
Friends of Cancer Patients Society


AsiaNet 62576(1503)

【シャルジャ(アラブ首長国連邦)2015年11月16日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*世界から集結したNCD Allianceが「シャルジャ宣言」を採択

アラブ首長国連邦シャルジャ首長夫人で、がん患者友の会(FoCP)創設者兼王室後援者、および国際対がん連合(UICC)の世界対がん宣言国際親善大使と小児がん国際親善大使であるシェイハ・ジャワヘル・ビント・ムハンマド・アル・カーシミ妃殿下は15日、初の世界NCDs Alliance Forumに参加した230人を超える健康専門家の支持を得て、非伝染性疾患(NCD)に関する「シャルジャ宣言」を発表した。同宣言にはこのフォーラムが採択した最も重要な提言がいくつか含まれており、今後、「持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」を達成するために用いられることになる。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151116/287582LOGO

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151116/287583

NCDs Alliance Forumは15日、初の世界規模の会合を終えるに当たり、「シャルジャ宣言」をシェイハ・ジャワヘル・アル・カーシミ妃殿下に提出した。同フォーラムには、45カ国からの51人の講演者および43の国・地域のNCD Allianceを構成する173の支持団体が参加した。

同宣言の元、世界から参集した国および地域レベルのNCD AllianceがNCDによって引き起こされる死亡、障害、汚名、差別の防止および低減のための行動を加速し、アカウンタビリティーをより明確にすることにコミットするために力を合わせた。これらのAllianceはかねてから規模や数の上の成長、政府との提携の強化、NCDに罹患(りかん)した人々の声を増幅することなどにコミットしている。同宣言はまた、NCDのために国内、二国間、多国間のリソースを動員することを求め、さらにプロセスやメカニズムの監視、関係機関の責任を明確にすることを求めている。



ソース:Friends of Cancer Patients Society


Yousef Al Taweel

National Network Communications(NNC)


Maha Abou Rich

National Network Communications(NNC)


Jawaher Al Qasimi Launches "Sharjah Declaration" for NCDs


SHARJAH, UAE, Nov. 16/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    NCD Alliances from across the globe unite to adopt The Sharjah Declaration  

    Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, Wife of His Highness

the Ruler of Sharjah, Founder and Royal Patron of the Friends of Cancer

Patients (FoCP) and International Ambassador for the World Cancer Declaration

of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and International

Ambassador for Childhood Cancer for UICC, launched yesterday (Sunday) "Sharjah

Declaration" on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), that have been approved by

more than 230 health specialist and experts participating in the first global

NCDs Alliance Forum. The declarations included the most important

recommendations that came out of the forum, which will be applied to to achieve

the 2030 Agenda for

Sustainable Development.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151116/287582LOGO )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151116/287583 )

    The first global NCDs Alliance Forum concluded yesterday (Sunday) with The

Sharjah Declaration being presented to Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi.

The forum brought together 51 speakers from 45 countries and 173 advocacy

organisations forming 43 national and regional NCD Alliances.

    Under the declaration, national and regional NCDs alliances from across the

world, have joined forces to commit to accelerate action and increase

accountability to prevent and reduce deaths, disability, stigma, and

discrimination caused by NCDs. Alliances have committed to grow in strength and

number, reinforce partnerships with governments and amplify voices of those

affected by NCDs. The Declaration also seeks to mobilise domestic, bilateral

and multilateral resources for NCDs; monitor process and mechanisms and hold

relevant bodies to account.

    In her speech during the closing session, Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi thanked

all participants in the forum, and said: "My efforts towards combating

non-communicable diseases around the world is an obligation and a humanitarian

duty to help these elite of experts and specialists, who thanks to their

brilliant intellect, experiences and joint work, make a clear difference in the

implications of NCDs on the peoples of the world, specifically in low- and

middle-income countries."

    She called upon all the participants to continue to work hard and

communicate after the conclusion of the forum, which must serve as a permanent

venue, to follow up on the developments and ensure the implementation of the

Sharjah Declaration. She considered the Sharjah declaration as a gift of 230

global experts to the peoples across the entire globe, Sheikha Jawaher also

called for holding the second edition of the global forum on non-communicable

diseases (NCDs) in Sharjah in 2017.



    For any inquiry or for more information please do not hesitate to contact

us on the below


    Yousef Al Taweel

    National Network Communications (NNC)


    Maha Abou Rich

    National Network Communications (NNC)


    SOURCE: Friends of Cancer Patients Society




