China Hi-Tech Fair 2015が成功のうちに閉幕

Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co. Ltd.

China Hi-Tech Fair 2015が成功のうちに閉幕

AsiaNet 62648 (1533)

【深セン(中国)2015年11月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】China Hi-Tech Fair 2015(CHTF 2015)は11月21日、深センで大きな成功を収めて6日間にわたる会期を終えた。この展示会は世界28の国と地域から128の代表団と3686の出展者を集め、1万6825のプロジェクトが紹介された。そのうちの多くはこの展示会が世界でのデビューだった。

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(写真説明:多くのビジターが来場したChina Hi-Tech Fair 2015)

「Innovative Entrepreneurship, Cross-border Integration(革新的起業家精神とクロスボーダー統合)」をテーマにしたCHTF 2015は、技術的革新に脚光を当て、最新の革新指向の開発・成果を紹介した。展示会ではIT製品、「インターネットプラス」、メーカー、エネルギー保存、環境保護、新世代情報技術、生物学、新エネルギーの紹介に重きが置かれた。CHTF 2015ではグリーンビル展示区画のハイライトのひとつである「Green House」などのように、たくさんの目を引く展示が行われた。これらはグリーンビル展示区画で実際の動きを再現し、最新製品のアプリケーションを動かせて見せた。大手インターネット企業のテンセントとバイドゥは彼らの「インターネットプラス」ソリューションであるダンスロボット「Alpha」を展示した。CHTF 2015はまた、深セン大学センターに自動運転車両システムのための場所を設置した。この会場は静的展示と実際の運行紹介に分かれており、多くのビジターを引きつけた。さらに、2015 China Hi Tech Forumも技術開発と国際協力の潮流に従った。中国最大で最も影響力のあるこのハイテク催事では、より広い領域のオープンな革新を促進し、高いレベルに到達するという目標が幅広く考慮されている。




China Hi-Tech Fair(CHTF)は1999年に中華人民共和国国務院に承認され、毎年11月16日から21日まで深センで開催されている。共催団体は商務部などの省庁と深セン市人民政府。CHTFは中国最大かつ最も影響力がある技術展示会で、「中国一の技術展」との評価を受けている。

ソース:Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co. Ltd.

China Hi-Tech Fair 2015 Concluded with a Successful Ending


SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 23, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) 2015, which closed in Shenzhen on November 21. It

lasted for 6 days which achieved a great success. The fair attracted more than

128 delegations from 28 countries and regions and roughly 3,686 exhibitors, who

brought at least 16,825 projects and many of them made their global debuts.

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Photo caption: The China Hi-Tech Fair 2015 attracted many visitors

With the theme of "Innovative Entrepreneurship, Cross-border Integration", CHTF

2015 was highlighting technological innovation and it showcased the latest

innovation-driven developments and achievements. It emphasized the showcase of

IT products, "Internet plus", markers, energy conversation, environmental

protection, new generation of information technologies, biology and new

energies. There was a crowd of eye-popping parts of CHTF 2015, such as "Green

House", which was one of the highlights at the Green Building Exhibition Area,

they were simulating live-action at the exhibits and the application of the

latest products in the green building exhibition area; Tencent and Baidu, which

are leading Internet companies, displayed their "Internet plus" solution; the

dancing robot called Alpha. CHTF2015 set up a branch for unmanned vehicle

system which is located at Shenzhen University Center, divided into static

display and flight performance, it attracted a mass of visitors. Moreover, the

2015 China Hi-Tech Forum was also following the trend of technology development

and international cooperation. The goal to boost open innovation in a greater

range and to reach a higher level, widely considered as China's largest and

most influential high-tech event.

China has laid great emphasis on innovation, with Chinese leaders reiterating

on many different occasions that it is crucial for China's future development.

CHTF is playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of China's

innovation-driven development strategy. And as technological idea exchange

platform, CHTF has been insisting on developing with innovation.

We are looking forward to meeting you next year at the CHTF in Shenzhen.

About CHTF

Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China in 1999, the

China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) is held in Shenzhen from November 16 to 21 every

year. It is co-hosted by Ministry of Commerce and other state ministries and

Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. It is the largest and most influential

Chinese technical exhibition, which is well known as the "No.1 Technology Show

in China".

SOURCE: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co. Ltd.




