SABMiller to address any regulatory requirements.

Partial Share Alternative

The revised proposal includes a partial share alternative which comprises up to

326 million shares and is available for approximately 41% of the SABMiller

shares. These shares would take the form of a separate class of AB InBev shares

(the "Restricted Shares") with the following characteristics:

-- Unlisted and not admitted to trading on any stock exchange;

-- Subject to a five-year lock-up from closing;

-- Convertible into AB InBev ordinary shares on a one for one basis after the

end of that five year period; and

-- Ranking equally with AB InBev ordinary shares with regards to dividends and

voting rights.

Pre-conversion into AB InBev ordinary shares, SABMiller shareholders who elect

for the partial share alternative will hold 0.483969 Restricted Shares for

every 1 SABMiller share2. SABMiller shareholders who elect for the partial

share alternative would also receive GBP 2.37 in cash for each SABMiller share.

Based on the closing price of AB InBev's ordinary shares on 6 October 2015 of

EUR 98.06, the partial share alternative, including the GBP 2.37 in cash, would

value each SABMiller share at GBP 37.49 per share, representing a premium of

approximately 28% to the closing SABMiller share price of GBP 29.34 as of 14

September 20153.

This means that the implied value of the partial share alternative is less than

the proposed cash offer, even before taking account of the additional discount

that would apply for the unlisted nature and non-transferability of the

Restricted Shares. AB InBev is not seeking a recommendation from the Board of

SABMiller in respect of the partial share alternative.

AB InBev expects that most SABMiller shareholders will likely accept the higher

premium cash offer and, should they wish to, re-invest their proceeds in AB

InBev's listed ordinary shares. However, any SABMiller shareholder will be able

to elect for the partial share alternative.


The announcement of a formal transaction would be subject to the following


-- Recommendation by the Board of SABMiller in respect of the cash offer, and

the execution of irrevocable undertakings to vote in favor of the transaction

from members of the SABMiller Board, in a form acceptable to AB InBev;

-- The execution of irrevocable undertakings to vote in favor of the

transaction and the elections for the partial share alternative from

SABMiller's two major shareholders, Altria Group, Inc. and BevCo Ltd., in each

case in respect of all of their shareholding and in a form acceptable to AB


-- Satisfactory completion of customary due diligence; and

-- Final approval by the Board of AB InBev. The Board of AB InBev has fully

supported this proposal and expects (subject to the matters above) to give its

formal approval immediately prior to announcement.

AB InBev reserves the right to waive in whole or in part any of the

pre-conditions to making an offer set out in this announcement.

The conditions of the transaction will be customary for a combination of this

nature, and will include approval by both companies' shareholders and receipt,

on satisfactory terms, of all antitrust and regulatory approvals.

In view of the timetable for obtaining some of these approvals, AB InBev

envisages proceeding by way of a pre-conditional transaction in accordance with

The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ("the Code").

The cash consideration under the transaction would be financed through a

combination of AB InBev's internal financial resources and new third party debt.

The proposal does not constitute an offer or impose any obligation on AB InBev

to make an offer, nor does it evidence a firm intention to make an offer within

the meaning of the Code. AB InBev does not, therefore, regard it as forming the

basis for an announcement pursuant to Rule 2.2(a) of the Code.

There can be no certainty that a formal offer will be made. A further statement

will be made as appropriate.

AB InBev reserves the following rights:

a) to introduce other forms of consideration and/or to vary the composition of


b) to implement the transaction through or together with a subsidiary of AB

InBev or a company which will become a subsidiary of AB InBev;

c) to make an offer (including the cash offer and partial share alternative)

for SABMiller at any time on less favorable terms:

(i) with the agreement or recommendation of the Board of SABMiller;

(ii) if a third party announces a firm intention to make an offer for SABMiller

on less favorable terms; or

(iii) following the announcement by SABMiller of a whitewash transaction

pursuant to the Code; and

d) in the event that any dividend is announced, declared, made or paid by

SABMiller, to reduce its offer (including the cash offer and partial share

alternative) by the amount of such dividend.

AB InBev has retained Lazard as its financial advisor and Freshfields Bruckhaus

Deringer LLP as legal advisor in connection with the matters described in this


Microsite and CEO Video

Further information, including all documents related to the proposed

transaction and a video of AB InBev CEO Carlos Brito discussing the proposed

combination, can be found at: www.globalbrewer.com. A transcript of the video

can be found at: http://www.globalbrewer.com/home/#news-and-facts.

Investor and Analyst Conference Call Details

AB InBev will host two conference calls for investors and analysts today.

Details for the calls are as follows:

Investor and Analyst Conference Call #1

Time: 4 a.m. EDT / 9 a.m. BST / 10 a.m. CET

Webcast Link:


UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56262876

Investor and Analyst Conference Call #2

Time: 8:30 a.m. EDT / 1:30 p.m. BST / 2:30 p.m. CET

Webcast Link:


UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56267073

For those unable to listen to the live broadcast, a replay of the webcast and a

transcript of the call will be archived and available on www.globalbrewer.com

Media Conference Call Details

AB InBev will also host two conference calls for media today. Details for the

calls are as follows:

Media Conference Call #1

Time: 2:30 a.m. EDT / 7:30 a.m. BST / 8:30 a.m. CET

UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56231478

Media Conference Call #2

Time: 9:30 a.m. EDT / 2:30 p.m. BST / 3:30 p.m. CET

UK Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 20 7192 8000

US Dial-In Number: +1 866 966 1396

Conference ID: 56244076

Lazard is acting exclusively as financial adviser to AB InBev and for no one

else in connection with the matters described in this announcement and is not,

and will not be, responsible to anyone other than AB InBev for providing the

protections afforded to clients of Lazard, or for providing advice in

connection with the matters described in this announcement. For these purposes

"Lazard" means Lazard Freres & Co. LLC and Lazard & Co., Limited. Lazard & Co.,

Limited is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial

Conduct Authority. Neither Lazard nor any of its affiliates owes or accepts any

duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect,

whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is

not a client of Lazard in connection with this announcement or the matters

described in this announcement.

Deutsche Bank AG is authorised under German Banking Law (competent authority:

European Central Bank) and, in the United Kingdom, by the Prudential Regulation

Authority. It is subject to supervision by the European Central Bank and by

BaFin, Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, and is subject to

limited regulation in the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority

and Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of its authorisation

and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the

Financial Conduct Authority, are available on request or from


Deutsche Bank AG, acting through its London branch ("DB"), is acting as

corporate broker to AB InBev and no other person in connection with this

announcement or its contents. DB will not be responsible to any person other

than AB InBev for providing any of the protections afforded to clients of DB,

nor for providing any advice in relation to any matter referred to herein.

Without limiting a person's liability for fraud, neither DB nor any of its

subsidiary undertakings, branches or affiliates nor any of its or their

respective directors, officers, representatives, employees, advisers or agents

owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether

direct or indirect, whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise)

to any person who is not a client of DB in connection with this announcement,

any statement contained herein or otherwise.

In accordance with Rule 2.6(a) of the Code, AB InBev must, by not later than

5.00 p.m. on Wednesday 14 October 2015, either announce a firm intention to

make an offer for SABMiller in accordance with Rule 2.7 of the Code or announce

that it does not intend to make an offer for SABMiller, in which case the

announcement will be treated as a statement to which Rule 2.8 of the Code

applies. This deadline will only be extended with the consent of SABMiller and

the Takeover Panel in accordance with Rule 2.6(c) of the Code.

English, Dutch and French versions of this press release will be available on



Disclosure requirements of the Code

Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in 1% or more of

any class of relevant securities of an offeree company or of any securities

exchange offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which

it has been announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash)

must make an Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the

offer period and, if later, following the announcement in which any securities

exchange offeror is first identified. An Opening Position Disclosure must

contain details of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to

subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and

(ii) any securities exchange offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a

person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm

(London time) on the 10th business day following the commencement of the offer

period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th

business day following the announcement in which any securities exchange

offeror is first identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant

securities of the offeree company or of a securities exchange offeror prior to

the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead make a

Dealing Disclosure.

Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in 1%

or more of any class of relevant securities of the offeree company or of any

securities exchange offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals

in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange

offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned and

of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for,

any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any

securities exchange offeror(s), save to the extent that these details have

previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to

whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on

the business day following the date of the relevant dealing.

If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding,

whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant

securities of an offeree company or a securities exchange offeror, they will be

deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.

Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by

any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company,

by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules

8.1, 8.2 and 8.4).

Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant

securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made

can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Takeover Panel's website at

www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant

securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was

first identified. You should contact the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on

+44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to

make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements". These statements are

based on the current expectations and views of future events and developments

of the management of AB InBev and are naturally subject to uncertainty and

changes in circumstances. The forward-looking statements contained in this

release include statements relating to AB InBev's proposal to the Board of

SABMiller, and other statements other than historical facts. Forward-looking

statements include statements typically containing words such as "will", "may",

"should", "believe", "intends", "expects", "anticipates", "targets",

"estimates", "likely", "foresees" and words of similar import. These

forward-looking statements may include statements relating to: the expected

characteristics of the combined company; expected ownership of the combined

company by AB InBev and SABMiller shareholders; expected customer reach of the

combined company; the expected benefits of the proposed transaction; and the

financing of the proposed transaction. All statements other than statements of

historical facts are forward-looking statements. You should not place undue

reliance on these forward-looking statements, which reflect the current views

of the management of AB InBev, are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties

about AB InBev and SABMiller and are dependent on many factors, some of which

are outside of AB InBev's control. There are important factors, risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to be materially

different, including that there can be no certainty that the approach in

respect of the proposed transaction described herein will result in an offer or

agreement, or as to the terms of any such agreement, and the risks relating to

AB InBev described under Item 3.D of its Annual Report on Form 20-F ("Form

20-F") filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on 24 March

2015. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to

differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

The forward-looking statements should be read in conjunction with the other

cautionary statements that are included elsewhere, including AB InBev's most

recent Form 20-F, reports furnished on Form 6-K, and any other documents that

AB InBev or SABMiller have made public. Any forward-looking statements made in

this communication are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary

statements, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or

developments anticipated by AB InBev will be realized or, even if substantially

realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, AB

InBev or its business or operations. Except as required by law, AB InBev

undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking

statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Notice to US investors

If AB InBev made an offer for SABMiller, then US holders of SABMiller shares

should note that the steps of any transaction requiring approval by SABMiller

shareholders may be implemented under a UK scheme of arrangement provided for

under English company law. If so, it is expected that any shares to be issued

under the transaction to SABMiller shareholders would be issued in reliance

upon the exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act

of 1933, provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof and would be subject to UK

disclosure requirements (which are different from those of the United States).

The transaction may instead be implemented by way of a takeover offer under

English law. If so, any securities to be issued under the transaction to

SABMiller shareholders will be registered under the US Securities Act, absent

an applicable exemption from registration. If the transaction is implemented by

way of UK takeover offer, it will be done in compliance with the applicable

rules under the US Exchange Act of 1934, including any applicable exemptions

provided under Rule 14d-1(d) thereunder.

This filing shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an

offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any

jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior

to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such

jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a

prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of

1933, as amended.



Marianne Amssoms                          

Tel: +1-212-573-9281                      

E-mail: marianne.amssoms@ab-inbev.com     

Karen Couck

Tel: +1-212-573-9283                    

E-mail: karen.couck@ab-inbev.com        


Kathleen Van Boxelaer                       

Tel: +32-16-27-68-23                        

E-mail: kathleen.vanboxelaer@ab-inbev.com   

Steve Lipin, Brunswick Group US

Tel: +1-212-333-3810

E-mail: slipin@brunswickgroup.com

Richard Jacques, Brunswick Group UK

Tel: +44-20-7404-5959

E-mail: rjacques@brunswickgroup.com


Graham Staley

Tel: +1-212-573-4365

E-mail: graham.staley@ab-inbev.com

Christina Caspersen

Tel: +1-212-573-4376

E-mail: christina.caspersen@abinbev.com

Heiko Vulsieck

Tel: +32-16-27-68-88

E-mail: heiko.vulsieck@ab-inbev.com

Financial Adviser - Lazard                

William Rucker / Charlie Foreman          

Tel: +44 20 7187 2000

Corporate Broker - Deutsche Bank

Ben Lawrence / Simon Hollingsworth

Tel: +44 20 7545 8000

About Anheuser-Busch InBev

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in

Leuven, Belgium, with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock

Exchange (NYSE: BUD). It is the leading global brewer and one of the world's

top five consumer products companies. Beer, the original social network, has

been bringing people together for thousands of years and our portfolio of well

over 200 beer brands continues to forge strong connections with consumers. This

includes global brands Budweiser(R), Corona(R) and Stella Artois(R);

international brands Beck's(R), Leffe(R), and Hoegaarden(R); and local

champions Bud Light(R), Skol(R), Brahma(R), Antarctica(R), Quilmes(R),

Victoria(R), Modelo Especial(R), Michelob Ultra(R), Harbin(R), Sedrin(R),

Klinskoye(R), Sibirskaya Korona(R), Chernigivske(R), Cass(R), and Jupiler(R).

Anheuser-Busch InBev's dedication to quality goes back to a brewing tradition

of more than 600 years and the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium, as well as

the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co brewery, with origins in St. Louis,

USA since 1852. Geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to

developed and developing markets, Anheuser-Busch InBev leverages the collective

strengths of its approximately 155 000 employees based in 25 countries

worldwide. In 2014, AB InBev realized USD 47.1 billion revenue. The company

strives to be the Best Beer Company Bringing People Together For a Better

World. Learn more at ab-inbev.com, at facebook.com/ABInBev or on Twitter

through @ABInBevNews.

The enclosed information constitutes regulated information as defined in the

Belgian Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 regarding the duties of issuers of

financial instruments which have been admitted for trading on a regulated








[1] Figures represent the aggregate consolidated revenue and EBITDA of (a) the

amount for the 12 month period ending on 31 March 2015 (in the case of

SABMiller) and (b) the amount for the 12 month period ending on 31 December

2014 (in the case of AB InBev).

[2] In the event that elections for the Restricted Shares represent more than

326 million Restricted Shares then such elections will be reduced on a pro rata


[3] Based on an exchange rate of EUR 1.3515:GBP 1.0000, which was derived from

data provided by Bloomberg as at 4.30 pm BST on 6 October 2015.




